Learning French in France Risk Assessment Outside Walks and Visits April 2011 HAZARD Narrow pavements RISK FACTOR 2x1=2 Crossing roads 2x1=2 ‘Stranger danger’ 1x1=1 Getting separated from group/lost 2x1=2 Exposure to weather 1x1=1 Illness or injury 1x1=1 Special needs of specific pupils – medical, behavioural, educational 1x1=1 Indirect/remote supervision (e.g. in Caen museums/castle/market, hypermarket, Festyland) 2x1=2 CONTROL MEASURES FOR STUDENTS & STAFF Pre-visit briefing re roads/traffic in France. Specific emphasis on direction of traffic, looking before stepping off pavement, single file/stopping for others when necessary. Walk facing on-coming traffic whenever possible. Pre-visit briefing to group as above, including difference between English/French ‘zebra’ crossings. Use traffic lights or pelican crossings whenever possible. Ensure close supervision where this is not possible. Routes taken chosen in advance for safety and well-known to group leaders. Pre-visit briefing. Pupils accompanied by staff. Pre-visit briefing, including itinerary and location of coach/minibus. Close supervision; frequent head counts. Listen to weather forecast. Ensure appropriate clothing & footwear worn/carried. Sun protection cream and water carried by group as appropriate. First aid kit carried in coach/minibus. Mobile phone carried. Leaders know how to contact emergency services and at least one of the leaders speaks fluent French. Emergency contacts with school in UK and parents pre-arranged. Ensure adequate staff : student ratio. Allocated member of staff to accompany at all times if necessary; they can return to coach if they need to. Aware of pre-existing medical conditions in advance. Any necessary medication carried by student or staff member. Pre-visit briefing with clearly understood emergency procedures. Pupils stay in pairs/small groups. Rendez-vous points and times clearly set. Pupils know how to contact staff in between these times if necessary. Staff understand that they are still responsible. Parental consent given in advance. *Supplementary risk assessment for town visit to Port-en-Bessin: Un-railed quayside and harbour wall 2x1=2 Un-railed steep grassy slope to road/beach from viewpoint. Beach/ rocky foreshore 2x1=2 2x1=2 Consult weather conditions. Assess each group and discuss visit with group leader; modify itinerary as necessary. Ensure group control is adequate. Pre-visit briefing. Close supervision at all times. Special care/other routes taken in wet weather. Measures as above. Consult weather conditions and tide tables before visit. Close supervision to ensure pupils stay on sandy area. (No swimming) Risk Factor Calculation: 1st figure = Likliehood of an event occurring 1 = might occur 2 = possibly will occur 3 = probably will occur 2nd figure = Consequence of an event occurring 1 = slight injury 2 = more serious injury 3 = fatality or serious injury Total risk factor is calcualted by multiplying 1st and 2nd figure Risk of 6 or greater is unacceptable; 4 and 5 should be monitored closely; 3 or less is acceptable