REPORT Planning Application No: 63/2009/10035 7 Day Notice: YES 1. Site Description 1.1 The application site is located at on the western edge of the built up area of the town in area of mixed residential and commercial land use, and is situated on the southern side of Gargrave Road adjacent to the roundabout entrance to the Skipton Auction Mart and Skipton Building Society offices. 1.2 The site to which the advertisement signs relate comprise a roughly triangular shaped plot of grassland bounded by Gargrave Road to the north, the Auction Mart entrance to the south and east, and a pair of semi-detached house to the west. The site is used in association with the nearby Craven College for dry stone walling tuition/demonstrations. 2. Proposal 2.1 This is a retrospective application for the display of two sign boards to identify the site as “The Centre for Dry Stone Walling” and contains the logos of the supporting local bodies. Both signs are flat panels 2500mm x 610mm in size, with dark green lettering on a grey background. One sign is to be located on the side of the Mart access road junction (facing east), the second on the Gargrave Road frontage. Both are mounted on the boundary timber fence and do not project above it. 3. Planning History 3.1 None directly relevant to the current application. 4. Planning Policy Background 4.1 National planning guidance contained in PPG19. 5. Parish/Town Council Comments 5.1 Skipton Town Council: “No objection”. 6. Consultations 6.1 NYCC Highways: No objections or observations. 7. Representations 7.1 One letter of objection from a local resident, referring to Gargrave Road being an attractive approach into the town. However, the comments contained in the correspondence relate to criticisms of Craven College and their alleged failure to properly maintain a section of boundary wall further to the east of the site, rather then any reference to the impact of the signs. 7.2 The Civic Society comment that they do not object to the signs in principle, although they comment on the accuracy of the wording (not a material planning consideration), and the layout of the logos on the sign (a very minor point in relation to the planning considerations). 8. Summary of Principal Planning Issues 8.1 The impact of the advertisement signs on visual amenity and public safety. 9. Analysis 9.1 The signs in question relate directly to the use of the adjacent land (and the nearby college) as a centre for dry stone walling, and are relatively discreet in the street scene by reason of their size, position and colour finish. The surrounding area is of mixed character being on the edge of the town, semi rural, but with a number of nearby business premises. In this setting the signs in question are not held to be dominant or incongruous features, and it is not considered that any significant harm is caused to the amenities of the area. 9.2 There are no objections to the advertisements from the County highway authority, and it is not held that the signs prejudice public safety. 10. Recommendation 10.1 Approval. 11. Summary of conditions 11.1 Standard advertisement conditions only. 12. Reasons for approval 12.1 Having regard to the character of the surroundings and the design, size and position of the advertisement signs, it is not considered that the proposals will have an adverse material effect on the amenities of the area, or public safety; therefore it is held that there are no reasonable grounds to withhold consent.