Cultural Diversity—Day 1 Written by Suzanne Asaturian & Vicky Turl Title: Introduction to Cultural Diversity Grade Level/Subject: 11 – 12 AP Biology & Health Occupations Illinois Learning Standards Social Studies 18. B. 5 Use methods of social science inquiry (pose questions, collect and analyze data, make and support conclusions with evidence, report findings) to study the development and functions of social systems and report conclusions to a larger audience. English Language Arts 5. B. 5a Evaluate the usefulness of information, synthesize information to support a thesis and present information in a logical manner in oral and written form. Workplace Skills: Communicating orally with others Employ reasoning skills Skill Standards: Personal care of the patient/client Patient/client care planning Overview: Students will be given a “Think Sheet” to make predictions on cultural differences in three situations. This will help the teacher assess prior knowledge and gain interest for the lesson. Students will watch 3 video clips and discuss in small groups the cultural issues in each situation viewed. One student from each group will report to the class about their discussion. Students will also complete their text reading assignment. Objectives: Students will discover the keys to respecting cultural diversity—treating each person as a unique individual. Students will become aware of cultural differences as they relate to societal and health care issues. Academic principles: Use of social science inquiry Evaluation of information Reading comprehension CTE Application: Communicating orally with others Employing reasoning skills Reading Strategy Details: Predicting, discussion in small groups and sharing with entire class. This lesson uses reading as a key to understanding various ways of respecting cultural diversity and how not understanding cultural diversity can be deadly to a patient. Students will use a graphic organizer to read the chapter in their text. Pre-Activities: Students will brainstorm cultural diversity perspectives using a “Think Sheet” Activities & Procedures: Students will learn how to assess personal space, gestures, language, or eye contact with volunteers in class. They will discuss how they feel about the differences across cultures in regard to these four body preferences Students will observe DVD clips depicting cultural differences. In groups they will discuss the vignettes and predict the outcome. Students will write predictions and observations. Assessment: Class discussion Observation assignment Graphic organizer Closing & Summarization: Students will summarize the information learned during the day relating to predictions and cultural bias. Students will use the information to complete an observation. Materials Needed: Video “Communicating Between Cultures” 2004 The Learning Seed Think Sheet Worksheet for recording notes on the video clips Observation Sheet Resources: Textbooks: Diversified Health Occupations, 5th ed. Delmar Publishing, 2001 Author Louise Simmers Think Sheet Central Issue: Cultural Diversity The following scenarios will be seen: 1. Fred asks his neighbor Jose to help him in his yard as “Mexicans do such good yard work.” 2. Lee Sao and his friends are ready to grab a bite of dinner. They decide to eat Chinese and ask Lee to pick the best Chinese restaurant. 3. Mike offers newcomer Kim help at his first day at school. He says “Stop by sometime and we can go over the homework together.” Kim shows up immediately after school. For each scenario complete the following: My Questions My Ideas Are The Text Says__________________ Video Clips Notes What are the basic misunderstandings? What shaped people’s perspectives of cultural differences? What surprised you the most? What if you make an error relating to another culture? How do you personally deal with silence in conversations? What errors in judgment do we make when people do not speak English well? Body Language Observation Sheet Observe a pair or group of students at lunch where you can not hear their conversation and record your observations related to body language. _______number of students_________time observed________genders in group Eye contact & movement Body positions and/or stance Hand usage Proximity Volume & rate of speech Arms (leaning, open, crossed) Fingering hair or jewelry Preening Feet movement What are your assumptions from seeing this interaction? Reading & Note Taking Guide For Text Book Title____________________ Pages_______________ First Reading: Paraphrase first and last paragraph. Second Reading: Note boldface type, italics, subheadings. Third Reading: Paraphrase the topic sentence of each paragraph. Give a summary of the pages assigned. Cultural Diversity—Day 2 Written by Suzanne Asaturian & Vicky Turl Title: Are We on the Same Page? Grade Level/Subject: 11 – 12 AP Biology & Health Occupations Illinois Learning Standards Social Studies 18. B. 5 Use methods of social science inquiry (pose questions, collect and analyze data, make and support conclusions with evidence, report findings) to study the development and functions of social systems and report conclusions to a larger audience. English Language Arts 5. B. 5a Evaluate the usefulness of information, synthesize information to support a thesis and present information in a logical manner in oral and written form. English Language Arts 1. C. 5d Summarize and make generalizations from content and relate them to the purpose of the material. Workplace Skills: Communicating orally with others Employ reasoning skills Skill Standards: Personal care of the patient/client Patient/client care planning Overview: Students will identify ways that cultural, ethnic, and stereotypical behaviors can affect the care given to a patient. Students will summarize articles dealing with cultural differences in the health care profession. The teacher will present terminology explaining cultures’, ethnicities, and stereotypes’ role in caring for patients. Objectives: Students will practice using the terminology associated with cultural differences aloud and in activities in and outside of the classroom. Academic principles: Reading comprehension Social science inquiry CTE Application: Communicating orally with others Reading Comprehension Reading Strategy Details: Students will use the “Sub Search” in reading an article entitled An Introduction to Cultural Differences Pre-Activities: Students will begin class with a sharing of their body language observations. Each student will listen for cultural differences defined by each student from data collected in the lunchroom. As a class, we will organize the results onto a worksheet. Activities & Procedures: The teacher will present the terms culture, ethnicity, prejudice, and stereotypes in a power point presentation. This presentation will give pictures of various situations to allow students to “see” these words as they impact healthcare daily. An ongoing discussion will allow students to offer their experiences and ask questions about these terms. Students will read and discuss the article on cultural differences. They will then read and discuss terms common to the study of cultural diversity. Students will be given an assignment sheet to format their questions for a visiting