Practices of using geological information in land use planning in

Integrating Geological Information in City Management to
Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267
Jaana Jarva & Johannes Klein
Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)
Practices of using geological information in land use planning in
This paper is based on reports that have been prepared for EU-projects carried out
earlier. The main sources are:
 ARMONIA (Applied multi Risk Mapping of Natural Hazards for Impact
Assessment) –project; supported by the European Commission in the Sixth
Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development,
Thematic Area "Global Change and Ecosytems"
 Strategy development for sustainable use of ground water and aggregates in
Vyborg District, Leningrad Oblast, Russia; supported by the European
Union’s Tacis Cross-Border Co-operation Small Project Facility Programme
Brief introduction to the Finnish planning system
The Finnish administrative structure relies on three levels: national, regional and local
levels. Legislative power rests exclusively with the central government. There are six
provinces in Finland that belong to the state system and are purely for the purposes of
central government administration. The 19 Regional Councils in Finland, which are
associations of municipalities, have authority for regional development and are
responsible for regional policy and planning. On a local level, there are 416 selfgoverned municipalities in Finland (situation in the beginning of year 2007). The
municipalities have in common the basic administrative and decision-making system.
They are responsible for organising health and social security, education, youth work
and land use planning in their area (i.e. Jarva & Virkki 2006).
Land use planning in Finland is regulated mainly by the Land Use and Building Act
(Maankäyttö- ja rakennuslaki 132/1999). More detailed regulations and controls on
land use and construction are included in the Land Use and Building Decree
(Maankäyttö- ja rakennusasetus 895/1999). The National Building Code contains
regulations and guidelines that complement the legislation in the Land Use and
Building Act (132/1999). Other legislation that steers the land use planning is for
example the Nature Conservation Act (Luonnonsuojelulaki 1096/1996). The common
objectives of the Land Use and Building Act (132/1999) are to organise land use and
construction to create the basis for high quality residential environments, to promote
ecologically, economically, socially and culturally sustainable development, to ensure
that everyone has the chance to participate in open planning process and to guarantee
the quality of planning decisions and solutions.
The principal instruments of the Finnish planning system are national land use
guidelines, regional plans, local master plans and local detailed plans. On a national
level, the Ministry of Environment supervises and develops planning policy in
Integrating Geological Information in City Management to
Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267
Finland. Regional Councils are in charge of regional scale spatial planning
(maakuntakaava) and the municipalities are responsible for preparing a local master
plan (yleiskaava) as well as a local detailed plan (asemakaava) for their area. These
three separate spatial plans have been developed to serve different aims and purposes.
The regional plan concentrates on land use issues that are of national or regional
interest (usually in scale 1:100 000-1:250 000). The local master plan takes into
account the special needs of a municipality (usually in scale 1:5 000-1:50 000) and the
local detailed plan guides building and planning within the municipality (usually in
scale 1:2 000). Every municipality also needs to have a building code
(rakennusjärjestys), which guides planning on the local level. The building code
includes regulations that are necessary for the realisation and preservation of a good
living environment (i.e. Jarva & Virkki 2006).
Plans for shore zones have been drawn up since the 1960’s. In 2003, 15 % of shore
zones had either a local (shore) detailed plan or local (shore) master plan (Jylhä &
Riipinen, 2003). Section 72 in the Land Use and Building Act (132/1999) states that
“buildings may not be constructed in shore zones in shore area of the sea or of a body
of water without a local detailed plan or legally binding local master plan. […] These
provisions also apply to shore areas where planning of building and other use to
arrange for holiday homes which are mainly shore-based is necessary because of
anticipated building development in the area.”
Land use planning on the local level
As mentioned in the first chapter, municipalities are responsible for preparing a local
master plan for their area. It can cover the whole municipality or it can be drawn up in
stages or by sub-area. Neighbouring municipalities can also co-operate and prepare a
joint municipal master plan. The local master plan is usually drawn up by the local
authority, that is municipality, and it is approved by the local elected council.
