book_reivew_unit_2_Hyejin Kim

Academic Writing for Graduate Students – Book Review
WFED English Writing Group 2014 Fall (10/08/2014
Unit Two: Writing General-Specific Texts
Shape of G-S Texts
General Statement
GS text usually begin with one of the following
Detail in support of
the general statement
a short or extended definition,
a contrastive or comparative definition
More detailed
a generalization or purpose statement, or
a statement of fact.
Broader statement
Short definitions that give information about a term in a word or a phrase and are
placed within either parentheses or comma in a sentence
Sentence definitions, which are brief and somewhat similar to a dictionary definition
Extended definitions which are longer and more detailed than definitions found in
The Language of defining and naming
The verb name itself is rare and seems restricted to a focus on the name itself.
ex) This new species was named by Ascochyta mycoparasitica.
The verb denote is quite common but seems largely restricted to matters of notation
ex) Any rational velocity is usually denoted by f.
The verb call is quite common, but using it in full sentences can be tricky. It does not
work so well when writing for experts. Only use call for introducing new information.
ex) This new method is called activity-based costing, or simply ABC.)
The phrase known as is not very common in definitional sentences
ex) Another principle source of heat is the natural increase in temperature as the depth
increases. This is known as the geothermal gradient.
The phrase define as is widely used and often represents a safe option, especially in
more elaborate explanations and for terms or concepts that can be defined in more than
one way
ex) For the purpose of this study, fast food is defined as food…
Shadow work may be defined as those subsistence activities...
The verb refer is widely used in academic writing but tends, as far as definition are
concerned, to be used for terminological explanations
ex) The natural gas contained in coal formations is generally referred to as coal bed
Formal Sentence Definitions
Term + Class + Distinguishing details
ex) A solar cell is a device that/which converts the energy if sunlight into electric energy
distinguishing details
Academic Writing for Graduate Students – Book Review
WFED English Writing Group 2014 Fall (10/08/2014
Grammar of Definitions
Use the indefinite articles a and an in the first part of the preceding definitions
The indefinite article before the class indicates that you are classifying a term
The indefinite article before the term conveys the meaning that any representative of this
term will fit the assigned class. (do not use the)
Deletion 1: How to reduce the restrictive relative
The relative clause consists only of the relative pronoun, the verb to be, and one or more
prepositional phrase
ex) A wharf is a structure (that is) along a waterfront providing a place for ships to load
and unload passenger or cargo.
The relative clause consist of a passive verb plus some additional information
ex) A theater is a building (that has been) specifically designed for dramatic performances
The relative clause contains the relative pronoun, an adjective ending in –ble and
additional information
ex) A robot is a multiprogrammable device (which is) capable of performing the work of a
Deletion 2: Change in word or word form
Relative pronoun + the verb have.  replaced by with
ex) A parliament is a national governing body which has/with the highest level of
legislative power within a state.
Relative pronoun + Active state verb  replaced by the –ing form
ex) Pollution is a form of contamination that often results from human activity. resulting
Whereby is commonly used instead of by which, by means of which, and through which
Care in constructing formal definitions
Find the precise word or phrase for the class
ex) A microscope is an objects …  A microscope is an instrument …
A solar cell is a device that converts the energy of sunlight into electric energy(O)
A solar cell is something that changes sunlight into electricity (X, less academic)
Avoid using the term itself. It can result in a circular definition
Avoid using when and where in definitions
Competing Definitions
While debate exists regarding a precise definition of…, the stance adopted in this paper is
For the purposes of this paper, … refers to/is defined as/is considered to be…
Here we define… as…
In this paper I have adopted [author’s] definition of…
This paper follows [author’s] definition of….
Contrastive Definitions
The former deals with…, while the latter is concerned with…
Two approaches of Comparative Definitions
Academic Writing for Graduate Students – Book Review
WFED English Writing Group 2014 Fall (10/08/2014
Present a historical account of how a concept has changed over time
Present an overview how various experts today view a concept differently