Newsletter July 2013 - Amazon Web Services

Discovery Federation of Endeavour Primary
School, Knights Enham Junior School & Roman
Way Primary School
Governing Body
issue 9
Ofsted Inspection of Roman Way Primary School
An Ofsted Inspection took place in Roman Way Primary School during
14 – 15 May 2013. The Governors of the Discovery Federation are very
pleased to announce that outcome of the inspection showed the school to
be a Good school with Outstanding for the behaviour and Safety of
Pupils. During the inspection 10 lessons were observed, meetings were
held with pupils, members of the governing body and staff, documents
were scrutinised and parental questionnaires were taken into account.
Key points were as follows: The school has created a very positive learning ethos.
 Relationships amongst pupils and staff are outstanding
 Teaching is good
 Very regular, comprehensive and rigorous analysis of pupils’
progress ensures staff intervene if it slows
 The Executive Headteacher is an exceptionally effective leader.
 Good development planning is underpinned by thorough and
accurate checks on how well the school is doing
 Governors fulfil their duties well
 The work of the Discovery Federation is a model of excellence
Learning & Environment
The Learning & Environment Committee
responsibilities are to monitor all aspects of
the school curriculum and to oversee the
tenancy of the school buildings and
Recently the main topics for discussion
have been:Curriculum
Pupil Progress
Lesson Observations
Test Results
Pupil Attendance
Pupil Questionnaires
Staffing Structure
Health & Safety
Building work
Traffic Calming
People, Planning & Development
The People, Planning & Development
Committee meet every half-term and their
responsibilities are to monitor the
spending of the approved budget, to assist
the Headteacher and Governing Body on
staffing and personnel matters and to
oversee the school’s strategic and
developmental planning.
Recently the main topics for discussion
have been:Budgets for 2013/2014
Three Year Financial Plans
Budget variances
Internal controls
Pupil Premiums
Ofsted Inspection
Staff Development
Pupil Number on Roll
Communication with Parents
Governor Visits
Mrs R Hughes and Mrs Stratton attended a performance of ‘Toy Box’ at
The Lights Theatre where Pearl’s Dance Group took part and they
reported that the performance was a very high standard.
Mrs R Hughes carried out safeguarding checks all three schools.
Mrs Stratton assisted with Internal Financial Controls at Knights Enham
Junior School and Endeavour Primary School.
Mrs Hall said that she was looking forward to meeting pupils from all
three schools at the Lace Exhibition at the Wellington Centre.
Mrs Crean reported that Mr Haydn-Davies had met with her in his role of
Link Governor for Endeavour Primary School.
Mr R Hughes, Miss Orwin and Mr Glynn had met with Ofsted Inspectors
at Roman Way Primary School.
Pupil Premium Funding
The pupil premium was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to
schools to work with pupils who have been registered for free school
meals at any point in the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’).
Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after
continuously for more than six months, and children of service personnel.
The government believes that head teachers and school leaders should
decide how to use the pupil premium. They are held accountable for the
decisions they make through:
the performance tables which show the performance of
disadvantaged pupils compared with their peers
the Ofsted inspection framework, under which inspectors focus on
the attainment of pupil groups, and in particular those
who attract the pupil premium
the reports for parents that schools have to publish online
Interventions funded by pupil premiums and the impact the have
are frequently reported to Governors and are listed on each school's
In most cases the pupil premium is paid direct to schools, allocated to
them for every pupil who receives free school meals. Schools decide how
to use the funding, as they are best placed to assess what additional
provision their pupils need.
For pupils from low-income families in non-mainstream settings the local
authority decides how to allocate the pupil premium. The authority must
consult non-mainstream settings about how the premium for these pupils
should be used.
Local authorities are responsible for looked after children and make
payments to schools and academies where an eligible looked after child is
on roll.
Statutory Documents
There is a range of documents in the schools which include the following
(which Governing Bodies are required to have by law):-
Accessibility Plan
Admissions Policy
Performance Management Policy
Central Record of Recruitment &
Vetting Checks
Charging Policy
School Behaviour Policy
Complaints Procedure
Curriculum Policy
Equality Policy
Data Protection Policy
Freedom of Information Publication
Governors’ Allowance Policy
Health & Safety Policy
Instrument of Government
Governing Body Minutes
Child Protection Policy
Register of Business Interests
Register of Pupils
Special Educational Needs Policy
Premises Policy
Home-School Agreement
Sex Education Policy
Staff Discipline, Conduct &
& Grievance Procedures
Teachers’ Pay Policy