Rock Cycle - RMS

Rock Cycle
Rocks and minerals can be classified or grouped by their properties.
For example, minerals can be grouped based on their hardness. Scientists
also group rocks and minerals based on how they are created. There are
three rock families. They are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.
Igneous rocks form when hot lava cool and solidify. Igneous rocks
experience high temperatures and pressure. If the lava stays in the ground
when it cools it is called intrusive. When they lava comes to the surface of
the earth, it is called extrusive.
Sedimentary rocks are formed when bits of rocks, minerals, and dead
plants and animals become packed together. Sediment from rocks are
created by weathering. Temperature changes and water combine to break
down rocks. There are two types of weathering. Mechanical weathering can
occur anywhere. Biological weathering is the breakdown of rocks by plants
and fungi. These living things produce chemicals that break down rocks.
Over time, sediments collect. The sediment pushes down forcing the
sediment to form layers. This is called compaction. Fossils are often found
in sedimentary rocks. There is enough pressure and heat to preserve the
bones but not enough to destroy them. Shale, sandstone, and conglomerates
are common sedimentary rocks.
Metamorphic rocks are sedimentary and igneous rocks that experience
a lot of pressure. They are created deep in the earth. They can be brought to
the surface when mountains are created. The pressure changes a rock into a
new rock. For example, granite changes to gneiss. sedimentary shale
becomes shale, while sedimentary limestone becomes marble.
The three types of rock are related by the rock cycle. Humans recycle
a variety of things. They take sand and turn it into glass. Used glass is
melted and reshaped to create a new product. This can happen many times.
Igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks under go a similar
cycle. Igneous rocks are weathered to produce sedimentary rocks.
Sedimentary rocks are compacted to create metaphoric rocks. Metamorphic
rocks are reheated to produce lava that eventually produces igneous rocks.
This cycles continues over centuries.
Name: ____________________
Date: ___________________
“Rock Cycle”
Rocks and minerals can be classified or grouped by their properties.
For example, minerals can be grouped based on their hardness. Scientists
also group rocks and minerals based on how they are _____________. There
are three rock families. They are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.
Igneous rocks form when hot lava cool and solidify. ___________
rocks experience high temperatures and pressure. If the lava stays in the
ground when it cools it is called _______________. When they lava comes
to the surface of the earth, it is called __________________.
Sedimentary rocks are formed when bits of rocks, minerals, and dead
plants and animals become packed together. Sediment from rocks are
created by _____________________. Temperature changes and water
combine to break down rocks. There are two types of weathering.
Mechanical weathering can occur anywhere. ___________________
weathering is the breakdown of rocks by plants and fungi. These living
things produce chemicals that break down rocks. Over time, sediments
collect. The sediment pushes down forcing the sediment to form layers. This
is called _______________. Fossils are often found in sedimentary rocks.
There is enough pressure and heat to preserve the bones but not enough to
destroy them. Shale, sandstone, and conglomerates are common sedimentary
____________________ rocks are sedimentary and igneous rocks that
experience a lot of pressure. They are created deep in the earth. They can be
brought to the surface when mountains are created. The pressure changes a
rock into a new rock. For example, granite changes to gneiss. sedimentary
shale becomes shale, while sedimentary limestone becomes marble.
The three types of rock are related by the rock cycle. Humans recycle
a variety of things. They take sand and turn it into glass. Used glass is
melted and reshaped to create a new product. This can happen many times.
Igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks under go a similar
cycle. Igneous rocks are weathered to produce sedimentary rocks.
_________________________ rocks are compacted to create metaphoric
rocks. Metamorphic rocks are reheated to produce lava that eventually
produces igneous rocks. This cycles continues over _______________.