However, the task of preparing a joint municipal master plan can be delegated to
some suitable joint organisation of local authorities, e.g. to the Regional Council. The
joint master plan needs to be ratified by the Ministry of the Environment.
The required content of the local master plan is provided in Section 39 of the Land
Use and Building Act (132/1999). “The following must be taken into account when a
local master plan is drafted: 1) the functionality, economy and ecological
sustainability of the community structure; 2) utilization of the existing community
structure; 3) housing needs and availability of services; 4) opportunities to organize
traffic, especially public transport and non-motorized traffic, energy, water supply and
drainage, and energy and waste management in an appropriate manner which is
sustainable in terms of the environment, natural resources and economy; 5)
opportunities for a safe and healthy living environment which takes different
population groups into equal consideration; 6) business conditions within the
municipality; 7) reduction of environmental hazards; 8) protection of the built
environment, landscape and natural values; and 9) sufficient number of areas suitable
for recreation.”
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Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267
Municipalities prepare also local detailed plans for their area. A local detailed plan
can cover a whole residential area including housing, work and recreation areas or
sometimes a smaller area. The local detailed plan is approved by the local council.
The required content of the local detailed plan is provided in Section 55 of the Land
Use and Building Act (132/1999). “The local detailed plan shall be presented on a
map indicating the following: 1) the boundaries of the area covered by the local
detailed plan (local detailed plan area); 2) the boundaries of the various areas included
in the local detailed plan; 3) the public and private uses intended for land and water
areas; 4) the volume of building; and 5) the principles governing the siting of
buildings and, when necessary, the type of construction.”
Natural resources in land use planning
According to the national land use guidelines issued by the Council of the State “land
use should promote the sustainable use of natural resources so as to secure their
availability for future generations as well. In land use and its planning, the location of
natural resources and the possibilities of utilising them are to be taken into account”
(Ministry of the Environment 2002). In terms of sustainable use of natural resources,
usable bedrock resources, their consumption and long-range needs as well as mires
suitable for turf extraction and their needs for production and protection should be
taken into account in regional planning. The need for protecting groundwater and
surface waters and the needs for using them should also be taken into account in land
use planning (Ministry of the Environment 2002).
The regional development strategies are often written in very general level but they
follow the principles defined by the national land use guidelines. The regional
programme is more detailed and it includes for example impact assessment studies
where among other things the impacts on nature and on natural resources are studied
(refer to Section 1 of the Land Use and Building Decree 895/1999). In the case of
natural resources, the important groundwater areas as well as extractable sand, gravel
and bedrock areas are defined in the regional plan. It is important to reserve areas and
to ensure both the supply of good quality aggregate for construction (e.g. for the
concrete industry and highway construction) and good quality groundwater for water
supply systems within the regional plans. A project "Adjusting of Aggregate
Production and Groundwater Protection" which provides this information started in
1994 in Finland. The project is a large co-operative effort involving the Finnish
Environment Institute together with the regional environment centres, regional
planning authorities, the Finnish Road Administration, cities and municipalities, the
Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry
of Agriculture and Forestry, aggregate companies and the European Union. The
description of the regional plan gives detailed information on natural resources of the
area, i.e. how many important groundwater areas there exist, what is the quantity and
quality of extractable sand, gravel and bedrock resources as well as estimated future
use and it can also give information on specific conditions that should be taken into
account. Nowadays, it has become evident that also areas suitable for industrial
mineral or natural stone extraction should be indicated in land use plans.
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Land Extraction Act (Maa-aineslaki 1981/555) defines how to apply permission to
extraction of land resources. The permission is granted by the authority that
municipality has issued. The statement is needed from the Regional Environment
Centre if the planned land extraction area has national or other significant importance
in terms of nature conservation, significance in terms of water protection or it directly
effects on other municipalities.
