Date: Period

Name: __________________________________ Date: _________________
Period: _______
Each box below contains several characteristics of one of the kingdoms. Decide which
kingdom is being described using your Kingdoms Reference Sheet. Circle your answer.
1. Unicellular
2. Cilia
3. Prokaryotic
Archaea or Protista
1. Eukaryotic
2. Multicellular
3. Motile
Animalia or Plantae
1. Single celled
2. Flagella
3. Eukaryotic
1. Eukaryotic
2. Heterotrophic
3. Mobile
Animalia or Fungi
1. Eukaryotic
2. Heterotrophic
3. Cell wall of
Plantae or Fungi
1. Heterotrophic
2. Highly Mobile
3. Multicellular
Eubacteria or Protista
Animalia or Fungi
1. Eukaryotic
2. Multicellular
3. NO Specialized
1. Multicellular
2. Heterotrophic
3. Immobile
Protista or Fungi
Fungi or Plantae
1. Multicellular
2. Eukaryotic
3. Autotrophic
Fungi or Plantae
1. Autotrophic
2. Multicellular
3. Specialized
Protista or Plantae
1. Eukaryotic
2. Autotrophic
3. Immobile
Plantae or Animalia
1. Prokaryotic
2. Unicellular
3. Circular DNA
Eubacteria or Protista
Match with kingdom with the cell wall that would surround its cells.
______ Plantae
A. cell wall of chitin
______ Fungi
B. cell wall of peptidoglycan
______ Eubacteria
C. cell wall of cellulose
This cell to the right most likely belongs to an organism of the kingdom —
A Animalia
B Plantae
C Fungi
D Eubacteria
Decide which kingdom is being described in each of the questions below.
1. Animals decompose after they die because of single celled, prokaryotic organisms that feed
on the organic material. Which of these kingdoms is responsible for decomposing animals?
A Eubacteria
B Protista
C Plantae
D Fungi
2. A single-celled organism is found in a sample of water. It contains a nucleus as well as other
membrane bound organelles and possesses a flagellum for movement. This organism most
likely belongs to which kingdom?
A Fungi
B Archaea
C Eubacteria
D Protista
3. A multicellular, eukaryotic organism is hetertrophic and highly mobile. This organism most
likely belongs to which kingdom?
A Plantae
B Animalia
C Archaea
D Fungi
4. An immobile, eukaryotic organism is found growing in the dead, decaying log from which it
gains its nutrition. This organism most likely belongs to which kingdom?
A Protista
B Eubacteria
C Fungi
D Plantae
5. A colony of prokaryotic organisms is found near the extremely hot waters of an underwater
volcanic vent. This organism most likely belongs to which kingdom?
A Archaea
B Plantae
C Fungi
D Protista
6. A multicelluar, eukaryotic organism has specialized tissues and cells which contain
chloroplasts used for solar energy conversion. This organism most likely belongs to which
A Plantae
B Fungi
C Protista
D Animalia
7. Which is a characteristic of members of the plant kingdom that distinguishes them from
members of the animal kingdom?
A Storage of energy in chemical bonds
C Use of mRNA during protein production
B Exchange of H2O with the environment D Use of chlorophyll for solar-energy transformation
8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of members of the plant kingdom?
A Specialized tissues for water absorption
C Perform photosynthesis
B Cells possess cilia or flagella for motilty
D Cell wall made of cellulose
9. Which of the following is a characteristic of members of the animal kingdom?
A Cell wall made of peptidoglycan
C Organisms are highly mobile
B Chloroplasts for solar energy conversion
D Decompose plant material
10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of members of the kingdom eubacteria?
A Circular chromosome
C Cell wall made of peptidoglycan
B May possess cilia motilty
D Membrane bound organelles
11. This organism most likely is a member
of which kingdom?
