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Abbott/The Good Earth Website
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Abbott/Natural Disasters Chapter
The Good Earth Module
Chapter 1- Energy Sources of Disasters
 Origin of the Sun and Planets
 Internal Sources of Energy
 Dating the Events of Earth History
 External Sources of Energy
Earth System, Atmosphere
 Origin of Universe and Solar System
 Internal Energy and the Earth System, Dating the Events of Earth History
 Geologic History, Geologic Time Scale
 Earth & Sun, States of Water
Chapter 2 - Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes
 Plate Tectonics
 Development of the Plate Tectonics Concept
 Magnetization of Volcanic Rocks
 Magnetization Patterns on the Sea Floors
 Some Other Evidence of Plate Tectonics
 The Grand Unifying Theory
 Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics
 Earthquakes and Spreading Centers
 The Arabian Plate
 Earthquakes and Collision Zones
Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes
 Introduction
 Continental Drift
 Sea-floor Spreading, The Grand Unifying Theory
 Sea-floor Spreading, The Grand Unifying Theory
 Sea-floor Spreading, The Grand Unifying Theory
 Plate Tectonics
 Plate Tectonics
 Distribution of Earthquakes
 Convergent Plate Boundaries
 Convergent Plate Boundaries
Chapter 3 - Basic Principles of Earthquake Geology and Seismology
 The Lisbon Earthquake
 What is an Earthquake?
 Faults and Geologic Mapping
 Types of Faults
 Development of Seismology
 Introduction
 Introduction
 Faults and Earthquakes
 Faults and Earthquakes
Seismic Waves: Body Waves
Seismic Waves and the Earth’s Interior
Seismic Waves: Surface Waves
Lessons from Tsunami
Locating the Source of an Earthquake Waves
Magnitude of Earthquakes
Ground Motion During Earthquakes
Earthquake Intensity – What We Feel During an Earthquake
A Case History for Mercalli Variables
Seismic Waves
Seismic Waves
Seismic Waves
Effects of Earthquakes
Seismic Waves
Measurement of Earthquakes
Measurement of Earthquakes
Measurement of Earthquakes
Measurement of Earthquakes
Chapter 4 - Some Earthquakes in Western North America
 Subduction Zone Earthquakes
 Spreading-center Earthquakes
 Transform Fault Earthquakes in California
 Earthquakes in Southern California
Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics
 Distribution of Earthquakes
 Distribution of Earthquakes
 Transform Plate Boundaries
 Earthquake Prediction
Chapter 5 - More United States and Canadian Earthquakes
 Western U.S.: Plate Tectonic Related Earthquakes
 Intraplate Earthquakes: “Stable Central U.S.”
 Intraplate Earthquakes: Eastern U.S.
 Fracture Zone Hypothesis of Major Earthquakes
 Earthquakes and Volcanism in Hawaii
Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics
 Plate Tectonics
Chapter 6 – Volcanoes
 Anatomy of an Eruption
 Chemical and Mineral Composition of Magmas
 Temperature, Gas Content, and Viscosity of Magmas
 Volcanic Landforms
 Eruptive Styles
 Collapse Calderas
Volcanic Activity
 Introduction, Mt. St. Helens, Eruption Elements
 Magma Viscosity
 Volcanic Landforms
 Eruption Elements
 Volcanic Landforms
Chapter 7 - Volcanism and Plate Tectonics
 Plate Tectonic Setting of Volcanoes
 Volcanism at Spreading Centers
Volcanic Activity, Plate Tectonics
 Introduction, Plate Tectonics
 Divergent Plate Boundaries, Magma Viscosity
Volcanism at Subduction Zones
Killer Events and Processes at Subduction Zone Volcanoes
Hot Spots
Gigantic Intraplate Volcanic Eruptions
Convergent Plate Boundaries, Magma Viscosity
Eruption Elements, Mt. St. Helens
