YOUNG JUMPER CHAMPIONSHIPS 2005 Program Rules & Specifications Qualifying Classes, along with League Finals, will be offered for Five, Six, and Seven/Eight Year Old horses in 2005. To be eligible to participate in any aspect of the YJC program horses must: 1. Have a foaling date during 2000 to be eligible for 5 yr.old classes, during 1999 to be eligible for 6 yr.old classes or during 1998 or 1997 to be eligible for the 7/8 year old classes. [An exception will be made ONLY in the case of horses holding papers from a Southern Hemisphere breed registry, and clearly indicating that they were foaled in the Southern Hemisphere, may compete in 5 yr.old competitions provided they were born after October 1. However, any horse that competed in YJC 5-year-old classes in 2004 MUST compete as a 6 year-old in 2005.; and 2. Hold valid registration papers issued by a Breed Registry, a yearling nomination certificate from the International Jumper Futurity; or a certified birth certificate signed by the attending veterinarian at the time of birth, and 3. Be in possession of a Recording Number (or Life ID Number) issued by the United States Equestrian Federation; and 4. Be recorded for the year 2005 with the Young Jumper Championships. The correct recording fee for Non-IJF nominated horses (see details below) must accompany the completed YJC Recording Form. (Note: The recording fee will be waived in the case of horses properly nominated to the IJF, provided they submit their recording application directly to the office of the YJC, P.O. Box 1445, Georgetown, KY 40324) 5. Horses that were not properly recorded prior to participation in any YJC class may not receive credit toward qualification for League Finals. Please note it is the responsibility of the owner or trainer, and not the show or the YJC, to assure that horses are properly recorded. A listing of currently YJC Recorded horses will be updated monthly on the web site. 6. Recording may be accomplished at the show prior to competing. RECORDING FEE SCHEDULE for 2005: Horses nominated to IJF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NO FEE Horses recorded (postmarked) before April 1, 2005 . . . . . . . . . . .$150 Horses recorded (postmarked) after April 1 and before July 1: . .$300 Horses recorded (postmarked) after July 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500 COMPETITIONS Any competition recognized by USEF may offer YJC QUALIFYING CLASSES. Note that only shows filing timely applications will have dates and contact information included in the YJC Calendar or on its website. Applying show managements may request a packet of YJC materials including: complete YJC program rules, the most recent list of YJC recorded horses, Recording Application Forms, Affidavit forms, along with directives for the Course Designer for the classes. Please apply through Cheryll Frank (502) 535-6787 or email By hosting a YJC Qualifier, a show agrees to run their YJC classes in accordance with all of the following conditions: 1. A USEF licensed course designer must be responsible for the courses for all YJC classes, and course requirements as outlined here must be adhered to. 2. Each horse’s breed, sire, and breeder must be announced during the class. Shows are urged to print out the YJC Horse Information and Declaration sheet from the website in order to collect this information from entrants for the announcer prior to the class. 3. Shows may require a horse to qualify in a previous class as a condition for participation in any YJC Class held in the Main Jumper Ring. If so, the show must clearly indicate in the prize list what class will be used for purposes of qualification (it must be a jumper class held at the same level of difficulty as the YJC class). Either all horses completing the first round of the designated class without faults; OR the 20 horses with the best scores (faults and time in the first round only) shall be permitted to participate in the YJC class. Other classes for young jumpers may also be held, however the final class of the section must be clearly stated in the prize list to be the single YJC Qualifier permitted per show. 4. Any YJC Class with 3 or fewer entries, by 5 PM the day prior to the class, may be cancelled at management’s discretion. 5. Shows failing to follow YJC program rules, including requiring proof of eligibility for all entrants, may be denied permission to hold YJC Qualifying Classes in the future. 6. USEF Schooling and Equipment Rules must be enforced. PROOF OF ELIGIBILITY – QUALIFYING CLASSES: The show MUST require each horse’s YJC recording number and USEF number prior to competing, OR, if the horse is not in possession of a YJC recording number, the show MUST obtain a photocopy of both sides of the horses Breed Registry papers, along with a completed YJC recording application, along with a check for the required recording fee made out to the YJC, and forward these items to the YJC office (P.O. Box 1445, Georgetown, KY 40324) within 5 days of the show. RESULTS SUBMISSION by shows offering QUALIFYING CLASSES: A class list for each class (including the Owners’ name and address, horses’ names, show numbers, and YJC numbers) along 7 with a copy of the judge’s card, must be forwarded directly to YJC. YJC will not be responsible for inaccurate or incomplete results submitted by a show. Any discrepancies