Chapter 6 Review – Rocks Name:_________________________________ 1. Complete the crossword puzzle. Know all of these vocab words for the test. 2. There will be 5 lab stations with 10 questions that is part of this test. Review the labs done in class. These are the rocks you need to know. Describe each rock to help you identify it on a test. 1. Igneous a. granite b. obsidian c. pumice d. basalt 2. Sedimentary a. sandstone, b. shale c. conglomerate d. limestone 3. 3. 4. Metamorphic a. gneiss b. slate c. marble Ternary Diagrams – We learned how to read this type of diagram in the last unit on minerals. Here is one to practice with. Remember that it must add up to 100% for each rock. 1. What is the composition of Rock X? ________Shale, _________Sandstone, _______ Limestone 2. What is the composition of Rock Z ________Shale, _________Sandstone, ________Limestone Label the igneous structure on this diagram ( Dike, Sill, Laccolith, Batholith, Stock) . a.__________________ b._________________ c.________________ d.__________________ e._________________ Chapter 6 Review – Rocks 5. Name:_________________________________ What is the difference between the following: Mafic / Felsic Intrusive / Extrusive Coarse Grained / Fine Grained Contact Metamorphism / Regional Metamorphism Foliated / Non-Foliated Compaction / Cementation Chemical/Clastic/Organic 6. What is the parent rock for each of the following Metamorphic Rocks? 1. Slate:___________ b. Gneiss:_______________ c. Marble:___________ 7. What do these sedimentary rock structures look like? 1. Stratification 2. Cross-bedding 3. Ripple Marks 8. Essays 1. Using the rock cycle diagram, explain how igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks form. 2. Name 2 rocks/minerals that are mined in Ohio. List 2 uses for each. 3. Explain how the rate of cooling and magma composition affects the texture and appearance of igneous rocks. Use the following words in your response (coarse-grained, intrusive, fine-grained, extrusive, mafic, felsic) Chapter 6 Review – Rocks Name:_________________________________