Daily edits Tues Jan 3-Friday Jan 6 Tuesday January 3 Predicate

Daily edits
Tues Jan 3-Friday Jan 6
Tuesday January 3
Predicate Nouns
A predicate noun is a single noun or a noun phrase that renames the subject of a sentence and follows a form of the verb “to be” or another linking
verb. Forms of the verb “to be” include: is, was, am, are, be, being, been, has been, may be, and were. Other verbs that may be linking verbs or
action verbs include: smell, taste, feel, sound, grow, seem, remain, become, continue, appear, turn, and stay. Example of a sentence with the
predicate noun underlined: Mr. Smith is a doctor. Mr. Smith is the noun in the sentence----and doctor is the predicate noun, which renames him as
the subject and follows the ‘to be’ verb ‘is.’
1st period
Write down the following sentence, and underline the predicate noun:
My son became a professional soccer player.
2nd period
Predicate Nouns
A predicate noun is a single noun or a noun phrase that renames the subject of a sentence and follows a form of the verb “to be” or another linking
verb. Forms of the verb “to be” include: is, was, am, are, be, being, been, has been, may be, and were. Other verbs that may be linking verbs or
action verbs include: smell, taste, feel, sound, grow, seem, remain, become, continue, appear, turn, and stay.
Write the following sentence, and underline the predicate noun:
Newt Gingrich may be our next president.
3rd period
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
The Shop of the Masterji
a. NO CHANGE to underlined portion
When my family and I return to India
b. by going back there and visiting
to go back there and visit our relatives, my mother
c. and go back to visit
and her sister always try to spend an afternoon at the shop of their favorite tailor.
d. to visit
4th period
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
Given that all of the choices are true, select which one provides the most specific description of the shop itself.
I can remember spending countless hours at the tailor’s shop located
in the neighborhood bazaar. The shop stands between a
b. When I walk through the doors of the shop, I am
stationery store and a shoemaker’s shop near the center
enveloped by a variety of familiar sights and smells.
of the bazaar.
c. Bolts of brightly colored cottons, linens, silks, and
rayons line the walls of the small shop.
d. The shop occupies a central location in the bazaar;
a type of market consisting of rows of small shops or stalls.
5th period
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
Our most recent visit was a typical one. We met
with the masterji, or master tailor. As my mother explained
b. tailor, as
what we were looking for, I inspected some purple muslin
c. tailor as
lying on the counter.
D. tailor and as
6th period
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
The masterji said that the fabric came in
twenty different patterns, in minutes,
b. patterns in minutes
his assistant had pulled down half of them.
c. patterns, in minutes
d. patterns; in minutes,
7th period
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
As was customary, the tailor offered us a cup
b. the usual common practice
of tea or a cold juice drink.
C. usually customary
d. customary as usual,
Answers to Tuesday January 3rd sentences:
1st soccer player 2nd president
3rd D—best phrase 4th C—details specific to describing the store
A –sentence is correctly
punctuated as it is
D—need semi colon to break the two full sentences, and comma after ‘in minutes’ phrase to set off correctly
7th A—correct use of the word as it is
Wednesday January 4th
1st period
Predicate nouns
A predicate noun is a single noun or a noun phrase that renames the subject of a sentence and follows a form of the verb “to be” or another linking
verb. Forms of the verb “to be” include: is, was, am, are, be, being, been, has been, may be, and were. Other verbs that may be linking verbs or
action verbs include: smell, taste, feel, sound, grow, seem, remain, become, continue, appear, turn, and stay.
Write the following sentence, and underline the predicate noun:
J. K. Rowling is an excellent author.
2nd period
reading comprehension and editing
(1) As was customary, the tailor offered us a cup of tea or a cold juice drink.
(2) We sat down on a raised platform, among the growing collection of bolts and swatches of material, and the masterji sent his assistant out
to fetch the necessary refreshments.
(3) I felt somewhat overwhelmed by the array of patterns.
(4) I looked and looked and ended up with nothing at all.
(5) This hampered my ability to make any kind of decision.
For the sake of logic and coherence of this paragraph, Sentence 4 should be placed:
3rd period
Where it is now
Before sentence 1
After sentence 1
After sentence 5
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
I watched my mother smooth out carefully a piece of silk brocade she was thinking about buying.
The best placement for the underlined portion would be:
4th period
Where it is now
b. after the word mother
c. after the word smooth
d. after the word piece
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
After looking at one piece, my mother shook her head,
b. insisted.
but my aunt was insisted.
C. had been insisted.
D. was insistence.
5th period
Predicate nouns
Write the following sentence, and underline the predicate noun:
For the next twenty years, we remained friends.
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
In 1940, Europe was at war. German bombs pounded British cities night and day. Although doctors and nurses struggled to save lives, many of the
injured died.
Which of the following alternatives to the underlined portion would NOT be acceptable?
