Lakeview School District “Home of the Sailors” 2482 Mercer Street Stoneboro, PA 16153-2799 Phone: 724-376-7911 TO: Fax: 724-376-7910 Parent/Guardian of Extra-Curricular Players, i.e. Junior High Wrestler, Junior High Boys’ Basketball, Junior High Cheerleader, Varsity Wrestler, Varsity Boys’ Basketball, Varsity Girls’ Basketball, & Varsity Cheerleader FROM: Business Office RE: Medical Insurance – 2015-16 Winter Sports Program DATE: June 22, 2015 In order for your child to participate in Extra-Curricular Sports (Grades 7-12), the following form must be completed and returned to the Business Office by Wednesday November 11, 2015. An athlete will not participate until both forms (yellow, white) are completed and returned. Athletes turning in forms late will be assessed a one day “no practice” penalty for each day the form is late. Student Name Date of Birth Address Home phone PARTICIPATING SPORT: E-mail 2015-16 Grade JrH Wrestling JrH Boys’ Basketball JrH Cheerleading Varsity Wrestling Cheer Varsity Varsity Varsity Varsity Wrestling Boys’ Basketball Girls’ Basketball Basketball Cheer Complete the following and sign below. The above named student is covered under our medical insurance policy. A COPY OF PARENT/GUARDIAN’S INSURANCE CARD MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS FORM AS PROOF OF INSURANCE. (Copies can be made in the Building Offices.) Name of Insurance Company - Policy Number - *ANY CHANGE IN MEDICAL COVERAGE MUST BE REPORTED TO THE BUSINESS OFFICE AS SOON AS IT OCCURS.* The above named student is not presently covered under any medical insurance policy. An individual policy will be purchased prior to November 11, 2015 (date all forms are due). Proof of purchase must be provided to the Business Office. Insurance is available for purchase through the Business Office (for student 24-hour coverage). The completed insurance form along with payment must be returned to the Business Office. NOTE: STUDENTS WHO DO NOT HAVE MEDICAL INSURANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PRACTICE OR PLAY EXTRA-CURRICULAR SPORTS. PARENT/GUARDIAN WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL EXTRA-CURRICULAR RELATED MEDICAL EXPENSES. IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL THE BUSINESS OFFICE. Signature (Parent/Guardian) Date