II. learning style and multimedia design

Integrating learning styles in
web-based multimedia design
Sandip Shivaji Kedar
Dr. Anil Kumar
Associate Professor
National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training &
Research, Bhopal (MP), India
National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training &
Research, Bhopal (MP), India
Abstract— Inconsistency of research findings related to the
effectiveness of multimedia in terms of achievement gains in
comparison to other methods leads educationist and those
working in technological aspects of multimedia design to think of
bringing in individual differences in the design of multimedia.
Learning style has emerged as one of the important variables
affecting effectiveness of multimedia with respect to achievement
of learners. The present paper discusses about the integration of
learning styles in the design and development of web based
multimedia on enigmatic topic of electrical engineering.
b) multimedia uses a broader array of resources (text, audio,
video, illustration, and photography) that can be brought to
the classroom & the students [2].
Keywords-learning styles, web based multimedia design
Industrial revolution in the 19th century brought numerous
changes in the lifestyle of the mankind. In the 20th century,
numerous innovations and technological advancements in
various fields, forms and approaches have affected the day-today life of every human being. As per Ehrmann (1999) the
most recent revolution in different spheres has been “made
possible by computing, video, and telecommunication.” Fahmy
(2004) termed this as “technology revolution.” Field of
education has also experienced the effects of these revolutions.
Higher and Technical education, like any other segment in our
society, is also influenced by technologies and always strives
for the necessary changes to use it [1]. There is no denying of
the fact that technology in education has maximized the
effectiveness of teaching learning process. Many researchers
investigating the use of technology in education have found
that technology is most powerful when used as a tool for
problem-solving, conceptual development, and critical
thinking. One of the most powerful uses of technology in
education is to tailor instruction to students’ individual learning
needs [2]. To make the engineering graduates most suitable to
cater to the needs of market, it is necessary to provide them
recent technology supported learning environment.
One of the ways to provide such a technology supported
learning environment is to facilitate their learning through
multimedia. In this context it is worth noticing that the use of
multimedia has maximized the effectiveness of teaching
learning process specifically in terms of student’s outcomes in
the form of achievement gains. Researches in ample quantity
have proved that multimedia technology influence the quality
of teaching-learning because –
students play an active role in the learning process and
multimedia enriches the learning experience and motivates
the students. [3], [4]
it provides opportunities for interaction, self pacing & self
check. Its features like interactivity through navigational
tools and interactive self-assessment questions enable the
learner to develop an active relationship with the learning
material. Furthermore, interactive multimedia can deliver
large amounts of information in ways that make it
manageable, approachable, & useful. [2], [5], [6].
d) multimedia saves time by offering realistic work situations
in a condensed form, i.e. simulation [4].
multimedia has capability to support the learning process
with its combined features and facility to control the
learning process by the student themselves [4].
it facilitates the students to review or revisit material [5].
g) multimedia learning material caters to the needs of lifelong learning, just-in-time training, and retraining of the
learners [7].
However, review of studies shows that all multimedia
lessons are not equally effective in terms of learning or
achievement gains by all the students. Liao (1999) reported that
researches over the past two decades have produced
inconsistent results about the effects of multimedia on learning
[10]. Furthermore, Hammond and Allinson (1989) findings that
participants who used multimedia methods gained a lower level
of understanding and level of learning even though they felt
that they had covered more also have been found to conflict
with that of Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and
Paivio’s Dual Coding Theory [11].
The above inconsistent result of the research findings are
most likely due to the fact that there are multiple factors
operating while using multimedia for teaching learning. Hede
& Hede, (2002), after a critical analysis of the process of
effective learning based on cognitive theories suggested the
diagrammatical representation of multimedia effects on
learning as shown in Fig. 1 below [12].
(Functional & Learning)
Long Term
Fig.1. Integrated model of multimedia effects on learning
The diagram clearly establishes the need of inclusion of
various elements such as visual and verbal stimulus to gain &
maintain learner’s attention, functional & learning interaction
to motivate the learners and to facilitate navigation & learning
through multimedia and most important to design the
multimedia catering to learning styles of the learners [12]. It
appears that while designing multimedia to maximize the
learning effectiveness in terms of achievement gains, besides
taking care of factors such as visual and verbal stimulus,
functional & learning interaction, motivation, and factor such
as learning style should also be considered.
Many researchers have advocated incorporating learning
styles in the multimedia. Stemler (1997) recommended that
learner control in multimedia should be designed to
accommodate the different abilities and styles of learners [12].