The important groundwater areas for water supply and their classification are
indicated in land use plans according to their priority; class I: groundwater area
important for water supply; class II: groundwater area suitable for water supply; class
III: other groundwater area (indication of groundwater areas that belong to the class
III is optional). The water intakes are marked with symbol. The protection zones of
the groundwater areas that are based on the Water Act (Vesilaki 264/1961) regulations
are also indicated and the delineations are drawn to the land use plan.
The areas that are reserved for the land extraction are also indicated in the land use
plan. However, the extraction of land resources in these areas needs permit like
regulated in the Land Extraction Act (1981/555). It is also recommended to indicate
the post-treatment actions of the area already in the land use plan. There are many
different ways in which former extraction areas can be developed. Silviculture is the
most common alternative. Other possibilities include recreation and sports, building
of houses and industrial use. Hard rock quarries can even be suitable for construction
of refuse disposals. Parts of some extraction sites may also be used as educational
sites for science classes (Alapassi et al. 2001). The objectives of the environmental
management and post-treatment actions of the extraction areas are presented in the
regional plan.
Construction suitability studies
Geological factors including overburden thickness and soil type affects greatly the
foundation costs in Finland. Therefore different alternatives for land use plans may
have considerable effect on the overall costs of infrastructure building on long period
of time. Especially the costs of foundation are controlled by foundation type and
foundation depth i.e. pile length. That is why it is necessary to have information on
the locations of excessively deep fine-grained deposits (Jarva et al. 2006). Besides the
depth of load bearing layer, the depth of groundwater level and especially the
variations in the water table are taken into account while investigating the
construction suitability. The topography, i.e. slope steepness and aspect, is also
Construction suitability studies are carried out for areas where a local master plan is
drawn. For example city of Espoo has prepared a special classification to indicate the
construction suitability (figure 1). The classification takes into account the soil type
(bedrock, gravel, sand, moraine (till), silt, clay), depth of the bedrock contact or other
load bearing layer, the thickness of the fine-grained sediments and the mean slope
gradient. The construction suitability maps derived from this information can be used
to allocate detailed geotechnical investigations to the most interesting and critical
areas while local detailed plan is drawn.
Integrating Geological Information in City Management to
Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267
Figure 1. Construction suitability map from part of city of Espoo. Class number 6
indicates areas where construction suitability is weak (i.e. soil type is weakly load
bearing, usually peat or gyttja) and class number 2 indicates good construction
suitability (i.e. plain topography, soil type mainly sand or gravel). (City of Espoo
To define the suitability of bedrock for construction rock types and tectonic and
structural properties are mapped. Knowledge in the evolution of the Svecofennian
bedrock is very important for the activities utilizing the bedrock. Tectonic, magmatic
and metamorphic evolution has determined the recent distribution of the rock types,
its structural anisotropy and the factors determining the distribution and characters of
the brittle structures. These are important for all kind of bedrock applications
(Wennerström et al. 2006). Underground construction has become more and more
actual especially in areas with high population density.
Characterisation of sulphide rich clay and silt sediments
A very special feature in Finland is acid sulphide rich clay and silt sediments. These
sediments were formed during the different phases of the Baltic Sea. The sulphide in
sulphate lands originates from the seawaters that covered the land after the ice age.
When the groundwater level lowers, the sulphide becomes oxidized into sulphuric
acid forming water-soluble salts or alums. This leads to the increase of acidity and
metal leaching. Acid, sulphide rich lands also set special requirements for foundation
type and structure (i.e. Ojala A. 2007a; Ojala A. 2007b; Ojala et al. 2007). Geological
Survey of Finland, West Finland Regional Environment Center, Finnish Environment
Institute, Åbo Akademi and Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute have
planned co-operation project where acid sulphide rich soils are classified. The project
will also involve extensive risk assessment of sulphide rich soils including risk
management alternatives (i.e. Österholm 2007; Edén & Storberg 2007).
