File diagramming the eight parts of speech

Diagramming the Eight Parts of Speech
In order to begin diagramming, it is necessary for students to have an in-depth
study of the eight parts of speech.
Noun – names a person, place, thing or idea – can have five jobs in any sentence(1) subject, which is the most important job without which you will not have a
sentence; (2) Direct Object; (3) Indirect object; (Object of the Prepositon; Predicate
Adjective, Predicate Nominative; it will always ask and answer Who or What
Verb (Predicate) - can show action; always creates time in your sentences – can
have only One job in any sentence, it’s the Predicate.
Adjective- modifies/describes any noun in a sentence – asks and answers Who or
What of any noun or another adjectiver
Adverb- modifies/describes the verb in any sentence – it will always asks and
answers How, When, Where, Why of the predicate (verb)
Preposition – a word used to shoe the relations between a noun/pronoun and some
other word in the sentence (prepositional phrase)
Conjunction – connects words, clauses and sentences: either, or, neither, nor, but,
Interjection – shows strong emotion with proper punctuation
Pronoun – takes the place of an established noun in your sentence(s).
Having reviewed all eight parts of speech, begin to deconstruct
sentences by creating simple sentences
Simple Sentences
There are two parts of speech necessary to make a complete sentence; a noun as
the Subject and the verb as the Predicate; The subject always comes before the
predicate.(Note: it will help the student to understand the 8 parts of speech and
how they interconnect with each other by assigning them their jobs.)
1. The woman cried.
2. A dog barked.
3. The bird sang.
Now create your own simple sentence.