McLaughlin (1999) suggested that to promote improved
design of instructional materials, knowledge about individual
differences needs to be integrated and connected directly with
the design process, so that instructional materials are not only
flexible, but also supportive of diversity and capable of
accommodating a wide range of learning styles [13]. Hede &
Hede (2002) recommended providing multiple views of the
same information in multimedia to cater to the different styles
of learning, and utilization of variety of media types which
permits information to be presented in ways that allow
learners to focus on materials that support their particular style
of learning [12]. Bajraktarevic, Hall and Fullick (2003)
conducted the empirical-analysis of the experimental study
relating to the application of learning styles in educational
hypermedia and their effects on learning outcomes. The
analysis suggested that there was a very strong relationship
between matching students’ learning style to the courseware
as the findings suggest that all the students achieved
significantly higher scores while browsing the session that
matched their learning styles. The findings suggest that
students benefit from the learning materials being adapted to
suit their learning preferences. The results suggest that the
learning outcomes can be improved if designers of
hypermedia courseware provide a different sequence and
presentation of materials to accommodate individual learning
style differences [14]. Felder & Brent (2005) suggested that
assessing the learning style profile of a class with an
instrument such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Kolb
Learning Style Inventory, or the Index of Learning Styles—
without being overly concerned about which students have
which preferences—can provide additional support for
effective instructional design [15]. Garland & Martin (2005),
conducted a study to identify differences between the learning
styles of 168 students in traditional face-to-face courses, and
students in matched courses taught online, using Kolb
Learning Style Inventory. They recommended that when
designing online courses the learning style and gender of all
students must be considered [16]. Mayer and Moreno (2002)
suggested that multimedia presentations should be designed in
ways that promote the cognitive processes required for
meaningful learning, namely selecting, organizing, and
integrating as per cognitive theory of multimedia learning [9].
From the above studies it appears that there is need to
include learning styles of the learner in the designing of
multimedia packages for effective learning by students of
differing learning styles.
Compared to other media and learning material like
handouts, text books, video programmes, etc., multimedia has
got unique design elements wherein learning style of the
learner can be easily integrated/ accommodated. Various
reviews of studies (as shown above) have come out with the
idea of integrating learning style at the design stage of the
multimedia development. Some of the views suggested by
these researchers are1. integrating learning style at the time of accessing the
content of the multimedia with learner control [12].
2. making provision of multiple views (Sequential, global,
verbal & visual) of the same information [12].
3. presentation of learning material in different ways that
allows learners to focus on material that support their
particular learning style [12].
4. providing flexibility in accessing of content as per the
learning styles of the learner [13].
5. different sequences and presentation of material to
accommodate learning styles [14].
Keeping the above in mind, a web based multimedia
package was designed and developed by the present authors
and an experimental study was conducted to see its
effectiveness in terms of achievement gain by learners with
different learning styles.
For design and development of present multimedia a
content of Induction Motor from Electrical engineering subject
of engineering discipline was taken into consideration. The
topic was selected/ identified based on various considerations
of different elements of multimedia and the enigmatic nature of
the topic for students studying in the electrical engineering
subject in various engineering disciplines in India.
The systems approach model or as popularly known as
ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implement,
and Evaluate) is the mostly used model for instructional design
(Fig.2). The individual steps in this model are to assess and
analyze needs, Design instruction and presentations, Develop
materials, Implement activities and courses, and Evaluate
participant progress and instructional materials effectiveness
[18]. The design and development of the present web based
multimedia is based on the ADDIE model of instructional
design as suggested by Reeves (1994) [19][21].
Figure 2 ADDIE Model used for multimedia design
Considering the implementation of the multimedia on
engineering students, Felder and Silverman (1993) Index of
learning styles (four learning styles viz. sequential/ global and
verbal/ visual out of eight learning styles on four scales) have
been used to integrate/ identify learning styles of the
engineering students. The Felder & Silverman Index of
learning style was employed as this index was basically
developed for and also suited for engineering students. The
author of the present paper was also prompted to employ these
learning styles as some of the review of studies related to
multimedia design reveal that linear and branching design of
multimedia are more in tune with some of the types of learning
styles defined by Felder and Silverman [15]. To cater the
learning needs of sequential learners, a sequential navigational
path have been provided for accessing multimedia. For global
learners combinations of branching and hierarchical paths have
been incorporated. To fulfill the learning needs of verbal and
visual learners’ content information has been provided in text
form and to complement the text contents visuals in the form of
photographs, two dimensional graphics, enlarged view of each
visual, 2D animations and video clips have been used in the
A model of integration of learning styles in web based
multimedia design and development is given in Fig.3.