Integrating Geological Information in City Management to
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Soil contamination
Soils may be contaminated locally by materials that directly enter the soil, or over
wide areas via atmospheric deposition. Contamination of the soil at local point
sources may occur wherever substances with potentially harmful environmental
impacts are stored, processed or deliberately applied to the soil itself. Soil properties
and hydrogeological conditions are important to know in order to assess the
vulnerability of sites to contamination. Construction, mining, quarrying, sand and
gravel extraction, farming, forestry and reindeer husbandry can all affect groundwater
reserves, as well as the physical, chemical and microbiological properties of soils
(Finnish Environment Institute 2007). According to Section 5§ of the Land Use and
Building Act (132/1999) one of the main objectives in land use planning is to promote
a safe and healthy living and working environment. Studies on soil and groundwater
conditions, concentrations, total amounts, properties, baseline concentrations and
locations of harmful substances in soil and groundwater are required while assessing
potential soil contamination and the need for remediation.
Radon risk
Radon is common in areas where the bedrock is uranium-rich granite. In Finland,
STUK (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland) is responsible for exploring
the radon risk. The work of Natural Radiation Laboratory under STUK focuses on the
exposure to elevated radioactivity concentrations both in indoor air and household
water. The objective of the laboratory is to quantify the risks and to develop
techniques for reducing exposure to natural radiation. The laboratory aims at highquality research producing simultaneously information for experts and decision
makers. It also studies practices of radon-safe building (Radiation and Nuclear Safety
Authority 2007).
In Finland, it is necessary to ensure safe levels of radon, both when constructing new
buildings and when renovating older ones. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
has decided that the radon concentration of indoor air may not exceed 400 Bq/m3.
New buildings have to be designed and constructed so that the concentration of radon
is less than 200 Bq/m3 (City of Espoo 2007; Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
Flood risk
The Finnish Land Use and Building Act (132/1999) requires the municipalities to take
into account, that building areas are not prone to floods, landslides or collapse, if they
decide on the suitability of an area for building (at least for areas outside a local
detailed plan, §116).
In the local detailed plan is taken into account, which areas are prone to floods (figure
2) or erosion or where the subsoil is not or only limited suitable for building.
Thresholds for floods or soil stability may be given in the building code of the city.
Therefore, for the delineation of suitable building areas in a detailed plan geological
data such as soil type and stability or depth of the bedrock are needed. Additional, a
detailed terrain model gives information on the height and slope angle in the area.
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In some cases special construction techniques might be required. Clay for example
can shrink under dry conditions but expand, if it is wet. This can have severe impacts
on the stability of foundations. Pile foundations or artificial heightening of the ground
with gravel or till make buildings less susceptible to damages caused by floods and
erosion. Some activities in already built-up areas need geological information, too:
e.g. land is filled up to get a higher ground level for flood protection. In this case soil
stability under changed conditions has to be reassessed to avoid unexpected
subsidence or erosion.
The construction of embankments to protect areas or single estates is not very
common in Finland.
Figure 2. Flood prone area map from city of Espoo, Finland (City of Espoo 2005).
Landslide risk
In general, landslides may occur in Finland especially on river shores. The landslides
on river shores are general in southern and western part of Finland where the thickest
clay areas are situated. In eastern part of Finland, the landslides are common on river
shores where the rivers are harnessed. Avalanches may occur in the northern part of
Finland, in Lappland (i.e. Jarva & Virkki 2006).
On legal basis it is stated in the Land Use and Building Act (132/1999) that a
development site needs to be appropriate and the flood as well as landslide risk should
be considered or a building permit will not be granted. According to Section 116 of
the Land Use and Building Act (132/1999) there should not be a danger of flood or
Integrating Geological Information in City Management to
Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267
landslide. However, the problem is the existence of old building sites where these
regulations have not been followed, mostly because the regulations did not exist when
the houses were built (i.e. Jarva & Virkki 2006).
Regional Environment Centres produce information on landslides in their area, but
systematic mapping does not exist. Some Regional Environment Centres have,
however, mapped possible landslide areas and given building restrictions for
unsuitable areas (Ollila 1999). On the local level scale, building permits are given on
the basis of site-specific geotechnical investigations, especially when building near
riverbanks (i.e. Jarva & Virkki 2006).
