TOWN OF CHATHAM PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Members Present: Donna Staron Tony Ooms Wendy Carroll Marilyn Cohen, chairman Bill Bulick Aven Kerr Dorothy Mackerer Tal Rappleyea, Town attorney Paul McCreary, Town engineer June 12, 2012 FINAL Copy Members Absent: Public Present: Michael Richards Cynthia K Elliott Donald Oakes Janet Carey Janina Deppe Joel Merker James Tomaso Lydia Kukoff The June 12, 2012, Planning Board meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Deputy Chairman Donna Staron. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Tony Ooms moved that the meeting minutes from the May meeting be approved. This was seconded by Aven Kerr and carried. CHATHAM SYNAGOGUE – CHATHAM CENTER SITE PLAN REVIEW - PUBLIC HEARING Deputy Chairman Staron read a letter from Robert and Jean Chamberlain in regard to the proposed addition. Joel Merker and Janina Deppe were representing the Synagogue and reviewed the reasons for the addition. Questions concerning the occupancy limits were raised by the Board. Mr. Merker stated that the occupancy exceeded the number of members. The Board requested that the maximum occupancy be placed on the final plans. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:06PM. There were no comments. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:06PM. The Short Form SEQRA application, which shows no significant adverse effects to the following: air quality, surface or groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production or disposal, potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems was reviewed. Also, there are no aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological, historic, or other natural or cultural resources or community or neighborhood character concerns. There are no significant effects to vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish or wildlife species, significant habitats or threatened or long or short-term effects identified. Since this is the case, Aven Kerr moved that there is no significant adverse environmental impact with this project, and should be accepted. Bill Bulick seconded the motion and this carried. Tony Ooms moved to approve the project, contingent upon the occupancy being placed on the final plans, and Dorothy Mackerer seconded the motion. This carried. Chairman Cohen returned to the meeting as Chairman. DONALD OAKES – ROUTE 203 AND DOWDY ROAD SUBDIVISION – PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Tomaso represented Mr. Oakes and submitted the postal receipts and maps to the Board. Chairman Cohen reminded the Board that this subdivision was originally approved in 2011 and that this request is to have the boundary lines reconfigured. The Public Hearing opened at 7:14PM. There were no comments. The Public Hearing closed at 7:14PM. The Short Form SEQRA application, which shows no significant adverse effects to the following: air quality, surface or groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production or disposal, potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems was reviewed. Also, there are no aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological, historic, or other natural or cultural resources or community or neighborhood character concerns. There are no significant effects to vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish or wildlife species, significant habitats or threatened or long or short-term effects identified. Since this is the case, Deputy Chairman Donna Staron moved that there is no significant adverse environmental impact with this project, and should be accepted. Tony Ooms seconded and this carried. Deputy Chairman Donna Staron moved, and Tony Ooms seconded to approve the project. This carried. MICHAEL RICHARDS – BOICE ROAD SUBDIVISION – PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Richards submitted maps, with the topographical lines enlarged, to the Board along with postal receipts and deeds. Tal Rappleyea reviewed the deeds and found no problems stating that everything was in order. Paul McCreary had no concerns with the plans. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:20PM. There were no comments. The Public Hearing closed at 7:20PM. The Short Form SEQRA application, which shows no significant adverse effects to the following: air quality, surface or groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production or disposal, potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems was reviewed. Also, there are no aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological, historic, or other natural or cultural resources or community or neighborhood character concerns. There are no significant effects to vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish or wildlife species, significant habitats or threatened or long or short-term effects identified. Since this is the case, Deputy Donna Staron moved that there is no significant adverse environmental impact with this project, and should be accepted. Tony Ooms seconded the motion and this carried. Bill Bulick noticed that the date at the bottom of the maps was stamped with 2013. Aven Kerr moved to approve the project contingent upon having the maps dated properly, and Deputy Donna Staron seconded. This carried. . ELAINE WEINHEIMER – LUNDY LANE OLD CHATHAM SUBDIVISION REQUEST – PUBLIC HEARING Cindi Elliott submitted maps with the note stating that there would be “no right to construct with approval of the maps”. The property is located in both the Town of New Lebanon and the Town of Chatham. The Town of Chatham sent a letter to the Town of New Lebanon requesting that the Town of Chatham be the Lead Agency in this matter. New Lebanon replied in agreement. The deeds were submitted to the Planning Board after review from Tal Rappleyea. Postal receipts were also submitted. Tony Ooms moved and Aven Kerr seconded to approve the subdivision. The Short Form SEQRA application, which shows no significant adverse effects to the following: air quality, surface or groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production or disposal, potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems. Also, there are no aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological, historic, or other natural or cultural resources or community or neighborhood character concerns. There are no significant effects to vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish or wildlife species, significant habitats or threatened or endangered species. The community’s goals for the land are not affected, and there are no long or short term effects identified. Since this is the case, Ms. Staron moved that this is to be considered an unlisted action, and there is no significant adverse environmental effect in approving this subdivision. Dorothy Mackerer seconded the motion and it carried. Deputy Chairman Donna Staron moved, and Tony Ooms seconded to approve the project. This carried. KEN BLASS - INTERSECTION OF DROWN AND PITT RD OLD CHATHAM SUBDIVISION REQUEST – PUBLIC HEARING Maps were submitted that included a note stating that any disturbance over 1 acre would warrant notice of intent and any disturbance over 5 acres would warrant full SPEDES. Also included was a note stating that no other lot would be created south of Drowne Road that would have buildings on it. This would be declared a “NO BUILD ZONE”. The Board was also presented with the letter from Joe Rickert regarding the driveway location for Lot three. Deeds were submitted along with the title of the property and reviewed by Tal Rappleyea who found them to be in order. Postal receipts were submitted. The Short Form SEQRA application, which shows no significant adverse effects to the following: air quality, surface or groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production or disposal, potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems. Also, there are no aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological, historic, or other natural or cultural resources or community or neighborhood character concerns. There are no significant effects to vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish or wildlife species, significant habitats or threatened or endangered species. The community’s goals for the land are not affected, and there are no long or short term effects identified. Since this is the case, Ms. Staron moved that this is to be considered an unlisted action, and there is no significant adverse environmental effect in approving this subdivision. Tony Ooms seconded the motion. This was carried. Aven Kerr moved, and Tony Ooms seconded to approve the project. This carried. ABBI YAGHOUBI PITT ROAD OLD CHATHAM SUBDIVISION – PUBLIC HEARING Mrs. Elliott presented the Board with deeds to the property which were reviewed by Tal Rappleyea who found them to be in order. Postal receipts were also presented. The Short Form SEQRA application, which shows no significant adverse effects to the following: air quality, surface or groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production or disposal, potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems. Also, there are no aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological, historic, or other natural or cultural resources or community or neighborhood character concerns. There are no significant effects to vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish or wildlife species, significant habitats or threatened or endangered species. The community’s goals for the land are not affected, and there are no long or short term effects identified. Since this is the case, Ms. Staron moved that this is to be considered an unlisted action, and there is no significant adverse environmental effect in approving this subdivision. Tony Ooms seconded the motion. Deputy Chairman Donna Staron moved, and Tony Ooms seconded to approve the project. This carried. Motion to adjourn was made by Tony Ooms and seconded by Aven Kerr. This carried. ________________ Marilyn Cohen, chairman Respectfully submitted, Gail Chamberlain, clerk