Web based multimedia on Selected Topic
Menu Driven
Multimedia Access
Information in
Text Form
Animation &
Video clips
with narration
Contents of
Figure 3 Integrating Learning style in Web Based multimedia design
Based on the above model a web based multimedia
package was developed. Fig. 4 on next page shows the
procedure adopted for analysis, design, development &
evaluation of Multimedia on Induction Motor in the subject of
electrical engineering.
The web based multimedia package so designed and
developed was field tested on a sample of engineering students
in different engineering institutes in India using experimental
and control group design. Based on the sequence of the content
material accessed by the students while working on the above
web based multimedia, the learning styles of the students were
identified. The findings of the study show that learning style
plays an important role in learning. The students with differing
learning styles when accessed the sequence of the content
according to their own learning styles perform better in terms
of learning. This shows the need of integrating learning style in
the web based multimedia design.
There are various instructional design methods, model
proposed by different researchers, which could be used for
design and development of web based multimedia packages.
But these models may or may not cater to the individual
learning needs of the user or learner. In the present paper a
specific model of integrating learning style in web based
multimedia design is suggested. However there could be other
model also to integrate learning styles in multimedia design.
Experts from different fields such as multimedia, instructional
design and cognitive psychology should sit together and come
out with some more better and viable solution. What is
required are to develop more such models to integrate learning
styles in multimedia design so that the potential of web based
multimedia could be harnessed at its full. There is a high scope
for development of web based multimedia on engineering as
well as science topics and making them available to the
students to foster the learning.
First year Engg. Students
Engineering Curriculum document
Engineering institute teachers
Analysis of engineering curriculum
Designing questionnaire for students & teachers to identify enigmatic topic for multimedia, collection
of data from students & teachers, analysis of responses & finalisation of topic for multimedia
Detailed content analysis of the selected topic, concept map Preparation, Formulation of learning
objectives, Preparation of conceptual structure and finalization of sub-topics of multimedia
Preparation of design structure, deciding authoring & delivery system. Deciding specifications for
overall multimedia structure including title screen, navigational and interaction structure i.e. linear
and branching, formatting screen, multimedia elements specifications, file formats to be used,
software to be used for development of multimedia elements, Development of Script for multimedia,
coding of screens & other multimedia elements, linear as well as hierarchical & nonlinear pathways
with respect to learning styles, interactivity in multimedia, procedure for registration of multimedia
user & accessing multimedia, database of learner’s record and multimedia accessing record, database
output formats, specifications of Pre-Test and Post-Test, and formative evaluation strategies.
Development of web based multimedia
Collection & finalization of content of each of the sub-topics of multimedia
Text content
Static Graphics/ Visuals
2D Animation
Video Clips
Development of screens,
menu diagrams, text
composition for each screen
with other multimedia
elements, Designing PreTest, Post-Test multiple
choice question papers
Shooting of photographs at
induction motor
manufacturing industries,
workshops, editing of
visuals and development of
graphics using Adobe
Design & Development
of 2D animations using
Adobe Flash software.
Writing narration for
animation, recording &
attaching sound to
Editing of video clips of
induction motor shot at
industries on NLE
System, voice over
commentary writing,
recording & attaching
sound to video clips
Finalization of contents of each screen, design of navigational interactivity for all the screens, design of learning
interactivity in various multimedia elements viz. visuals/ graphics/ animations/ video clips
Validation, tryout, revision & use
Integration of all the screens along with multimedia elements, registration sequence, back end database related to
learner access record, pre-test and post-test questions as per the script in to a multimedia package using authoring
software (PHP) suitable for launching on the www dedicated website
Validation of the content, display and recording of Pre-Test, Post-Test questions & responses, screen sequence, hyperlinking of navigational buttons on each screen, student’s registration record, content accessing record, display of
photographs, graphics, testing of animations and video clips along with learning interactivity provided in each.
Uploading of the multimedia content on the dedicated website– www.sskphdmm.com and Pilot testing of the
multimedia software, modifying as per feedback of pilot testing and finally using multimedia package for
experimentation at different technical institutions
Figure 4 - Procedure for Analysis, design, development & evaluation of Multimedia on Induction Motor
We thankfully acknowledge the academic help provided by
Prof. V. K. Agrawal, Director, National Institute of Technical
Teachers’ Training & Research, Bhopal, India and other
faculty colleagues during the preparation of the manuscript of
this paper.
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