Minutes - Local Economy Overview Group

8th SEPTEMBER 2005
The meeting commenced at 7.00 p.m. and concluded at 9.45 p.m.
Adams, Brooke, Mrs Dion (Vice-Chairman), Eades, Gregory, Mrs
Hives, Mason, Parker, Pethen, Rampton and Wilson (substituting for
Councillor Collyer).
Members of the public present at the meeting: 1
Councillor Rampton was elected Chairman of the Local Economy Overview
Group for the remainder of the ensuing Municipal Year and therefore took the Chair.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Collier.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 23 June 2005 be
confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Councillor Brooke declared a non pecuniary interest in M.4 as a trader in
High Street.
Councillor Parker declared a personal interest in M.6 as Vice-Chairman of the
Poole Tourism Management Board.
The Town Centre Manager presented a report informing Members of the
outcomes following the 12 month trial period of the Thursday Street Market and the
impact this had on the Town Centre and local retail economy.
The Meeting was advised that the market was made up of approximately 85
pitches with some traders occupying more than one pitch. All traders (excluding the
butcher and cheese traders) traded under continental style canopies which looked
smarter and were more colourful than traditional market awnings, adding some
wonderful contrasts to the High Street scene. Poole Town Centre Management had
been vigilant about monitoring the quality and diversity of the traders which had
meant that some lower quality or poorly displayed stores had been moved on. The
initial trial period had been promising, especially in such a tough trading environment
but showed much promise in future years.
The Town Centre Manager stated that generally most comments had been
very positive and any negative comments tended to be more specific and had been
recorded and responded to. Only 3 retailers had formally expressed undue concern
about a downturn in trade on Thursdays and one of them was in the second week of
the weekly market so it was difficult to tell at that stage what the overall impact would
Boat owners from Poole Quay had seen the market as an opportunity to bring
more people to Poole and had targeted Thursdays because it was Market day. The
Poole Tourism Panel had given strong support for the Market. The meeting was
advised that there had been a marginal increasing footfall trend on Thursdays at the
lower High Street, Old Orchard end. The footfall in the Chapel Lane area of High
Street was more erratic and there did not appear to be any change overall in
numbers of people coming into that area.
The launch of the market was a great success but awareness that the Market
was there to stay was a priority for Poole Town Centre Management. The overall
consensus was that the market did create vitality and vibrancy throughout the Town
Centre on Thursdays and Poole Town Centre Management wished to see the
market continue as a permanent feature. It was very important for Poole to use its
charted Market Town status and provide a Market for its residents and visitors each
In the 12 month trial period, Poole Town Centre Management had reinvested
the market income (in the region of £25,000) in Town Centre improvements, the
Route One bus service, additional events and promotional activities and details of
these were explained to members of the Overview Group.
Members felt that advertising and signage issues needed to be addressed but
the Overview Group welcomed the initiative which appeared to be creating vibrancy
and vitality to the Town Centre area.
The Portfolio Holder for Local Economy be asked to approve the
introduction of a weekly general Market in Poole Town Centre on a
permanent basis; and
The Portfolio Holder for Local Economy be asked to agree that Poole
Town Centre Management continue to provide management and coordination functions for the Market under assigned licences from the
respective Council Service Units (ie Transportation and Property
Councillors Adams, Mrs Dion, Eades, Gregory, Mrs Hives, Mason,
Parker, Pethen, Rampton and Wilson
Abstained: Councillor Brooke
The Chairman welcomed Mr B Grant-Braham, Chairman of Poole Tourism
Management Board who gave a short presentation to the Overview Group on the
Draft Tourism Strategy document produced by the Poole Tourism Management
Board as part of the formal consultation process.
He stated that in drafting the document the Poole Tourism Management
Board had felt that the current Strategy still held good and that a full re-working and
overhaul of Core Values, Strategic Aims and Objectives was not required, but more
of an update and revision. The consultation period continued until the end of
September, and comments would be reviewed by the Poole Tourism Management
Board at the October meeting where final approval was being sought. The main
emphasis and thrusts of the revised Strategy would be:
a re-statement of existing Core Values
a stronger emphasis on brand identify
an even greater emphasis on Poole Quay which would include:
pursing new visitor attractions
developing new and different special events
improve public toilets, lighting and street furniture
increase in the size of the Town Quay Boat Haven
a bylaw to restrict drinking on Poole Quay to within the managed areas
the continued improvement to ground floor and first floor Quay facing
properties for retail and visitor related use.
consideration of a new “marketing concordat” with Bournemouth
identifying new campaigns
to seek additional hotel investment
a re-evaluation of the hotel retention policy
to support the case for improvements to the A31 and A350 to allow greater
access to the town.
Members endorsed the general principles contained in the Strategy and
highlighted the following:
aspirations for branding, image and quality were supported
a concordat with Bournemouth needed to be carefully undertaken and to
protect Poole’s separate identity
family activities should be encouraged
loss of attractions was a concern for the future
quality toilet provision was essential at Poole Quay
regeneration of the Quay was welcomed
ensuring that heritage was part of the Tourism message
mobility issues in Lower High Street needed addressing to include parking
too many attractions had been lost to pubs/restaurants
the objective of managing outside drinking to restricted areas was noted
but that this needed more examination.
AGREED that:
the Local Economy Overview Group supports the aspirations and
vision of the Draft Strategy document, while recognising that
specified Development Policy proposals will require a more
detailed examination by the Council; and
the Local Economy Overview Group commends the work being
undertaken by the Poole Tourism Management Board.
Councillors Adams, Brooke, Mrs Dion, Eades, Gregory, Mrs Hives,
Mason, Parker, Rampton and Wilson
Abstained: Councillor Pethen
The Head of Strategic Planning Services presented an update report on the
latest version of the Sub-Regional Economic Development Strategy which took
account of comments from Stakeholders during the recent consultation process.
The Draft Strategy had been well received by those consulted which had also
included Dorset businesses and the Chambers of Trade.
The Head of Strategic Planning Services drew attention to the Action Plan
and summary of Key Actions which was appended to the Report. It sought to
quantify aspirations and proposed a Strategy based on the need to address five key
improving the business environment
improving the skills of the working population
providing the necessary physical infrastructure
ensuring adequate provision of affordable housing
securing effective partnership working so that the Sub-Region was clear
about its aspirations and signed up to what had been done.
Members considered the Draft Strategy and two main areas were highlighted:
concerns about links with the Region, especially the Regional Assembly
and Government Office for the South West
the skills issue and links between Education and Businesses needed to be
the Local Economy Overview Group endorses the latest SubRegional Economic Development Strategy noting that there might
be future minor changes before submission to Cabinet;
the latest version of the Draft Strategy be noted including the
comments from Stakeholders and that the Strategy has the
endorsement of the Poole Partnership and Dorset Strategic
Partnership; and
it be noted that this version of the Draft Strategy is to go to the
Bournemouth Economy Forum and the Federation of Small
Businesses in September for approval.
The Head of Strategic Planning Services presented an Issues and Options
report for the Core Strategy which included a summary leaflet which would form the
basis of the informal consultation in the preparation of the Core Strategy document
of the Local Development framework. The Core Strategy was one document within
the Local Development Framework and would set out the Strategic Vision for Poole
and the Policies to deliver the Vision. The issues which had been identified had
been arrived at from a number of sources:
Government, Regional and Sub-Regional Policies and Strategies
Community and Stakeholders issues as identified through the Community
Strategy and other Strategies
Issues arising from evidence gathered from a range of data sources
internally and from other organisations.
The Options were intended at this stage to represent alternative ways of
addressing the Issues and were initial thoughts to be expanded on through
consultation. This was an informal stage in the preparation of the Core Strategy and
allowed the widest possible consultation in accordance with the Statement of
Community Involvement. Community Involvement would aim to involve all those
who asked to participate in the Core Strategy preparation and a wide circulation
beyond this. The consultation would be carried out through a variety of measures
throughout the Autumn, including an event for stakeholders, presentations to
meetings and Area Committee Meetings, talks to Groups and individuals, exhibitions,
Poole News and publicity material. The leaflet would form the basis of the broad
consultation with the community and the Issues and Options paper would offer more
The consultation stage on the Issues and Options would commence at the
end of September and continue through the Autumn with issues and preferred
options being identified. This would lead to the preparation of a preferred Options
Report accompanied by a formal sustainability appraisal report which will be brought
to the Overview Group in March 2006.
The Head of Strategic Planning Services emphasised that the Core Strategy
was one of three documents which replaced the Local Plan after 2011. The Issues
and Options document would be a “kick-start” on consultation and it was hoped that
this would encourage debate over the next few months on the issues facing Poole
and the conurbation.
