Spaldwick Curriculum 2014-15 Examples from our classes [collated

Spaldwick Curriculum 2014-15
Examples from our classes [collated March 2015]
Carry out a role of responsibility within your class.
Turn taking within the class for daily jobs
Jobs set up e.g. helping hand, table monitors etc - weekly rota so everyone has a turn.
Roles/responsibilities displayed in class.
Egs Classroom helping hands. Pupil employment project-specific posts. KS2 forum
Apply for a pupil employment project role.
High level of interest in the posts/ application process.
Interviews, pupils in post throughout the school. Positive impact of their roles.
Perform in a production to whole school/ community.
Autumn: FS/KS1 production. Spring: Y3-5 production Summer:Y6 production. Instrumental
Pupils Autumn concert.
Learn a new song with class.
Production songs. School assembly songs. Music curriculum songs:Fleefly [RK] Living on a
Prayer [Y6]Music is in me [Y2]
KS2 carol service song [Y6]
Work independently on a task.
Children being encouraged to work more independently on all daily tasks. Roman research
and present knowledge[RK]
Work with at least 6 different partners.
Class systems
Different pairings for work tasks, so children regularly work with different partners.
Weekly seating arrangements. Class working routines. Literacy buddies.
Talk to a visitor.
School Ambassadors – Governor Visit, Autumn Open morning
Dress up for a curriculum linked event.
Y3-5 Flintstones Day Y1 Castle Day
Present your learning to another year group.
Literacy buddy work. Robins/ Eagles Alien cross curricular topic
Red Kites Roman villas shared with Blackbirds.
Y6 Mayan powerpoint to RedKites.
Talk to class about a specific topic.
Eg Red Kites Geography homework presentation.
Y1 children talk to class about favourite subject, can use props, take questions afterwards.
Complete a homework challenge with a family member.
EG 3d projects eg Castles, Roman villas [Set as family challenge?] Mystery maths [RK]
Y1 CASTLES . Robins: Almost all children complete homework with adult support
Take part in a sport event.
Football Match [ some RK class members]
Y1-Y2 KS1 trip to Hinchingbrooke for sports challenge in January.
Learn to skip
Autumn term RK, Spring term WP
Discuss your learning with classroom adult.
Pupil Conferences [ see egs in yellow files]
Everyday to class adults [FS]
Make a film Flintstones
Eagles –E-safety film. Blackbirds –LEC/PSHE film
Enter a competition
‘We are writers’ Spring some pupils [ see certificates]
Maths challenge teams [Y6/ Y5]
Read a whole book for pleasure
Half term reading challenge[RK]
Y1 Reading book during story time - chapter a day.
Y2 pesky Rat. Arthur book. Woodpeckers 100mile an hour dog.
Take part in a class/ family lunch.
Several pupils / parents have taken the special birthday lunch
Learn to recite a poem.
Y6-poetry performed Y2 –The Sound collector.
Work in a team to solve a problem.
PE challenges [RK] Cryptic maths Y6. Y2- build solar system.
Exchange information/ knowledge with pupils in another school.
Interview and ask an expert questions.
Visiting scientists- across school. Y6 Magistrates. Y2 Rev Bowring.
Learn an instrument
Y1 Started to learn to play ocarinas. Y2 Boomwackers. Woodpeckers-Ocarina, Red KitesRecorder, Eagles-African Drums
Using our school grounds: FS Treasure hunts.
Charity Support:
Children in need super heroes day. Red Nose day. Poppy appeal. Eloise Keeling Asthma