Plate Tectonics
Chapter 8 - Mass Movements
 The Role of Gravity
 Creep
 Causes of Slope Failure
 Classification of Mass Movements
 Falls
 Slides
 Flows
 Subsides
Slope Failure, Groundwater & Wetlands
 Introduction, Slope Failure Factors
 Introduction, Slope Failure Factors
 Classification of Slope Failure
 Classification of Slope Failure
 Classification of Slope Failure
 Classification of Slope Failure
 Human Modifications of Groundwater Systems
Chapter 9 - Climate Change
 Climate
 Early Earth Climate
 Climate History of the Earth: Time Scale in Millions of Years
 Glacial Advance and Retreat: Time Scale in Thousands of Years
 Climate Variations: Time Scale in Hundreds of Years
 Shorter-term Climatic Changes: Time Scale in Multiyears
 Volcanism and Climate
 Volcanic Climate and Extinctions
 Climate Change
Earth’s Climate System, Global Change
 Introduction, Global Air Circulation, Global Temperature and Precipitation
 Records of Climate Change, Causes of Climate Change
 Climate History, Records of Climate Change, Causes of Climate Change
 Causes of Climate Change, Introduction, Greenhouse Gases and Global Change, Global Climate Change,
Greenhouse World
Chapter 10 - Severe Weather
 Weather Principles
 Mid-latitude Cyclones
 How a Thunderstorm Works
 Thunderstorms in the Conterminous U.S.
 Tornadoes
 Extreme Heat
Weather Systems, The Atmosphere
 Introduction, Air Masses, Structure of the Atmosphere, Solar Radiation, States of Water, Pressure and Wind
 Frontal Systems, Mid-latitude Cyclones
 Thunderstorms
 Tornadoes
Chapter 11 - Hurricanes and the Coastline
 Hurricanes
 Cyclones and Bangladesh
 Coastline
 Waves in Water
 Human Effects on the Coast
Chapter 12 – Floods
 How Rivers and Streams Work
 The Floodplain
 Flood Frequency
 Flood Styles
 Urbanization and Floods
 The Biggest Floods
Weather Systems, Oceans and Coastal Processes
 Hurricanes
 Coastlines
 Wave Action
 Shorelines and the Sediment Budget, Shoreline Protection
Streams & Floods
 Introduction, Stream Profile, Channel Migration
 Stream Profile
 Streamflow
 Floods, Mississippi Flood, 1993
 Flood Control
Chapter 13 – Fire
 What is Fire
 The Need for Fire
 The Stages of Fire
 The Spread of Fire
 Fire Weather
 Home Style and Fire
 The Similarities of Fire and Flood
Chapter 14 - The Great Dyings
 Early Understanding of Extinctions and Geologic Time
 Brief History of Life
 Species and the Fossil Record
 The Tropical Reef Example
 Mass Extinctions During Phanerozoic Time
 Possible Causes of Mass Extinctions
 Examples of Mass Extinctions
Geologic History
 Introduction
 Geologic Time Scale
Chapter 15 - Impacts with Space Objects
 Sources of Extraterrestrial Debris
 Rates of Meteoroid Influx
Earth System
 Near Earth Objects
Crater-forming Impacts
The Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary Event
The Crater-forming Process
Biggest Event of the Twentieth Century
Tunguska Siberia, 1908
Biggest “Near-events” of the Twentieth Century
Frequency of Large Impacts
Chapter 16 - Population Growth
 Overview of Human Population History
 The Power of an Exponent in Growth
 The Last 10,000 Years of Human History
 The Human Population Today
 Carrying Capacity
 Demographic Transition Model
 World Population Data
 Future World Population
Impact Hazards
Impact Hazards
Beware Flying Rocks
Population & the Land
 Population Growth Rates
 Introduction
 Introduction, Population Growth Rates
 A Sustainable Society, Modification of Natural Systems
 Population Growth Rates
 Introduction, Population Growth Rates, Modification of Natural Systems