Bournemouth and Poole Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013 – 2016

Bournemouth and Poole
Health and Wellbeing
2013 – 2016
Version 8: 14.09.12
So what’s new?
• In April 2013
– Public Health and other health services transfer to
local authorities
– PCTs will be replaced by Clinical Commissioning
Groups (CCGs)
– LINks will be replaced by HealthWatch
– New NHS Commissioning Board Local Area Teams
– New Health and Wellbeing Board established for
Bournemouth and Poole
• The Health and Wellbeing Strategy will set the work
programme for the Health and Well-being Board
Our Purpose
To improve health and wellbeing and reduce
health inequalities for residents in Bournemouth
and Poole
To identify priorities for improvement and set out
a framework through which partners will jointly
commit resources to these priority areas
Our Principles
• Local people engaged in identifying needs and solutions
• Focus on early intervention and prevention
• Make the biggest difference to those who have the poorest
• Deliver cost effective integrated services that work
• Coordinated services which remain focused on local needs
• Be clear who is responsible and improve the way we work
Health Needs in Bournemouth & Poole
The rising birth rate and increasing student population
Increased levels of chronic disease in older age
Difference in death rates between the poorest and more affluent communities
Drug and alcohol deaths and hospital admissions are increasing problems
Higher levels of cardiovascular disease and respiratory disease in the most
deprived areas
Most disadvantaged children and young people have poorer emotional
wellbeing and mental health
Need for early intervention and prevention services for families of pre-school
Need to retain graduates and skilled workforce
Need to exploit potential of regeneration in Poole and development of the
green knowledge economy
Use environmental approaches to increasing physical activity to limit impact of
Our Purpose
To improve health and well being and reduce health inequalities
Our priorities
Reducing inequalities
Early intervention and support for
young children to avoid ill-health and
poor outcomes in later years
Promoting healthy life styles
and preventing ill health
Promoting physical activity
Preventing alcohol harm
Promoting good sexual health
Tackling poverty and Worklessness
Tackling domestic abuse
Tackling crime and Anti-social
Priority communities (Bourne Estate,
West Howe & Boscombe)
Improving services for children and
young people with emotional and
mental health problems
Improving adult mental health services
Working with complex families
Developing more affordable housing
Working better together to
deliver high quality care and
better value
Promoting positive mental health
Improving services for people with long
term conditions/chronic disease
Improving services for people with
Safeguarding children and adults from
abuse and harm
Improving access to community
alternatives to hospital provision
Supporting carers including young
Improving services for children with
disabilities and complex needs
Key Questions
• What do you think would make the most impact on improving
the health and well-being of people in Bournemouth and
• How could you assist the Health and Wellbeing Board in
making this happen?
• What are the top three things you would like to see in the