Qualification details Title New Zealand Certificate in Civil Infrastructure Trades (Bituminous Surfacing Construction) (Level 4) with strands in Bituminous Mixes, Chipseal, and Slurry Version 1 Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Credits 160 NZSCED 030999 Engineering and Related Technologies>>Civil Engineering>>Civil Engineering not elsewhere classified Qualification developer Infrastructure ITO Next review 31 December 2020 Approval date 17 September 2015 Strategic Purpose Statement This qualification is targeted at those who want to achieve trade certification status within the bituminous surfacing construction sector. The purpose of this qualification is to provide the civil infrastructure works industry with experienced and competent tradespeople, capable of gaining trades certification. It leads to partial fulfilment of the registration requirements with the Civil Trades Certification Board (CTCB). Graduates will be able to safely and independently perform tasks using industry standards and specifications within their own disciplines, taking responsibility for their own work and that of others. The strands provide tradespeople with the knowledge and skills to produce quality outcomes when constructing bituminous mixes, chipseal or slurry surfaces. Graduate profile Graduates of this qualification will be able to: - Outcome Statement - Qualification Reference 2961 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 - Ensure on-site health, safety, environment, and quality assurance requirements are met as required for the range of work undertaken by a bituminous surfacing construction tradesperson Apply appropriate methodology to bituminous surfacing construction operations Undertake bituminous surfacing construction operations using small and large plant and equipment Practice effective communication when operating as a tradesperson within a bituminous surfacing construction team Graduates of the Bituminous Mixes strand will be able to: Page 1 of 5 - apply industry standards and follow standard operating procedures when constructing quality bituminous mix layers. Graduates of the Chipseal strand will be able to: - apply industry standards and follow standard operating procedures when constructing quality chipseal. Graduates of the Slurry strand will be able to: - apply industry standards and follow standard operating procedures when constructing quality slurry. Education pathway This qualification builds on the New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Level 2) [Ref: 2522], and may lead to the New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Site Supervision) (Level 4) [Ref: 2617]. Graduates of the New Zealand Certificate in Bituminous Surfacing Construction with strands in Bituminous Mixes, Chipseal, and Slurry (Level 4) [Ref: 2686] will have credits towards this qualification. Employment pathway Graduates of this qualification will be able to work independently as bituminous surfacing construction tradespeople in the civil infrastructure industry specialising in bituminous mixes, chipseal, or slurry; and, once they have met the requirements of the Civil Trades Certification Board (CTCB), may register for trade certification. For more information on registration requirements, contact the Infrastructure ITO – Connexis: askus@connexis.org.nz. Qualification specifications Qualification award This qualification can be awarded by the Infrastructure ITO, or any organisation with an approved programme or accredited to deliver a programme leading to the qualification. The certificate will display the logos of the NZQF; and the Infrastructure ITO, or the programme owner, or the accredited provider. Evidence requirements for assuring consistency All Tertiary Education Organisations (TEOs) either arranging training or delivering programmes that lead to the award of the qualification are required to participate in a consistency process scheduled by NZQA. Core evidence requirements for demonstrating consistency for the qualification may include: - internal and external moderation results relating to the assessment of graduate outcomes feedback and actions taken in response to feedback programme completion data and results any other relevant evidence. For more information on evidence for consistency relating to this qualification, contact the Quality Assurance team at Qualification Reference 2961 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 2 of 5 info@connexis.org.nz; and refer to ‘Guidelines for assuring national consistency of graduate outcomes for qualifications listed on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework’ at www.nzqa.govt.nz Minimum standard of achievement and standards for grade endorsements Achievement of all of the outcomes in the graduate profile, including the outcomes for at least one strand. Other requirements for the qualification (including regulatory body or legislative requirements) None General conditions for the programme leading to the qualification General conditions for programme Candidates must hold the New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Level 2) [Ref: 2522], or demonstrate equivalent knowledge and experience, before enrolling on programmes leading to this qualification. Use and care of hand tools is a key skill requirement for this qualification. Trainees must have either achieved US 23285 or demonstrate equivalent knowledge and skill. Health, safety, environment