
APP Chart for ______________________________
Year _________
Numbers and the number
I can use trial and improvement to
find approximate solutions to
equations such as x3 + x = 20
I understand the equivalence of
fractions, decimals and
I can calculate percentages
including increases and decreases
I can construct and solve linear
I am able to generate terms of a
sequence using term-to-term and
position-to-term definitions; on
paper and using ICT
I can use to compare proportions
I can multiply and divide an integer
by a fraction.
I can divide a quantity in a given
ratio and solve problems involving
I am able to solve more difficult
percentage problems such as – if a
computer is on sale at 30% off, and
is priced at £600. What is its
original price?
I know how to write an expression
to describe the nth term of a
I can plot the graphs of linear
functions, where y=mx + c, and
recognise that
equations of this form correspond
to straight-line graphs.
I can construct and interpret graphs
arising from real-life problems and
I can add and subtract fractions by
writing them with a common
denominator and also
I know how to calculate fractions of
APP Chart for ______________________________
Using and applying
Shape, Space and measure
Handling Data
I know how to solve problems by
breaking them into smaller tasks, using
a range of methods and resources,
including ICT.
I can interpret, discuss and use
information presented in a variety of
mathematical forms
I can classify quadrilaterals by their
geometric properties
I know how to solve geometrical
problems using properties of angles,
parallel and intersecting lines, triangles
and other polygons
I can design a survey or experiment
and complete it.
I am able to construct tables for large
discrete and continuous sets of raw
data, choosing suitable class intervals.
I can present a concise and reasoned
argument, using symbols, diagrams,
graphs and explanatory texts
Year _________
I use logical argument to establish the
truth of a statement
I can identify alternate and
corresponding angles.
I understand a proof that the sum of the
angles of a triangle is 180° and of a
quadrilateral is 360°
I can visualise and use 2-D
representations of 3-D objects
I can enlarge 2-D shapes, given a
centre of enlargement and a scale
I know that translations, rotations and
reflections preserve lengths and angles
I can use a straight edge and
compasses to create constructions
I can deduce and use formulae for the
area of a triangle and parallelogram,
and the volume of a cuboid.
I am able to calculate volumes and
surface areas of cuboids
I know and can use the formulae for
the circumference and area of a circle
I can design and use two-way tables
I can construct and modify, on paper
and using ICT:
. pie charts for categorical data
. bar charts and frequency diagrams for
discrete data and continuous data.
. simple time graphs for time series
. scatter graphs
and identify which are most useful in
the context of the problem
I can find and record all possible
mutually exclusive outcomes for single
events and two successive events in a
systematic way
I am able to use the fact that, the sum
of probabilities in mutually exclusive
events is 1, to solve problems