Even though doctors and nurses struggled to save lives,
Doctors and nurses struggled to save lives, but
Doctors and nurses struggled to save lives, so
D. Doctors and struggled to save lives; however,
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
Hospitals desperately needed a massive prescription of stored blood for transfusions.
b. large bunch
c. sizeable portion
d. large supply
Answers for Wednesday January 4
author 2nd
D—better flow if sentence is moved
B—carefully is used to describe HOW she was smoothing out the
fabric; 4
B---insisted is correct tense for this sentence
5th friends
6th C—if choose ‘so’ response, it changes the second half
of the sentence meaning and makes it an incorrect meaning than what was intended by the real sentence 7th
D—large supply is a better
phrase for what they are describing, stored blood, not talking about pain pills or other medications
Thursday January 5
1st period
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
Urgently needed cargo, the Blood Transfusion Association in New York collected blood locally and sent it overseas to Britain.
b. Shipped immediately
c. Gathered by volunteers,
d. Eager to help,
2nd period
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
Urgently needed cargo, the Blood Transfusion Association in New York collected blood locally and sent it overseas to Britain.
3rd period
b. New York, collected
c. New York; collected
d. New York. Collected
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
Unfortunately, many of the first initial shipments of blood arrived unfit for use; no one had ever tried such a large-scale system of blood banking
4th period
b. initial
c. very first initial
d. first beginning
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
That Leadership was provided by Dr. Charles Richard Drew, an African American surgeon at Howard University Medical School and a highly
regarded expert upon blood collection and preservation.
5th period
b. by
c. on
d. for
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
Although the principles of human blood types and blood compatibility had been identified forty years earlier, it was Drew who first demonstrated that
plasma (the fluid component of blood) could be used in some circumstances as a substitute for whole blood.
6th period
b. was
c. have been
d. has been
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
With Dr. Drew at its head, the Blood for Britain program has been a success.
7th period
b. it’s
c. their
Predicate nouns
Write the following sentence, and underline the predicate noun:
Margaret Thatcher was the Prime Minister in England.
d. they’re
Answers for Thursday January 5th
D—Eager to help is the phrase that best introduces the full sentence and its meaning
2nd A—sentence is already correct as it is
3rd B---initial means the first; to use any of the other phrases is repetitive and redundant, which you want to avoid in good writing
4th C===on is the correct word for the sentence to make sense
5th A—no change—sentence uses correct verb tense as it is written
6th A—no change---the sentence correctly uses ‘its’ in the proper way; other choices are all incorrect
prime minister
Friday January 6
1st period
Predicate Nouns
A predicate noun is a single noun or a noun phrase that renames the subject of a sentence and follows a form of the verb “to be” or another linking
verb. Forms of the verb “to be” include: is, was, am, are, be, being, been, has been, may be, and were. Other verbs that may be linking verbs or
action verbs include: smell, taste, feel, sound, grow, seem, remain, become, continue, appear, turn, and stay.
Write the following sentence, and underline the predicate noun:
Bono is a great singer.
2nd period
reading comprehension and editing
Refrigerated trucks known as bloodmobiles were used by the program to transport blood and plasma.
Given that all of the following choices are true, which one would most clearly indicate one of Dr. Drew’s contributions to the program?
c. At his suggestion, refrigerated trucks known as bloodmobiles were used
known as bloodmobiles, refrigerated trucks were used
d. The program was the first to use refrigerated trucks called bloodmobiles
3rd period
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
After doctors in Britain were able to organize their own blood bank, the American Red Cross, asked Drew, to direct a national blood bank program in
the United States.
4th period
b. Cross asked Drew
c. Cross, asked Drew
d. Cross asked Drew,
reading comprehension and editing
It was Drew who first demonstrated that plasma (the fluid component of blood) could be used in some circumstances as a substitute for whole blood.
This discovery was important, because blood plasma is easier to ship and store than whole blood. With Dr. Drew at its head, the Blood for Britain
program was a success. Refrigerated trucks known as bloodmobiles were used by the program to transport blood and plasma. After doctors in
Britain were able to organize their own blood bank, the American Red Cross asked Drew to direct a national blood bank program in the United
Given that all of the following statements are true, which one, if added here, would most vividly describe the impact of Dr. Drew’s work for the
American Red Cross?
Unlike Great Britain’s blood collection program, the American Red Cross’s system employed full time staff members rather than volunteers.
The blood bank system developed by Dr. Drew changed many things in the field of medicine.
By implementing his revolutionary ideas relating to blood and blood plasma, Dr. Drew saved lives not only in wartime abroad but in
peacetime at home.
After three months of successfully operating the new blood bank system, Dr. Drew resigned as the plasma project’s director to become
chair of surgery at Howard University.
5th period
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
Volunteering is one way for todays’ teenagers to achieve personal growth.
6th period
b. today’s teenager’s
c. todays teenagers
d. today’s teenagers
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and then make the correct choice out of the answers provided, based on the underlined portion of the text.
Volunteering is one way for today’s teenagers to achieve personal growth. As they plan for their adult lives.
7th period
b. growth; as
c. growth as
d. growth? As
Predicate nouns
Write the following sentence, and underline the predicate noun:
He is an idiot for dumping her.
Answers for Friday January 6
2nd C—this choice most clearly indicates that it was Dr. Drew who was responsible for implementing bloodmobiles
B---there isn’t a need for any commas in the underlined portion of text
4th---C---this choice describes specifically how he saved people’s lives by working for the Red Cross; A doesn’t have anything to do with Dr. Drew; B
is too generic—doesn’t give specific details; D talks about what he did in the future, not what he did for working for the Red Cross which is what the
question asked
5th D
today’s needs an apostrophe; teenagers is plural; other combinations are incorrect
6th C—growth as
7th idiot
is the correct way to make the sentence complete and correct