and quality are critical in this industry and underpin all outcomes of this qualification. Slurry surfacing is the generic term for a mix of asphalt emulsion binder, crushed aggregate, and stabilising filler. A development of slurry using a polymer modified binder and selected aggregates is known as micro-surfacing. Appropriate traffic management training for the level of roads must be attained. Appropriate licences and licence endorsements must be attained, these may include – D, W, T, R. Refer to New Zealand Transport Agency’s latest requirements for licences and endorsements, at www.nzta.govt.nz. TEOs offering programmes leading to this qualification must maintain currency with amendments to, and replacements of, relevant legislation, regulations, rules, and Australia/New Zealand standards for bituminous surfacing construction. For more detailed guidelines for programme development (including recommended unit standards), contact the qualification developer at: qualifications@connexis.org.nz. Conditions relating to the Graduate profile Qualification outcomes Qualification Reference 2961 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Conditions Page 3 of 5 1 Ensure on-site health, safety, environment, and quality assurance requirements are met as required for the range of work undertaken by a bituminous surfacing construction tradesperson Credits 50 2 Apply appropriate methodology to bituminous surfacing construction operations Credits 24 Candidates must: - consistently meet the required health, safety and environment, and quality requirements as indicated by relevant legislation, regulations, rules, and Australia/New Zealand standards for bituminous surfacing construction - display an attitude that demonstrates awareness of risk to themselves, others, plant and structures. Programmes must include: - surfacings and the context in which they are used - materials, production plants, modified binders, and the sampling and testing requirements for materials used for bituminous surfacings - the purpose and function of plant and equipment used in bituminous surfacing construction - plans and set-out information for bituminous surfacing construction operations - materials testing and compaction techniques 3 Undertake bituminous surfacing construction operations using small and large plant and equipment Programmes must include: - inspection, maintenance and operation of small and large plant and equipment Credits 45 4 Practice effective communication when operating as a tradesperson within a bituminous surfacing construction team Credits 11 Programmes must include: - interpretation of documents (such as contract specifications, manufacturer’s instructions, client and employer requirements, instructions and procedures) required for civil works operations - clear and accurate work records and reports - appropriate interactions with people affected by worksite activities; including the nature and extent of works - the use of strategies to solve and communicate issues as they arise in the workplace Bituminous mixes strand 5 Apply industry standards and follow standard operating procedures when constructing quality bituminous mix layers. Credits 30 Programmes must include: - design fundamentals of bituminous mixes - equipment and processes required to construct a bituminous mix layer - interpretation of site paving instructions - construction of bituminous mix layers - sample testing for asphalt paving construction. Qualification Reference 2961 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 4 of 5 Chipseal strand 6 Apply industry standards and follow standard operating procedures when constructing quality chipseal. Credits 30 Programmes must include: - design fundamentals and treatment selection of chipseal - equipment and processes required to construct a chipseal - techniques required to construct a quality chipseal - interpretation of chipseal design and treatment instructions and the techniques required to construct a quality chipseal - sample testing for chipseal construction Slurry strand 7 Apply industry standards and follow standard operating procedures when constructing quality slurry. Programmes must include: Credits 30 - techniques required to construct a quality slurry surface - design fundamentals of slurry - equipment and processes required to construct a slurry surface - interpretation of paving instructions and the techniques required to construct a quality slurry surface - sample testing for slurry surfacing construction Transition information Replacement information None This is a new qualification and does not replace any existing qualification on the framework. However, it is acknowledged that candidates may have undertaken, or are currently enrolled in qualifications that include some of the outcomes of this qualification. People currently working towards any of the current infrastructure works qualifications may either complete the requirements for that qualification or transfer to this qualification. It is the intention of Infrastructure ITO that no existing trainee should be disadvantaged. Any person who considers they have been disadvantaged may appeal to the Infrastructure ITO. Connexis - Infrastructure ITO PO Box 2759 Wellington, 6140 Telephone Fax Email Website 04 499 9144 04 499 9145 qualifications@connexis.co.nz http://www.connexis.org.nz Qualification Reference 2961 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 5 of 5