WAKEFIELD METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COUNCIL AND SOUTH WEST YORKSHIRE MENTAL HEALTH NHS TRUST POLICY ON THE DEPLOYMENT OF STAFF WITHIN THE JOINT MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS IN OLDER PEOPLES MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES. 1. Introduction Wakefield Metropolitan District Council and South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust are committed to working in partnership to improve mental health services. In order to achieve this some teams have been developed as multidisciplinary teams and have joint management arrangements with integrated line management in the community teams. This means that the teams staff and resources will be managed and deployed by the team manger who may be employed by either organisation. This Deployment Policy is designed to enable staff to work within the joint management structure with clear governance and accountability arrangements whilst remaining employed by their present employer on their current terms and conditions. 2. Deployment within Joint Management Arrangements . The term deployment within joint management arrangements in the context of this policy is defined as: ‘The duties and responsibilities of employees on a day-to-day basis will be managed under the joint management arrangements, whilst continuing to remain employed by their present employer’. 3. Agreed Key Principles Underpinning the Deployment Policy The principles that underpin this Deployment Policy are: 1. Protect staff’s terms and conditions of employment. 2. Protect staff’s employment protection rights and continuity of service. 3. Provide security for staff on their current contract of employment and the appropriate agreed collective bargaining arrangement agreed from time-totime between Wakefield Metropolitan District Council and its staff and South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust and its staff. 1 4. Provide clear governance and accountability arrangements for both organisations and individual employees. 5. Provide a clear framework for individuals to act on behalf of the both organisations and deploy such resources as agreed. 6. Enable delegated responsibilities, which comply with respective organisations Standing Orders/Standing Financial Instructions. It has further been agreed that this Deployment Policy must also safeguard personal and professional development and individual’s pension rights within NHS Superannuation scheme, or Local Authority Superannuation Scheme as appropriate. 4. Deployment in the Joint Management Structure The development of services within a joint management structure will mean for staff who are deployed and working within that team, that their line manager could either be an employee of Wakefield Metropolitan District Council or South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust. This Deployment Policy ensures that whether or not an individual’s line manager is from the same or a different employing organisation, their current terms and conditions including relevant Human Resource policies will be adhered to and operated in accordance with agreed protocols. Further, the Deployment Policy also provides a clear framework for staff to be managed within a joint management structure on a day-to-day basis from a manager employed by either Wakefield Metropolitan District Council or South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust. This will include the authority to issue reasonable management instructions to staff on behalf of both organisations. Managers from either organisation will, therefore, be provided with access to the appropriate and necessary information, advice, support and training to enable them to undertake their responsibilities within an integrated service. 5. Personal and Professional Development Continuous personal and professional development is recognised as vital to the provision of effective and efficient integrated mental health and learning disability services. Therefore, Wakefield Metropolitan District Council and South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust re-affirm their on-going commitment to undertake their responsibilities to provide the training and development required to enable individual teams and professional groups to maintain safe services. Managers in the service will: *Ensure staff deployed within the joint management arrangements have an annual appraisal and personal development plan in accordance with individuals terms and conditions. This should address the educational requirements for staff to remain competent to practice. 2 *Taking a partnership approach to training needs analysis of staff in line with individual, professional and organisational priorities. *Promptly inform both organisations of mandatory/statutory training arising out of annual appraisals/Personal Development Plans. *Ensure that staff have access to regular supervision arrangements and that professionally qualified staff continue to have access to appropriate clinical/practice supervision arrangements relating to their practice. *Ensure that newly appointed staff have corporate and workplace induction. 6. Authority to Act This policy recognises that both employing organisations retain their statutory and legal responsibilities and duties whilst giving the authority to managers, within integrated line management , to act on behalf of either organisation in the issuing of reasonable management instructions, relating to operational service matters and the administration and application of HR policies and procedures, within a clear framework. Issues relating to employment matters including conduct and/or performance will be dealt with in accordance with the appropriate policy and/or procedure of the employing organisation and normally in the first instance by the line manager irrespective of which organisation they are employed by. Any formal process can only be undertaken with consultation and agreement of the appropriate employing organisation unless specified otherwise within agreed protocols. 