Chapter 1: Introduction to Psychiatric Nursing


Chapter 1: Introduction to Psychiatric Nursing

Match the concept with the benchmark in psychiatric history:

1. Period of scientific study

2. Period of psychotropic drugs

3. Period of enlightenment

4. Period of community mental health a. Asylum b. Freud c. Home health d. Led to least restrictive alternative/environment

Briefly define the following terms:

5. Id

6. Asylum (first definition)

7. Superego

8. Psychotropic medications

9. Least restrictive alternative/environment

10. Deinstitutionalization

11. National Mental Health Act

12. “Worried well”

13. Community Mental Health Centers Act

14. Recidivism

Indicate T for true or F for false:

15. Deinstitutionalization is the depopulating of community mental health centers.

16. Compared with the homeless of 30 years ago, today’s homes are much poorer and a much greater percentage of them are from minority groups.

17. Psychiatric nurses prior to 1937 were trained in general nursing programs.

18. Community mental health and home health nursing are directions in which psychiatric nursing is headed.

19. About 28% of the adult population is affected by mental health problems.
