subject complements - a noun, pronoun, or an adjective that completes the meaning of a linking verb - there are two types: predicate adjective and predicate nominative Which sentence has a subject complement? 1. I like penguins. 2. The children were excited. 3. We are going to the museum this weekend. We need to start thinking about sentences as equations. Each “equation” needs three parts: 1. a subject 2. a verb 3. a complement The “equation” for a linking verb sentence: predicate nominative-a noun or pronoun in the predicate that identifies or explains the subject of the linking verb ex) I am a teacher. Now you try! 1. The boy was only a kindergartener. 2. Here is the paper. Predicate Adjective-an adjective in the predicate that describes the subject of a linking verb ex) I am happy. Now you try! 1. He seemed excited but nervous. 2. The tomato turned red on the vine.