East Wenatchee Recycling Program: Drop-Off Locations & Info

Residents of the Greater East Wenatchee Area are encouraged to participate in the East Wenatchee
Drop-Off Recycling Program. Conveniently-located recycling drop-off trailers exist in the Greater East
Wenatchee Area, providing residents the opportunity to recycle, thereby reducing the waste they have to
pay to dispose of.
Collection Sites:
Recycling Items Accepted (see descriptions below):
East Wenatchee City Hall
271 Ninth Street N.E.
East Wenatchee
Mixed Waste Paper
Bi – Mart Parking Lot
780 Grant Road
East Wenatchee
Mixed Waste Paper Only
Corner of N.E. Third Street &
Georgia Ave.
Near Douglas County Metropolitan
Parks Department
Cardboard Only
Residents living within the East Wenatchee City limits also have curbside recycling available through your local waste
hauler. City residents are also encouraged to take advantage of “Free Dump Days” at the South Wenatchee Transfer
Station (residents are afforded 4 free dumps, or the equivalent of 10 cubic yards, per year).
Corrugated Cardboard = Has a wavy “corrugated” or fluted strip running through the center. It is
most commonly found in boxes used for packaging and shipping items.
Mixed Waste Paper = Newspapers, magazines, catalogs, phonebooks, junk mail, cereal boxes
or ‘slick’ cardboard, glossy paper, paper egg cartons, shredded paper, etc.
For more information, please contact the City of East Wenatchee at 884-9515, or the Countywide
Solid Waste Program Office at 886-0899.