Mesa Valley Community School Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Mesa Valley Community School
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 10, 2015, 5:30p
Mesa Valley Community School Classroom
Board Members Present: Alan Espinosa, Janna Frederick, Tony Goodman,
Jennifer Prieto, Margo Seagren
Board Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Laurajean Downs, Diana Alpert, Kathy Miller, Yvette Noble
Guests Present: Luke Stobbe, Kendra Stadelman and family, Heather Skufka
and family.
Agenda Approval: Janna motioned that the board accept the presented
agenda, Alan seconded and it was accepted unanimously.
Meeting Minutes Approval: The meeting minutes from the board of directors
meetings were emailed to the board members in advance of the meeting.
Jennifer motioned that the minutes from February 10, 2015 be accepted, Tony
seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously that they be
accepted. For the minutes from a meeting held Friday, March 6 , 2015 , Tony
moved that the minutes be accepted, Janna seconded and the board agreed
to accept them unanimously.
Student Recognition: Heather Skufka, Luke Stobbe, and Kendra Stadelman were
recognized for their recent accomplishments at the HOSA competition. They
each shared about the events in which they participated.
Audience Comments: None
Director’s Report: By Laurajean Downs
A recent open house at MVCS had a wonderful turnout of staff, board
members, and prospective families. Nearly 70 people turned out to
tour the facility and converse with MVCS representatives.
One orientation night has taken place. A high number of prospective
families attended. Each family dialogued with an MVSC representative
about what participation in the school entails. A couple more
orientation nights will be scheduled.
At this time, 148 current students and 41 new students have returned
an intent-to-enroll form for the school year 2015-2016.
The charter school conference in Denver was a wealth of information
for the staff and board who attended. Among the many helpful topics
offered were school finance, CDE assessment update, managing
charter school documents, and working with special populations.
Laurajean was please to share that charter schools have a waiver to
write their own teacher rubric and Tony will share with us a template of
an administrator rubric used by other charter schools.
Paige Lieberman and Colleen Grace have been training elementary
advisors on curriculum standards and content standards, among other
things. They have been providing much information to that particular
group throughout year.
Tracy Creek has been compiling a list of curriculum for new families to
work with. She is also putting together a workshop for May and is a
great help to Kami with the current standardized testing.
The first days of testing has gone well. Installation of more network
drops and electrical outlets were necessary.
Kami has seen an increase of parent refusal inquiries. She has spent a
significant amount of time with these.
Financial Report: Diana reviewed the financial numbers for February.
Old Business: The board members conducted a second reading for the
following assessment policies:
EDU.250.0 in the paragraph following the title Assessments, the following
sentence will be omitted: Participation in such testing is required for
continuing enrollment in MVCS.
STU.250.0 At the10th bullet point under the heading Parent/Guardian
Expectations, the following sentence will be omitted: These assessments
may not be waived.
Jennifer made a move to accept these changes, Alan seconded, and the
board agreed unanimously.
New Business: None
Consent Agenda:
Margo proposed a fund of $1000 to be used for travel expenses, by
qualified students who have earned the privilege to represent MVCS at
national competitions. Janna motioned to approve this fund, Alan
seconded, and the board vote was unanimous.
Laruajean presented a basic academic calendar for the school year
2015-2016 to be submitted to MCVSD51. Jennifer motioned to approve
the calendar, Janna seconded, and the board approved it unanimously.
Future Meetings: A board of directors monthly meeting will be held Tuesday,
April 14, 2015 at 5:30p at the MVCS building.
Adjournment: Janna motioned that the meeting be adjourned and the board
move into executive session, Tony seconded, and the meeting adjourned.