F Eubacteria
G Protista
H Animalia
J Plantae
12. Which two kingdoms have members that are photosynthetic?
A Eubacteria and Fungi
B Protista and Animalia
C Plantae and Protista
D Animalia and Fungi
13. Which of the following kingdoms contains prokaryotic organisms?
A Eubacteria
B Protista
C Plantae
D Fungi
14. Amoebas are single celled organisms which contain a nucleus and are often found in
samples of pond water. Ameobas most likely belongs to which kingdom?
A Plantae
B Archaea
C Eubacteria
D Protista
15. A heterotrophic, immobile organism is found decomposing a dead plant. It is both
multicellular and eukaryotic. This organism most likely belongs to which kingdom?
A Protista
B Eubacteria
C Fungi
D Plantae
16. A colony of prokaryotic organisms is found living in Utah’s Great Salt Lake. Scientists were
surprised by this discovery since it was once believed that nothing could live in such a high
concentration of salt. This organism most likely belongs to which kingdom?
A Protista
B Archaea
C Fungi
D Animalia
17. Which of the following cell parts is most responsible for some members of kingdom protista
and kingdom eubacteria being motile?
A Vacuoles
B Chloroplasts
C Flagella
D Ribosomes
18. Which of the following is a characteristic of members of kingdom protista?
A Circular molecules of DNA
C One or more eukaryotic cells
B Specialized tissues for nutrient distribution
D Reproduce via binary fission
19. Which of the following kingdoms contains organisms which are eukaryotic and autotrophic?
A Animalia
B Eubacteria
C Fungi
D Plantae
20. Which of the following kingdoms contains prokaryotic organisms?
A Animalia
B Archaea
C Fungi
D Protista
21. The bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, is most closely related to the —
F spotted chorus frog, Pseudacris clarki
G Asian flying frog, Polypedates leucomystax
H northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens
J African bullfrog, Pyxicephalus adspersus
22. The table above lists several birds commonly
found in Texas. Which two are the most closely
A Northern mockingbird and bald eagle
B Green-winged teal and mallard
C Bald eagle and white-tailed hawk
D White-tailed hawk and northern mockingbird
23. Which of these classifications is most specific?
A Family
B Genus
C Phylum
24. Dogs (Canis familiaris) are most closely related genetically to which of the following
A African hunting dog (Lycaon pictus)
C Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos)
B Gray wolf (Canis lupus)
D Domestic cat (Felis catus)
25. The chart shows the classification of four organisms found in Texas. Which organism is most
closely related to Organism X?
A Anolis carolinensis
B Bufo americanus
C Poecile gambeli
D Grus americana
26. The domestic cat (Felis silvestris) is most closely related to which of the following?
A lion (Panthera leo)
B cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
C Bearcat (Arctictis binturong)
D lynx (Felis lynx)
27. Brown bears (Ursus arctos) are most closely related genetically to which of the following
A Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus)
B Polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
C Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)
D Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
28. According to the table, the gray wolf is least
related to the —
A dog
B rattlesnake
C salamander
D lobster
29. To which of the organisms below is the gray wolf
(Canis lupus) most closely related?
A Calidris alba
B Anarhichas lupus
C Quercus rubra
D Canis dirus
30. In which kingdom would a multicellular, heterotrophic, motile organism be classified?
A Eubacteria
B Fungi
C Plantae
D Animalia
31. Some zooplankton belong to the kingdom Protista. Members of this kingdom are
characterized as —
A having segmented bodies with jointed appendages
B containing one or more eukaryotic cells
C laying eggs with a leathery protective shell
D having a four-chambered heart
32. Which of these is demonstrated by the information above?
F The need for controlling variables in experiments
G The need for classifying organisms scientifically
H The importance of predicting trends from scientific data
J The importance of questioning experimental evidence
33. Which kingdom does this
organism belong to?
A Fungi
B Archaebacteria
C Plantae
D Animalia
34. Which of the following cell parts is directly responsible for the motility of some members of
the kingdom protista?
A Lysosomes
B Cilia
C Mitochondria
D Cell Wall