1 Ó Broin WPU-NJ Basic Grammar Handout for Linguistics Courses This is a basic vocabulary of grammar (not of linguistics). Please familiarize yourselves with it – during lectures I will use this terminology constantly and expect you to follow without difficulty. Go through the vocabulary NOW and mark the words you do not understand. There are a number of websites that will assist you in learning what these words mean: go to a reputable websearcher (e.g. www.google.com) and enter the words "Glossary Grammar Terms" (or similar). Mark the most useful sites and use them frequently. A accusative Active Voice of Verbs Adjective Adverb Antecedent Article Auxiliary Verb B Basic Tenses (present, past, future, perfect, progressive, etc.) C Case Clause Collective Noun Comparative Degree Complex Sentence Conjunction D dative Declarative Sentence declension definite article demonstrative pronoun Demonstratives Dependent Clause Determiner Direct Object E Exclamation G Gender genitive Gerund Gerundive I Imperative Mood Imperative Sentence indefinite Independent Clause Indicative Mood Indirect Object Infinitive Inflection Interjection interrogative Interrogative Pronoun Interrogative Sentence Intransitive Verb irregular L Linking Verb M Main Clause Main Verb masculine Modal Auxiliary Verb Modifier Modify Mood N Negative neuter Nominative Case Noun Number (singular or plural) 2 O Object of Preposition Objective Case (Accusative) P Part of Speech Participle Passive Voice past participle past tense Perfect Tenses Person (first person, second, third) personal pronoun Plural Possessive Case (Genitive) Possessive Pronoun Predicate prefix Preposition Prepositional Phrase present participle preterite Progressive Tenses Pronoun Proper Adjective Proper Noun R reflexive Reflexive Pronoun relative clause Relative Pronoun S Sentence Singular Strong Verb Subject Subjective Case (Nominative) Subjunctive Mood Subordinate Clause Subordinating Conjunction suffix Superlative T Tense of Verbs Transitive Verbs V Verb (Part of Speech) Vocative W Weak Verb