Topics and Titles for 2015 Spec .No THEME G3.2.1 Geography of Crime The distribution of crime G3.2.2 Deprivation Deprivation in rural areas G3.2.3 Geography of Disease Spatial variations in disease G3.2.4 Environmental Psychology G3.2.5 Leisure & Recreation Human well-being in relation to the environment Use of green spaces G3.2.6 Microclimates Valley microclimates G3.2.7 Atmospheric & Water Pollution G3.2.8 Geography of Retailing Causes and consequences of a pollution incident Clone towns G3.2.9 Rivers Downstream changes in river variables G3.2.10 Small Scale Ecosystems Woodland ecosystems Spec. No. G3.2.1 THEME Geography of Crime: The distribution of crime Potential aims/suggested titles for investigation Is the incidence of crime different between rural and urban areas? To what extent does crime vary between the inner and outer suburbs of a city? Does the wealth of an area affect the type of crime found there? To what extent does crime vary between different areas? Is deprivation always confined to central areas? Is the building period of a housing area a good indicator of deprivation? Do deprivation levels decrease from inner city areas to the suburbs? Is deprivation in a part of a village, town or city always perceived to be worse than it actually is? Is there a link between the increasing prevalence of TB and the location of migrant populations? Is disease an urban or rural phenomenon? Are STDs more prevalent in studentified districts of urban areas? What impact does disease have upon employment G3.2.2 Deprivation: Patterns of deprivation G3.2.3 Geography of Disease: Spatial variations in disease 1 SJ/JF/W29(13) opportunities? How does the management of disease X influence its distribution? Is people’s fear of a hazardous event actually related to the risk? Does access to open spaces affect the quality of life? Does proximity to communication hubs affect wellbeing? Do the physical characteristics of residential areas affect the well-being of the people who live there? Does human well-being increase as building density decreases? How important are green spaces in urban areas? What type of green space is most appropriate for an urban area? To what extent do green spaces offer a diversity of recreational opportunities? How does recreational use vary between green spaces in urban and rural areas? How might the use of green spaces be planned for in the future? Within one valley how and why does microclimate change? Are changes in valley microclimates reflected in changes in vegetation? How does microclimate vary between two different valleys? How does the microclimate in valley X vary over time? What are the short- and long-term consequences of a pollution incident? To what extent is the impact of a pollution incident dependent upon prevailing conditions? What was the impact of pollution incident X upon the local environment? Is a crude oil spillage always a disaster? To what extent do clone towns remove diversity from the high street? Will clone towns lead to the death of the high street? Is town X a clone town? To what extent can the spread of clone towns be regarded as beneficial? Do shopping patterns vary between a clone town and a non-clone town? How does land use influence change along the course of river X? How do variables change downstream along river X? To what extent do landforms reflect downstream changes in regime? What is the impact of human activity upon river variables? To what extent does geology impact on changes along the course of a river? G3.2.4 Environmental Psychology: Human well-being in relation to the environment G3.2.5 Leisure and Recreation: Use of green spaces G3.2.6 Microclimates: Valley microclimates G3.2.7 Atmospheric and Water Pollution: Causes & consequences of a pollution incident G3.2.8 Geography of retailing: Clone towns G3.2.9 Rivers: Downstream changes in river variables 2 SJ/JF/W29(13) G3.2.10 Small Scale Ecosystems: Woodland ecosystems To what extent does use of woodlands affect the development of vegetation? To what extent does increased human activity impact upon vegetation? What impact does management have upon the woodland ecosystem? How can human threats to a woodland ecosystem be managed? ENQUIRY APPROACH WHICH CAN BE APPLIED TO G1, G2 AND G3B The following provides a framework for students to follow as they undertake investigations in preparation for Question 3 on both papers G1, G2 and paper G3B. They will benefit from being involved as much as possible in planning and decision making at each stage, in order to increase their understanding and recall of the enquiry process. One approach that might be adopted is to provide candidates with a template based on the stages in this framework on which they can keep a record of the discussions that took place and the decisions that were made. 1. Planning Stages of the Investigation 2. Develop your knowledge of the topic by consulting geographical literature or searching the Internet. Decide on issue to be investigated and develop your knowledge of the places being studied. Decide on the location for the investigation and develop your knowledge of the place(s) being studied. Visit your chosen location for a pilot survey. Undertake a risk assessment. Obtain any equipment (if required) checking availability and how to operate it. Prepare recording sheets/ design questionnaire surveys. Decide on sampling strategy/ies. Check weather conditions if relevant. Decide on day, date and time of survey. Arrange appointments if your investigation involves interviews/visits. Data Collection Identify a clear question, hypothesis or issue. Developing sub questions may help to bring greater clarity to complex investigations. Justify the reasons for selecting the location and the data set(s) you plan to collect. Briefly outline the geographical context of your investigation. Describe your field area with words and an annotated base map; you could also give some background information about the area. Describe how you collected the data for your study. Include recording sheets and/or sample questionnaires. Explain the sampling technique(s) used and justify your choice(s). Briefly discuss any difficulties/ factors affecting your enquiry (e.g. bad weather) and possible bias when collecting information. 3 SJ/JF/W29(13) 3. Data Refinement and Display 4. Description, Analysis and Interpretation 5. Refine the data into tables. Use a range of appropriate graphical techniques (given on pages 15 and 16 of the specification) to present the data accurately and clearly. Justify your choices. Include field sketches and annotated photographs. Include any cartographical (mapping) techniques (given on pages 15 and 16 of the specification). Justify your choices. Evaluate your methods of presentation – how effective are they in showing the data you collected. Would alternative methods have been better? Describe and analyse each set of data. Summarise the data using measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode) and dispersion (standard deviation). Use other refining activities that may be relevant such as scaling, ranking and weighting. Look for relationships between the data shown on the graphs and where appropriate use correlation Discuss your findings using your geographical understanding of the topic, answering each sub-question in turn. Conclusion and Evaluation Summarise the conclusions you have been able to reach about each of your sub-questions. Your conclusions must be effective and acceptable, linking directly back to the questions. Evaluate the methods of data collection and sampling techniques used. Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the study as a whole and the importance of obtaining accurate and reliable data. Suggest further research that could be carried out and/or questions to be answered. 4 SJ/JF/W29(13)