Urban Deprivation in Manchester

A Level Geography
Urban Deprivation in Manchester
Task 1
From the list of census measures select one that you think may be an indicator of deprivation. These
could include measures related to;
Using the Manchester Intelligence Hub Analysis Tool find the statistics for your choice of measure for all
the wards in Manchester.
You have a blank ward map of Manchester. Choose how you are going to map your information. You
can use any of the following methods;
Choropleth map
Proportional symbols
Located bar charts
Remember you will need a key and an appropriate range of values.
Task 2
When your maps are completed, pin them up or display on the smart board. Complete the table below,
outlining the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of presentation?
Proportional symbols
Located bar charts
Task 3
Create a league table of wards based upon all the maps created by your group.
Top five most deprived wards
Top five least derived wards
Task 4
The map above shows the indices of multiple deprivation in Manchester. These are based on seven
measures of deprivation – income, employment, health, education, housing and crime. Does this
correspond to the conclusions that you reached in task 3?
Describe the pattern of urban deprivation.
Suggest reasons for this pattern of urban deprivation in Manchester.
Describe and explain why managing urban deprivation can be challenging.
Map image taken from http://www.manchester.gov.uk