Natural heritage – geodiversity
It is well understood that it is essential to produce the basic geo- and bio-information
to make sustainable development possible for land use planning. The Kvarken
Archipelago, shallow threshold between Sweden and Finland, is one of the best
examples of this kind of fragile environment that has been recognized and preserved
from intensive land use. Due its special nature, geology and geomorphology, the
Kvarken is included on UNESCO World Heritage List (Metsähallitus 2006).
In Finland, the valuable and significant geological formations, such as eskers,
drumlins, ice margins and bedrocks can be indicated in the land use plans. The basis
to take these areas into account in land use planning is on geological, biological and
scenery values of the formations. Within these areas the consideration of a permit for
land extraction should be followed to avoid damaging the valuable landscape etc. The
plan regulations should give detailed information on the values that are meant to be
protected (i.e. Ministry of the Environment 2007).
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Local master plan of the Keski-Pasila (Central Pasila) sub-area, Helsinki – an
example of the utilization of geological information in planning
Keski-Pasila is situated some three kilometres north of downtown Helsinki. Most of
the Pasila was built in the 1970s and 80s, and today it is an urban district divided by
the railway yard into two distinct areas. The railway yard is dominated by railway
operations, the Pasila railway station, and the old red-brick engine sheds. All trains
departing from Helsinki stop at Pasila, and in the future Pasila will also become the
terminating station for some trains. The city council of Helsinki approved the local
master plan of the Keski-Pasila sub-area on the 14th of June, 2006. The need for
updated plan for the Keski-Pasila was actuated due to the construction of Vuosaari
Harbour in Helsinki that will free space for new construction in Pasila (City Planning
Department of Helsinki 2006).
The proposal for local master plan of the Keski-Pasila sub-area includes the local
master plan itself, description of the plan and a separate report of impact assessment
studies as well as many smaller studies on social, economical etc. aspects of the
planned area (Lepistö & Kurki 2006).
The impact assessment of soil and bedrock is one part of the impact assessment study
(Hamari 2006). The ground surveys have been carried out in the area and different
kinds of maps have been drawn. The soil map indicates the soil type of the area
(figure 3). Ground surveys give the possibility to present the bedrock topography
(figure 4) and thickness of fine-grained sediments on the preliminary map as contour
lines. The degree of the settlement was studied at couple of observation points. The
changes of the groundwater level were also observed and the preliminary proposal of
the proper foundation was given (figure 5). Based on these preliminary geological
information more detail investigations could be allocate to the most interesting and
critical areas.
Besides the basic geological studies the changes in topography due to construction
activities and other land use changes are discussed in the impact assessment report.
The impact assessment studies have also taken into account gradients of the ground
and the flow paths in case of floods.
Because the planned area is dominated by railway and railway yard, the soil
contamination was investigated. Based on the results the risk assessment process and
assessment of the possible remediation needs were carried out considering the current
and future land use.
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Figure 3. Soil map of Keski-Pasila (Hamari 2006).
Yellow: Bedrock outcrop
White: Sand, gravel or moraine
Yellow with blue lines: 1-3 meters thick clay layer covers the moraine
Blue: Clay, thickness over 3 meters
Yellow with green lines: 1-3 meters thick sand layer covers the clay
Green: Over 3 meters thick peat layer covers the clay
Blue with green lines: 1-3 meters thick peat layer covers the clay
Green line: The estimated thickness of peat layer
Red: Over 3 meters thick filled land covers the clay
Blue-gray with red lines: 1-3 meters thick filled land covers the clay
Blue line: The estimated thickness of clay layer
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Figure 4. Bedrock topography of Keski-Pasila (Hamari 2006).
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Figure 5. Foundation type (Hamari 2006).
Red: Bedrock area
White: Ground stabilizing foundation
Green lines: Pile foundation
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