New Course Development

Instructional Media Services
Course Development Grant Application
Completion of this document is the first step toward receiving a Curriculum Development Grant.
Provide enough detail to allow readers to see the potentials of the proposal, as well as outline its known
flaws. As an initial premise, each proposal must harmonize with the goals and objectives of the
sponsoring department. Send your completed application to Joshua Ogle, in
Instructional Media. The deans will periodically review existing applications. Compensation will not be
awarded prior to dean approval.
Faculty Developer:
Department Head:
Course Number:
Course Title:
Initial Offering Date:
Course Type:
Stipend Requested:
New Course
(See attached Compensation Examples for more information.)
Dean: ____________________________________________________
Acct. # _____________________________
Date: _____________________
Contract Date: _________________ Amt $ ______________
Outcomes to be Achieved/Rationale for Development
List and briefly describe the course to be developed or modified and the reason(s) it is currently proposed.
What is the project’s relationship to the sponsoring department’s goals and objectives?
Demonstrate how the proposal is related to the existing goals and objectives of the sponsoring department AND
how it fits within the College’s strategic plan. Please include information about departmental support available for
this project.
Updated 2/12/2016
Instructional Media Services
What is the target audience for this course and how was it determined?
Who will this course benefit and why? Is the target audience statewide, regional, and local?
How will this course be delivered?
Describe the delivery mode/s you will use and what students and/or the College need to have or provide
(computer, broadband Internet, DVD player, special software, lab, proctored tests, CD-ROM, other) for this class to
be successful. If face-to-face meetings are required, what % of course requirements are online?
How will students interact with the instructor and other students?
How will the learning outcomes for this course be evaluated? How will prompt feedback be provided
to students?
Updated 2/12/2016
Instructional Media Services
Additional Information - Please check all that apply:
Course Outline and Curriculum
No course outline is on file with RCC’s Curriculum Office (never taught before at RCC)
Current course outline exists
I have taught this class before and will be adapting pre-existing curriculum
A new textbook or resource set will be required
Syllabus and course schedule exists
No curriculum development for this course currently exists
Web and Media Resources
An e-pack is available
Extensive web resources are available from outside sources, such as the textbook publisher
Some web resources are available
No organized web or media resources are available
No technology is currently built into the course
A computer or technology component is already being used in the classroom version of the course
Extensive original media (video, web, audio, and graphics) production is required
Evaluation and Assessment
The textbook publisher has quizzes and/or test banks available
Some assessment tools are in place, but additional development is required
Original design of evaluation methodology/technology is required.
Updated 2/12/2016
Instructional Media Services
What resources will you need to successfully develop and deliver this course?
Please check the following resources you will need from Instructional Media to assist in your development. Note
that some of this assistance may reduce your stipend.
Load test bank and/or quizzes into Respondus or Blackboard
Load assignments
Customization of course shell in Blackboard
Development of demonstration videos
Development of audio files
Development of original graphics
Production of electronic versions of documents, such as the syllabus, course schedule, etc.
It is the faculty member’s responsibility to inform their assigned media staff member of all progress in
the development of the course. Media staff will submit payment information to payroll at the end of
each stage. Thank you for participating in this important project!
Stipend Recommendations
Compensation Level _________________________________________________________
Developer Notified: _________________________________________________________
RogueOnline staff assigned to this project:
 Sam Battrick, Redwood Campus, 956-7071
 Mark Petersen, Riverside Campus, 245-7720
 David Snell, Redwood Campus, 956-7040
Updated 2/12/2016
Instructional Media Services
The following are examples of stipend levels that have been used on past projects.
LEVEL 1: $1,200 stipend
I have taught this course before and will be adapting a pre-existing curriculum and text to
distance delivery.
Extensive and appropriate web resources are available from an outside source (ex. textbook
publisher) or produced with extensive support of media department staff.
Quiz and test bank available online.
Computer/technology component included in classroom version of course.
LEVEL 2: $1,800 stipend
I have taught this course before and will be adapting a pre-existing curriculum and text to
distance delivery.
Some web or other media elements are available from an outside source or produced by media
department staff.
Some evaluation mode in place, additional development required.
LEVEL 3: $2,400 stipend
I have taught this course before and will be adapting a pre-existing curriculum to distance
A new textbook or resource set will be required. (Does not include updated textbook editions)
No organized web or media resources are available. Media staff provides minimal support in
course development.
No technology is currently built into the course
Original design of evaluation methodology/technology is required.
On rare occasions, proposed projects may not fit into levels 1-3. Projects will need to be pre-approved
and actual compensation will be determined upon final review of the completed project.
Factors that may result in addition compensation could include;
New course requiring original curriculum development
Extensive original media (video, web, audio, graphics) production required. Media staff provides
minimal support, if any, in course development.
Other (please explain):
Updated 2/12/2016