panel representing cultural diversity. They will use the Sub Search to guide important aspects. Assessment: Sub Search results Class discussion Closing & Summarization: Students will summarize the information learned during the day. Materials Needed: An Introduction to Cultural Differences Volume 172 May 2000, West J Med— available online Term sheet & Power Point presentation of terms Assignment format sheet Resources: Textbook: Diversified Health Occupations, 5th ed. Delmar Publishing, 2001 Author Louise Simmers Panel Questions What questions do you have regarding our panel members’ cultural diversity especially as it relates to health care? Write a minimum of 5 questions. Our panel members are from the following backgrounds: _________________________ ______________________ _________________________ _______________________ _________________________ __________________________ Consider their concepts of keeping healthy, causes of illnesses, who are healers, treatments, drugs, medical procedures, pain management, childbirth, genders in providing health care, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Class Observation Organizer What body language did you see as positive? What body language did you see as negative? What body language made you think the person was distracted? What body language seemed unfriendly? What body language did you see that indicated the person was uneasy or nervous? Did you note any body language that might be a direct result of participants being of a particular cultural group? Cultural Diversity—Day 3 Written by Suzanne Asaturian & Vicky Turl Title: Putting the Puzzle Together Grade Level/Subject: 11 – 12 AP Biology & Health Occupations Illinois Learning Standards and/or Skill Standards: Social Studies 18. B. 5 Use methods of social science inquiry (pose questions, collect and analyze data, make and support conclusions with evidence, report findings) to study the development and functions of social systems and report conclusions to a larger audience. English Language Arts 5 B. 5a Evaluate the usefulness of information, synthesize information to support a thesis and present information in a logical manner in oral and written form. English Language Arts 1. C. 5d Summarize and make generalizations from content and relate them to the purpose of the material. Workplace Skills: Communicating orally with others Employing reasoning skills Skill Standards: Personal care of the patient/client Patient/client care planning Overview The students will share and organize questions and develop a format for the panel discussion. Students will complete an assessment of their understanding of cultural diversity. Students will use a website as a reference. Objectives Students will discover the keys to respecting cultural diversity—treating each person as a unique individual. Health care providers must use this introspection to appreciate and respect the individual in their care. Academic principles Use of social science inquiry Evaluation of information CTE Application Written and oral communication Assessment of patient needs Reading Strategy Details Students will complete a summary paper on the website reference. Pre-Activities Students will share their questions for the panel discussion. Students will review terms regarding cultural diversity. Activities & Procedures Students will develop a format and role responsibilities for the panel discussion. Students will take a written assessment and will analyze and discuss their findings. Assessment Panel Organization Analysis and discussion of assessment Closing & summarization Student groups of 3 or 4 will determine their most important findings and a representative will write it on the board Materials Needed Markers & white board Resources Textbook: Diversified Health Occupations, 5th ed. Delmar Publishing, 2001 Author Louise Simmers Cultural Diversity Assessment 1. Some cultures have a different concept of time. How can this difference affect your relationship to them? 2. How does the Patient’s Bill of Rights affect treatment of patients of different cultures? 3. What is the role of the family in different cultures in making decisions or providing actual medical care? 4. List four ways to promote effective cross-cultural communication. 5. What are your personal prejudices or cultural biases that may affect patient care? Summary Form for Website Reference Summarize 1 important point Summarize 2nd important point Summarize 3rd important point Summarize 4th important point Final summarization of all important points Cultural Diversity—Day 4 Written by Suzanne Asaturian & Vicky Turl Title: Real People, Unique Individuals Grade Level/Subject: 11 – 12 AP Biology & Health Occupations Illinois Learning Standards and/or Skill Standards: Social Studies 18. B. 5 Use methods of social science inquiry (pose questions, collect and analyze data, make and support conclusions with evidence, report findings) to study the development and functions of social systems and report conclusions to a larger audience. English Language Arts 5. B. 5a Evaluate the usefulness of information, synthesize information to support a thesis and present information in a logical manner in oral and written form. English Language Arts 1. C. 5d Summarize and make generalizations from content and relate them to the purpose of the material. Workplace Skills: Communicating orally with others Employ reasoning skills Skill Standards: Personal care of the patient/client Patient/client care planning Overview Students will run and moderate a panel discussion of professional adults from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Objectives Students will open dialogue with peers and adults from their community addressing the cultural issues studied in this unit. Students will practice keeping an open mind to see the situation from another persons’ point of view rather than pass judgment on the culture. Ultimately, the students will take this information into their work world to make good decisions in regard to cultural diversity. Academic principles Use of social science inquiry Evaluation of information CTE Application Communicating orally with others Employing reasoning skills Reading Strategy Details Read article on panel discussion protocol. Summarize the responses in one sentence from each person speaking. Pre-Activities Students will set up panel discussion and introduce panel members Activities & Procedures Students will prepare the room for the panel on cultural diversity and interact with panel members. Students will summarize responses and report findings of the discussion in a debriefing to follow the discussion. Assessment Debriefing student assessment of main points of panel discussion Closing & summarization Students will write thank you notes to panel members. Students will summarize how this unit affected their outlook on cultural diversity in the health care profession and in any career they might choose. Materials Needed Chairs, table, questions, etc. for panel discussion 4-6 Adult volunteers from our community (health care professionals if possible) Questions to address the panel Worksheet to summarize the discussion Resources Textbook: Diversified Health Occupations, 5th ed. Delmar Publishing, 2001 Community Members