7. Health and Safety The health, safety and welfare of staff is of paramount importance to both Wakefield Metropolitan District Council and South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust. The employing organisation will retain their statutory and legal responsibility for the health and safety at work of their employees. Managers within integrated line management will, therefore, have access to both health and safety advice and guidance and occupational health services from both organisations. 8. Professional Leadership and Development 3 Professional leadership and development arrangements is acknowledged as important to enabling the development and delivery of safe and effective integrated services. Each organisation will continue to ensure that * professional leadership and development arrangements are in place for their staff. *There are appropriate systems for the recording and monitoring of staff who are required to be registered in order to practice. *staff continue to have access to appropriate professional forums. 9. Management of Vacancies The development of a workforce based on service needs is an important aspect of integrated working. The team manager will review vacancies when they arise to address the service developments. This may necessitate the manager proposing changes to either the Trust or Social Services and Health establishments. No changes to the staffing establishment, including changes in professional qualification, grade or training required can be undertaken without the approval of the employing organisation. Vacancies within the joint management structure will be advertised in both partner organisation internal vacancy bulletins. Managers will follow the recruitment and selection procedure and/or code of practice of the employing organisation. The chair of the recruitment panel must have undertaken recruitment and selection training provided by either organisation and will preferably be from the employing organisation. Short listing and interviewing panels for social care posts should include a qualified social worker and for health service posts a qualified health service worker. All management posts will be jointly advertised, interviewed for and selected to. Both organisations will agree the appointment. 10. Staff Side Recognition/Joint Consultation The effective involvement and communication with staff across organisational boundaries is a key aspect of providing seamless integrated services. It is recognised that Staff Side organisations play an important part in effective staff engagement through their representation of the workforce. 11. Existing consultation mechanisms will continue in both organisations. Joint consultation arrangements may be established where the circumstances determine that it would be the best way forward to proceed forward with integration matters. Human Resources Policies and Procedures This Deployment Policy protects individual’s terms and conditions including relevant Human Resources policies and procedures. Joint protocols will be developed and agreed for the key employment policies including: 4 12. Disciplinary Capability Grievance Workplace Harassment (Including Sexual and Racial Harassment and Bullying) Sickness Absence Recruitment and Selection Workforce Development/Information The employing organisation will be responsible for maintaining and updating the relevant HR and Payroll systems. The responsibility for providing appropriate workforce information rests with the employing organisation. Managers within integrated line management will have access to relevant HR and Payroll information, in accordance with Data Protection Act, to enable them to discharge their duties and responsibilities. Wakefield Metropolitan District Council and South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust agree to protect, in accordance with the provision of the Data Protection Act, any personal data held on staff irrespective of their employing organisation. Workforce Planning and Development strategies will be developed in partnership with the involvement of key stakeholders, including where appropriate, recognised Staff Side organisations. 13. Payment of Salaries and Expenses The employing organisation will remain responsible for the payment of salaries and expenses for staff. 14. Conflict of Interest In a situation where an individual believes there would be a genuine conflict of interest between their employing organisation and the partner organisation, arising from the performance of their duties and/or the undertaking of reasonable instructions, then they should, in the first instance raise it with their line manager. Exceptionally where the individual believes it is not appropriate to raise the matter with their first line manager, then they may raise it directly with an appropriate manager from the next level of management from their employing organisation within the service. If the matter is unable to be resolved at this level, then it should be referred to the General manager or Head of Service of the employing organisation. At no time in raising a conflict of interest should the safety and care of patients/service users, staff or visitors be jeopardised. This does not replace or interfere with the operation of the agreed “Whistle-blowing” policies of either organisation. 5 15. Confidentiality All staff in the multidisciplinary team may have access to information concerning service users and their care, staff and both the Trust’s and Wakefield Metropolitan District Council business plans or dealings. It is a requirement that all staff observe confidentiality on behalf of both organisations businesses and dealings and under no circumstances should information be discussed or passed onto any unauthorised persons. Such breaches of confidentiality will be dealt with in accordance with the agreed disciplinary procedures. Alan Davis Director of Human Resources and Facilities South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust June 2006. 6 Hilary Brearley Service Director Human Resources Wakefield Metropolitan District Council