NAME _______________________ Block____
1. The atmosphere helps keep the Earth _________________________.
2. Earth's ___________________________ holds the atmosphere.
3. The ______________________________ is the layer closest to the Earth.
4. Atmospheric pressure is a measure of the ______________________________ of air
over you.
5. Water boils in the mountains easier because there is less ___________ ____________ at
higher altitudes.
6. All weather takes place in the __________________________________.
7. Air is colder at high altitudes because the air is _______________________________.
8. When an atmosphere keeps a planet warm it's called the _____________________ effect.
9. Visible light changes into _______________________ once it strikes the Earth's surface.
10. Most pollution comes from _________________________________.
11. Electric power plants sometime burn ________________________ to produce electricity.
12. A skydiver falls at about ____________________________ mph.
13. The troposphere is _____________________________ km. thick.
14. Spacecraft and meteorites warm up when they _____________________ the atmosphere.
15. What layer do you think is most interesting?_____________________________
NAME _______________________ Block____
1. The atmosphere helps keep the Earth _________________________.
2. Earth's ___________________________ holds the atmosphere.
3. The ______________________________ is the layer closest to the Earth.
4. Atmospheric pressure is a measure of the ______________________________ of air
over you.
5. Water boils in the mountains easier because there is less ___________ ____________ at
higher altitudes.
6. All weather takes place in the __________________________________.
7. Air is colder at high altitudes because the air is _______________________________.
8. When an atmosphere keeps a planet warm it's called the _____________________ effect.
9. Visible light changes into _______________________ once it strikes the Earth's surface.
10. Most pollution comes from _________________________________.
11. Electric power plants sometime burn ________________________ to produce electricity.
12. A skydiver falls at about ____________________________ mph.
13. The troposphere is _____________________________ km. thick.
14. Spacecraft and meteorites warm up when they _____________________ the atmosphere.
15. What layer do you think is most interesting?_____________________________