September 14, 2011

Approved Minutes
September 14, 2011
Members present: Bob Compton, Vice Chairman; Bob Carter; Beth Kelly; Stuart Huggard; Steve Miller;
Peter Kaplan, Alternate; Craig Ohlson, Planner.
Public present: None
The meeting was opened at 7:05pm by Acting Chairman, Robert Compton.
7:07 pm. Chair Jenkins arrived, recused herself from Agenda Item #3A and left the room.
Agenda Item#3a. Subdivision review and discussion for REN Realty (Robert Naser), Tax Map 212, Lot 25.
7:08pm. Per RSA 91:A Peter Kaplan made a motion to go into non public session. Seconded by Steve
7:45 pm. Planning Board came back into public session.
7:46pm. Chairman Katherine Jenkins returned to the meeting.
The minutes of the August 10, 2011 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made to approve the minutes of
August 10, 2011 as amended. Seconded. Minutes approved.
The minutes of the August 23, 2011 workshop meeting were reviewed. A motion was made to approve the
addendum to the workshop minutes. Seconded. Approved.
At this time the gavel was passed back to Chair Katherine Jenkins.
Agenda Item#3b. Master Plan discussion.
The Master Plan is done every ten years. Bob Compton was recognized. He discussed some of the items
that the residents responded to in the survey. Most of the people that responded have lived in Deering for
more than ten years. Conservation is important; would like to keep two acre buildable lots. Peter Kaplan
had comments about the commercial zoning in the Master Plan Survey. He thinks the board should put the
commercial zoning issue before the town so that ideas and public discussion can happen. Steve Miller said
how? Have a public meeting? Chair Jenkins suggested a workshop or board meeting to discuss and put
together a direction for the commercial aspect of the survey. Peter Kaplan said that the State of New
Hampshire has a new Water Quality Protection Act that makes new changes to the Watershed Protection
Ordinance. The town’s ordinances will need to be updated, and the subdivision regulations need to be
reviewed again. He also felt that a Wind Farm ordinance should be thought about.
Discussion ensued about the road up from the Deering Church (Gregg Hill Road). The Board would like
closure of the gravel pit in the Tom Rush forest. Bob Compton wants the Board to instruct Town Planner,
Craig Ohlson that the gravel pit was started without the proper paperwork. A motion was made by Bob
Compton for Craig to contact the NH Forest Society about the road and closure of the gravel pit. Peter
Kaplan seconded the motion. Motion passed.
-2A workshop for the subdivision regulation updating committee was scheduled for September 27th.
Having no more business before the board, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Winters, Secretary