School of Languages, Cultures & Linguistics EDITH LAHR BEQUEST GRANT (for research related to Linguistics/Applied Linguistics) HDR Field Research Support & Travel Grants Application Form Field Research Support and Travel Grants are open to application from students who will need extra funding for their field research/conference travel. Deadlines: Applications are accepted throughout the year. Conditions: Student research must be related to Linguistics/Applied Linguistics. Student must be currently enrolled in a Masters by Research or PhD. Value: Applications will be considered on an individual basis. Section 1: Applicant Name: Telephone Number: Title: Email address: Section 2: Travel details Briefly outline your travel plan, including purpose of trip, dates and location/s. If travel is to a conference, detail the planned publication outcomes: (This box expands as you type) Section 3: Budget Please provide a brief budget overview including flights and/or accommodation: Item (add more rows as necessary) Amount Total $ Section 4: Details of other funding Have you already received funds from the MRGS and Faculty of Arts Top-up scheme for either this or other travel? Please provide details: (This box expands as you type) Section 5: Declaration Doctoral students must consult section 4.3 Studying away from the University in the Doctoral and MPhil Handbook, and Masters students must consult chapter 5 of the Survival Guide, before applying to ensure that all requirements concerning Study Away, travel approval and travel insurance are met. I have read and understood all relevant policy and will obtain all necessary approvals for my travel. Signature: Date: Section 6: Supervisor Endorsement Please comment on the application and the relevance of the proposed travel to the applicant’s course of study: Supervisor Name: Signature: Date: Section 7: School use only Approved/ rejected Amount approved: $_________ Please email the application to: Mrs Sally Riley Telephone 990 55409 HDR Team Arts Research Graduate School Clayton campus Applications to be considered by the Linguistics Section, School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics