BOROUGH OF POOLE FOOD AND PACKAGING WORKING PARTY 11 SEPTEMBER 2012 The Meeting commenced at 1.30pm and concluded at 2.50pm Present: Councillors Chandler, Mrs Le Poidevin and Trent Officers: Kate Rixom Shaun Robson – – Hilary Evans – 1. Democratic Support Officer, Legal and Democratic Services Head of Environmental and Consumer Protection Services (ECPS) Community Strategy Manager, Borough of Poole ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs Le Poidevin be elected as Chairman of the Food and Packaging Working Party for this Municipal Year. 2. ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN RESOLVED that election of Vice-Chairman be considered at the next Meeting. 3. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Burden. 4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest. 5. TERMS OF REFERENCE RECOMMENDED that the Terms of Reference be noted. 6. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Working Party considered the Minutes of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s Food and Packaging Event on 12 April 2012 and the Minutes of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee Meeting on 19 June 2012. During the discussion it was recognised that the majority of the recommendations made on the 12 April 2012 were already being investigated i.e. a Working Party had been established to identifying suitable pieces of Council Land to provide further allotments, Poole Housing Partnership (PHP) had been involved with establishing community gardens, to grow fruit and vegetables and a campaign to raise awareness about waste and recycling, to encourage the residents of Poole to 1 reduce, reuse and recycle had been implemented by Environmental and Consumer Protection Services etc. It was also noted that the Council had established a Green Initiatives Panel to award funds to community organisations, social enterprises and individual ‘social entrepreneurs’ resident within the Borough who had proposed new and sustainable green initiatives and a further fund to promote compositing initiatives. The Community Strategy Manager advised the Working Party of the Poole Environmental Partnership’s work and its links with Transition Poole. It was noted that links with the Carbon Reduction Manager could be used to steer this Working Party’s ideas and recommendations. Councillor Trent advised the Working Party of community garden project work being undertaken at St Aldhelm’s Academy, to encourage and promote its pupils to grow fruit and vegetables. The Community Strategy Manager advised the Working Party that funding to aid community learning was available through the Adult Learning Services and suggested that such funding may be used to establish more community gardens within the Borough. The Chairman advised the Working Party that she continued to work with the traders within the Ashley Road Area, to encourage them to stop issuing plastic bags and instead sell recyclable/sustainable bags, which could be produced by Remploy. She hoped that if successful this initiative could then be rolled out in areas such as Broadstone, Ashley Cross and Canford Cliffs. Remploy’s future, however, remained unclear and as such alternative suppliers may need to be considered before further work in this area could be pursued. The Working Party discussed the possible cost implications to the Traders and the need to promote the use of compostable bags as opposed to bio-gradable plastic bags that could still be harmful to the environment. It was suggested that paper bags maybe a cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternative. Councillor Chandler highlighted an article in the ‘Daily Mail’ newspaper, which had promoted the reduction of plastic bags and provided a list of the major players that could be contacted. In response to a Member’s question the Working Party was advised that unwanted and old Council Waste or Recycle Bins were either reissued or recycled, dependant on the quality and life of the bin. RECOMMENDED that i. The Community Strategy Manager contact the Officer responsible for the funding to aid community learning, to see if this Funding could be used to establish more community gardens within the Borough. ii. Councillor Mrs Le Poidevin to contact the major players identified in the Daily Mail’s article re: the reduction of plastic bags, to help promote the use of compostable bags. iii. Councillor Mrs Le Poidevin to contact the Commerce of Traders and Poole Centre Management to promote the use of compostable bags. 2 iv. v. vi. vii. viii. 7. All Ward Members be encouraged to promote the use of compostable bags by traders within their Ward. Councillor Chandler to investigate the potential cost to traders for purchasing paper bags compared to plastic bags. Councillor Trent to provide an update on St. Aldhelm’s community garden project work at the next Meeting. The Community Strategy Manager to contact Poole Housing Partnership and Leisure Services to provide feedback on community garden projects at the next Meeting. The Community Strategy Manager to contact the Carbon Reduction Manager to establish links with the Poole Environmental Partnership and Transition Poole, to promote the Working Party’s Recommendations. FUTURE MEETING DATES/TIMES The recommended date and time for the next Meeting was 13 November 2012 at 1.30pm, however, as not all Members and Officers the Working Party were able to confirm their availability at this Meeting is was recommended that Legal and Democratic Services confirm the date and time. RESOLVED that the next Meeting be confirmed by Legal and Democratic Services. Chairman 3