Reading Strategies 1. Preview text book text features such as headings, tables, graphs, pictures, diagrams, bold words and side bars. 2. Predict what the book or chapter will be about. 3. Question: Create questions about what you just read. a) Create questions where the answer can be found in the book. b) Create questions where the answer can be found in your head. This is a personal response to what you just read. 4. Connect: Make connections that are a) text to self (access your background knowledge to see how your knowledge, experience, feelings are similar or different than those found in the text) b) text to text (connect ideas found in the book to another book you've read) c) text to world (connect ideas found in the book to events that happened in the world) 5. Summarize: Take the text and summarize only the main points into one sentence. 6. Visualize: Read the book and try to visualize what you read and paint a picture in your head. 7. Infer: Use information from the book and in your head to figure out what the author is trying to say without using words (reading between the lines). 8. Transform: How has the book changed the way you think about things?