Members made minor alterations to the Issues and Options document and
also highlighted the following:
Main Issues and Options Report
 Greenfield releases: Option 4, Issue d (Employment Land) - would like to
caveat along lines of: "to come forward only when existing brownfield
allocations have been developed"
 Affordable housing - issue c: could mention shared housing as an option
for improving access to housing market
 Issue c: error - need to clarify that increase from 967 to 1267 is per
 Economy Issue e: delete 'do nothing' option
 Renewable energy/energy efficiency (issue k): Delete 'do nothing' (option
 2nd issue bullet point - unhappy with wording 'get the right sort of housing'.
Would like to emphasise affordability and mix of housing types
 Reword 2nd bullet point on how issues can be resolved (ie concerned that
we given national planning policy guidance on densities – the proposed
bullet point would unrealistically raise expectations)
 Reword issue re provision of open spaces? ie we are not actually
providing new open space.
 Delete 'expansion' arrows from Creekmoor & Canford Magna (ie on map)
Bernie Topham, Policy Director, felt that in view of the discussion on
Affordable Housing and Planning Policy, that it might be beneficial for Members to
discuss this further and she undertook to arrange a Seminar on this topic in the near
AGREED that taking account of the above comments and amendments,
Cabinet be asked to endorse the Issues and Options paper and Summary
Leaflet as prompts for early consultation on the Core Strategy of the Local
Development framework.
For: Councillors Adams, Mrs Dion, Gregory, Mrs Hives, Mason, Parker,
Pethen and Rampton.
Abstained: Councillors Brooke, Eades and Wilson.
The Head of Strategic Planning Services reported on a request to revise the
Local Development Scheme to include a further document which would set out a
planning Policy and Implementation framework for the Kingland Road area and
Sainsburys’ site in an Area Action Plan.
The Local Development Scheme was the programme of work for the
preparation of Local Development documents which made up the Local
Development Framework. The Local Development Scheme stated that an Area
Action Plan for the Area in the vicinity of the Dolphin Centre, Arts Centre and
Sainsburys would be considered if the Borough’s Retail Capacity Study identified
significant growth in non-food floor space needs. The Study reported in July 2005
and identified significant floor space requirements for food and non-food shopping in
the period up to 2016. Given very strong retail growth predictions, this area was
likely to undergo considerable change and warranted the level of detail offered by an
Action Area Plan.
The inclusion of the Town Centre North Area Action Plan into the Local
Development Framework required a revision of the Local Development Scheme.
The revision would address the Resourcing, Risk Management and Implications of
the new Action Area Plan for other documents. The report included a schedule of
the consequential amendments to the existing Local Development Scheme.
Cabinet and Council be recommended to authorise a revision of
the Local Development Scheme to include a further document
which would set out further Planning Policy and proposals for
the Kingland Road area and Sainsburys site in a “Town Centre
North Area Action Plan”;
If Government Office South West agree the revised Local
Development Scheme, Cabinet be recommended to agree that
the revised Local Development Scheme can take effect on 23
November 2005, four weeks from the submission date of 26
October 2005.
Councillors Adams, Brooke, Mrs Dion, Eades, Gregory, Mrs Hives,
Mason, Parker, Rampton and Wilson
Abstained: Councillor Pethen
Bernie Topham, Policy Director, gave a short update on the Full Sail Ahead
project. She stated that the Transport and Works Act Order Inquiry would start on 27
September 2005 for a four week period and it was hoped that the Draft Programme
would be agreed in the near future by the Inspector. A number of objections had
been withdrawn. Proofs of Evidence would be available to the public on the Website
The Meeting was advised that 17 people would appear at the Public Inquiry
and it was a positive sign that this number was so low.
With regard to negotiations with Developers, these were proceeding in parallel
with the Transport and Works Act Order as funding needed to be agreed.
Unfortunately the Developers could not come together as a Consortium and
negotiations of the individual Section 106 Agreements were proceeding to maintain
comprehensiveness. An Area Action Plan was being progressed and backed up by
a comprehensiveness agreement which would come to the next meeting of the
Overview Group to strengthen the Council’s position to deliver the Scheme. It was
emphasised that if the negotiated route did not come about, then other options,
including Compulsory Purchase Order procedures would have to be considered. A
report on this would be brought to the Overview Group in the New Year.
Finally, the Meeting was advised that, with regard to Procurement of the
Scheme, an Options Report would be presented to Members at the end of the Year.
Members thanked both Mr Cook and Mrs Smeaton for their support at the
forthcoming Public Inquiry.
AGREED that the Update Report be noted.