ancient and modern approaches to joining, repair

Holding it all together; ancient and modern approaches to joining, repair and
21st and 22nd Feb 2008
Provisional Program - Poster submissions
M. F. Ali and S. Abdelslam
New treatment in consolidation and injection of over-wall
E. Asderaki-Tzoumerkioti
Ancient joining techniquesused in a bronze Hellenistic
urn versus the modern ones applied for its exhibition
M. Azadi Boyaghchi
The introduction of Ghalablab for conservation purposes
G. Campo, A. Nualart, S. Garcia,
N. Flos, MA. Antona Heredero, C.
Ramells, M. Mestre, M.Oriola, M.
Alcobé and C. Ruiz
Identification of pathologies caused by adhesion
conservation treatments involving PVAc.
C. Chadefaux, C. Vignaud, M.
Menu and I. Reiche
Multianalytical study of effects of diagenesis and
consolidation treatments on Palaeolithic reindeer antler
I. Coutinho, A. M.Ramos, A. Lima
and F. Fernandes
Studies on degradation of epoxy resins used for
conservation of glass
R. Dooijes and O. P.
Ancient repairs in archaeological research – a Near
Eastern perspective
S. V. Gheorghe
Ethnographic ceramics (joins and repairs)
S. Hill
Original construction methods and new repair and
consolidation work in the Great Bass Rock Diorama
R. Horton, E. Duggan, I. Miles and Approaches to the conservation of objects with ‘Doped’
J. Langfeldt
surfaces on display at the Science Museum, London
E. Huber, A. I. Idelson and C.
A reversible assembly of a terracotta art work
R.J. Jaeschke and H. F. Jaeschke
Reshaping cartonnage - some ethical considerations
S. Leukumaavaara
Unusual material in a wooden polychrome sculpture
H. B. Madsen
Repairs in Antiquity illustrated by examples from the
prehistory of Denmark
W. A. Mohamed
Reconstruction of archaeological metal fragments
V. McGuinness
Earthquake engineering: modern techniques for ancient
B. Niemeyer
The Hildesheim Roman silver treasure: Ancient joining
techniques – late 19th century repairs – early 21st century
C. O'Grady
Investigation and analysis of historic early 20th century
Mexican fills/repairs on Casas Grandes ceramics at the
Arizona State Museum
S. Rapti, A. Haratsi-Makri, E.
Apostolakopoulou and E. Malea
A 19th century multi component chest: Ethical
considerations on conservation and restoration
A. Shackle, D.Sully. R. Peters and
C. White
The use of indigenous pottery repair techniques by
Native American groups of South-Western Arizona and
museum conservators
L-A. Skinner
Ancient repairs and construction of a Bronze Age dagger
from Central Norway
N. Stahl and I. Freestone
Investigation of the properties of wax as conservation
T. Sweek, P. Higgs, N. Lee, M.
Hercules, T. Munden, P. Fletcher,
A.Middleton and M.Hacke
Europa and the Bull, a Path of Discovery
Y. Tiamiyu
Traditional textile conservation among Yoruba people of
West Africa
C. Ward, J. Ambers and J. Cook
A 12,500 year old repair: New observations on a Late
Madelenian spear thrower from Montestruc, Tarn-etGaronne, France
D. Watkinson and P. Manti
“A hundred ways to repair your helmet”; Ancient and
modern repairs on bronze helmets