Answer Key to Study Guide

Name: __________________________________Date:______________________
Chapter 1, Sections 2.1-2.5
Study Guide
Quiz Date: ________________________________________________________
Part I: Vocabulary
Directions: Please review the elements of a map or globe. You may also use the
Quia link that was emailed to you!
Map and Globe Element
tells the subject of the map or globe
represent information such as natural
resources and economic activities
names of places, such as cities,
countries, rivers, and mountains
represent different kinds of information
lines of latitude
imaginary horizontal lines that measure
the distance north or south of the
lines of longitude
imaginary vertical lines that measure the
distance east or west of the prime
shows how much distance on Earth is
represented by distance on the map or
a key that explains what the symbols
and colors on the map or globe represent
compass rose
shows the directions north, south, east
and west
locator globe
shows the specific area of the world that
is shown on a map
Part II: Important Concepts
Directions: Please answer each question below. Use your notes and textbook if
1. Describe latitude lines.
Run west and east
Measure distances north and south of the equator
Divide Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres
Latitude lines are parallel to the equator and never touch
The equator is located at 0° latitude
Lines of latitude are also known as parallels
2. Describe longitude lines.
Run north and south from the North Pole to the South Pole
Measure distances east or west of the prime meridian
Divide Earth into Western and Eastern Hemispheres
The prime meridian is located at 0° longitude
The prime meridian runs through Greenwich, England
Lines of longitude are also known as meridians
3. Why did geographers invent map projections?
Geographers invented map projections because a flat map cannot show the
Earth’s curved surface.
4. Describe physical maps.
A physical map shows natural features. It includes landforms such as
mountains, plains, valleys and deserts. It also includes oceans, lakes, rivers,
and other bodies of water. A physical map also shows elevation and relief.
5. Describe political maps.
A political map shows features that humans have created such as countries,
states, provinces, and cities. A political map also shows boundaries between
6. What do large scale maps show? Give an example!
A large-scale map covers a small area but shows many details.
Example: A map of Rome, Italy
7. What do small scale maps show? Give an example!
A small-scale map covers a large area but includes few details.
Example: A map of all of the different countries in Europe
8. What is another name for a cartographer?
A mapmaker! Cartographers create different kinds of maps for different
Part III: Map Skills
Use your textbook to check your answers!
Directions: Please label the following information on the globe below.
__________Longitude lines
__________ Latitude lines
__________ Equator
__________ Prime meridian
__________ Northern Hemisphere
__________ Southern Hemisphere
__________ Western Hemisphere
__________ Eastern Hemisphere