LING 559: INTRODUCTION TO GRADUATE STUDY IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS Spring 2010 Keith Walters COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES This course serves as an introduction to graduate study in applied linguistics and, more particularly, the MA program in TESOL here at PSU. Among the topics covered in the course are how 1) to understand the scope and sequence of the graduate program, 2) to negotiate the academy and the profession, 3) to read a research article in applied linguistics, 4) to use electronic resources to find existing research in applied linguistics, 5) to work effectively in groups, and 6) how to understand and use the APA publication manual. This course should give you the tools you need to put together the puzzle of graduate school and to help you maximize the likelihood that you will be able to reach your personal goals while fulfilling the requirements of the program. TEXTS Perry, F. L. (2005). Research in applied linguistics: Becoming a discerning consumer. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. American Psychological Association. 2007. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. Washington, DC: APA. There will also be some research articles to read. PREREQUISITES None. Students hoping to be admitted to the MA program in TESOL should take this course to help them determine if ours is the appropriate program for them. Newly admitted MA students are required to take this course as soon as possible after admission. MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS An annotated bibliography, an analysis of the structure of a literature review, homework, a midterm, and a self-evaluation.