PreLab Quiz for Hydra Lab

Which do you search for in ExPASy?
a. DNA sequences
*b. protein sequences
c. RNA sequences
FASTA format is used for
a. amino acid and lipoprotein sequences
b. amino acid sequences only
*c. amino acid and nucleotide sequences
d. glycoprotein sequences only
e. nucleotide sequences only
f. amino acid, glycoprotein, lipoprotein, and nucleotide sequences
Which protein sequences will you looking for ExPASy?
a. alcohol dehydrogenase
*b. cytochrome c oxidase
c. hemoglobin
d. hydrogen peroxidase
e. protein kinase C
In this lab, the anatomical features that you will be comparing among several
vertebrates are
a. vertebrae
b. skull bones
c. hindlimb bones
*d. forelimb bones
e. entire skeletal mounts
What type of information can be determined from the dendrograms generated in
this lab?
a. degree of embryological similarity
*b. degree of biochemical similarity
c. degree of ecological similarity
d. degree of physiological similarity