Webquest: Feudal Life in the Middle Ages

Webquest: Feudal Life in the Middle Ages
Goal: You must be able to describe the quality of life as applied to both men
and women in a chosen social class, including all aspects of life; clothing,
housing, education, role in government, religion, and profession.
Role: You are a top high school class vying for a spot to study with the top
historians in the world.
Audience: The Medieval Academy of America is choosing submissions for the
journal 'Spectrum'. The best in each region of the United States will be
Setting: The winning classrooms for each region will go with the Medieval
Academy of America to the international conference held by the Medieval
Chronicle Society in Belfast, Ireland.
Product/Presentation: Wiki and accompanying presentation.
Standards: Oral: Content, Preparedness, Physical Presence, Enthusiasm.
Product: Layout, Spelling and Grammar, Content Accuracy, and Interest.
How many of you have heard of Robin Hood? How many of you know at least
the names of King Arthur, Guenevere, Merlin, and Sir Lancelot? Joan of Arc?
All of these legendary people lived during the Middle Ages, and dealt with
many different hardships that we have been spared from. (Show clip from
Discovery Channel, Wishbone's Joan of Bark) Their social classes either
helped or hindered their lives, depending on which class they fell under.
High school students all over the United States have received an official letter
from the Medieval Academy of America, asking for submissions for an
exclusive spread in their quarterly journal, Spectrum, about the different
lifestyles of each social class. They are willing to give an all-expenses paid
trip to the Medieval Chronicle Society's 2008 conference in Belfast, Ireland,
to the winning classrooms to present their work. At the end of the trip, the
society will host a medieval fair to celebrate. All entries for Spectrum in the
classroom category must describe in detail each section of the feudal class,
and include lifestyle, clothing, housing, education, role in government,
religion, and profession for both men and women. The entries must be
submitted in wikispace form, and include at least five embedded pictures,
music clips, videos, or maps. The Medieval Academy of America would like to
send at least one classroom for each region of the country to represent the
United States. Who knows? Maybe your classroom will be the winner for New
Process: The Middle Ages
Step 1: Groups
Each group will be representing a feudal class, and will consist of four people.
The roles present in each group will be (but are not limited to) scribe, graphic
and layout designer, team leader, and organizer. Each group member must
do research!
Step 2: Division
After your group has been formed, you must divide up the different sections;
students must research and include information on lifestyle, clothing,
housing, education, role in government, religion, and profession for both men
and women. They will also hand in their individual research to me before
they move forward in the step process.
Step 3: Wiki
Each feudal class will make their own set of wiki pages through the class
page. If there are multiples of the same feudal class, I will make sure that
each group has their own pages. http://middleagesociety.wikispaces.com/
Before putting any written information on the wiki page, groups must peer
edit with at least one other group for grammatical, spelling, and content
errors, and then submit them to me for editing. After you have made the
proper changes, I will stop by and verify, and then you will be clear to upload
to the wiki.
In addition to your information, you must also include at least five of the
following (in any combination;
-sound or music clips
Step 4: IMovie
After your wiki pages have been uploaded and edited, you must then create
an IMovie detailing a day in the life of a member of your feudal class. Include
elements of each of the sections you researched in your movie, and be
creative! Links to the finished IMovie should also be provided on your feudal
class wiki. Be sure to also include elements of each section researched in
your iMovie.
Social class and gender in the Middle Ages helped determine the quality of
life for each person. Institutions like the central government and the Church
also operated in accordance to social classes. Recognizing the differences
between the Middle Ages and today is important when looking for the
evidence of societal development.