that might affect eligibility for a League Final must be resolved by the closing date of entries for the League Final involved. NOTE: Shows using USEF Electronic Results may submit a copy to YJC (provided faults and time are included in the results) via email to QUALIFYING CLASS GUIDELINES: All courses must be constructed giving consideration to the age and relative lack of experience of the horses. They should encourage smooth and fault-free rounds, providing encouragement and education to the horses participating. Especially for 5-yr-olds (and 6 yr-olds early in the season) combinations should be inviting and any ‘trappy’ elements are to be avoided. An accurate wheeling of the track is essential. Course designers are advised to keep the distance from the final fence to the finish line at the minimum, and to have the final portion of the course going away from any read-out board, to preclude a competitor from ‘playing with the clock’ to achieve a better result. Notices of any amendments and/or clarifications to YJC Program Rules and Specifications may be obtained on the YJC web site: . Recording applications, and change of name or owner forms are available on-line, as are applications for competitions wishing to offer YJC Qualifying Classes. Five Year Olds: 1. Prize Money is encouraged but not required for 5-yr-old classes. Unless other classes with prize money (open to all riders) at Level 4 are offered at the show, no nominating fee may be required. Nominating fees should be waived for 5-yearolds competing only in YJC classes. 2. Tables: Classes for Five Year Olds must be conducted as Table II (without a jump-off), or scored under Table V . 3. Courses: Classes for Five Year Olds held prior to June 1st must be offered at Level 4 and may NOT contain a triple combination. After June 1st, it is encouraged that classes be offered at Level 5, and triple combinations are permitted (preferably in the second half of the course). Simple Liverpools are permitted and encouraged, but may not be used within combinations. Speed to be calculated at 325 m/m in small arenas, and 350 m/m for larger arenas. Six Year Olds: 1. Prize Money: A minimum of $500 in prize money must be offered in 6-yr-old classes. In no case may less prize money be offered, or higher total fees for entry charged, than those for a Preliminary or Level 5 Jumper class at the same show. Nominating fees should be waived for 6-year-olds competing only in YJC classes. 2. Tables: Classes for Six Year Olds may be conducted under Table II.2(a) or (b). 3. Courses: Classes for Six Year Olds held prior to June 1st must be offered at Level 5. Level 6 is encouraged after June 1st. Liverpools are encouraged, but may not be used in triple combinations or as any “b” of a double combination. An inviting water jump (not exceeding 11’ and with a rail) is permitted and encouraged. Speed of 350 m/m in initial rounds, and 375 m/m for any jump-off round. Seven/Eight Year Olds: Open to horses that have not yet competed in grand prix events at the International Standard. 1. Prize Money: A minimum of $500 in prize money must be offered in 7/8-yr-old classes. In no case may less prize money be offered, or higher total fees for entry charged, than those for a Preliminary or Level 6 Jumper class at the same show. Nominating fees should be waived for 7/8-year-olds competing only in YJC classes. 2. Tables: Classes for Seven/Eight Year Olds may be conducted under Table II. 3. Courses: Classes for Seven/Eight Year Olds may be offered at either Level 6 or Level 7 (Level 7 after June 1st). Liverpools are encouraged, but may not be used in triple combinations or as any “b” of a double combination. An inviting water jump (not exceeding 11’ and without a rail) is permitted and encouraged. Speed of 350 m/m. YJC EASTERN AND WESTERN LEAGUE FINALS SPECIFICATIONS: The 2005 League Finals are scheduled for The Hampton Classic Horse Show in the East, and at the Show Park All Seasons in the West. Only horses recorded with the YJC for the year 2005 that have completed (i.e. received a score in) a minimum of one YJC Qualifying Class prior to the last date for entries to be received (as determined by the show hosting a given Final) will be allowed to participate in a League Final of the YJC. The method of determining the order of acceptance, of properly entered horses, will be as follows: a. Preference will first be given to horses properly entered according to the rules having the lowest average fault score from their best three results (first rounds only to count) in YJC Qualifying Classes held prior to the date specified in the hosting show’s prize list. Horses obtaining fewer than 3 scores shall be given a score of 20 faults in place of any missing score(s), for purposes of calculatingtheir average score. b. In the event of equal average scores, total points obtained from a horse’s best five results in YJC Classes (held before the date specified in the prize list) will be used to break the ties. Points will allocated on the basis of 1st = 10 pts., 2nd = 8 pts., 3rd = 6 pts., 4th = 5 pts., 5th = 4 pts., 6th = 3 pts., 7th = 2 pts., and 8th = 1 pt. In the case of ties in class results, points will be added and divided amongst tied horses. 9 c. In the event of ties still remaining, they will be broken on the basis of most 1st place finishes, 2nd place finishes, etc. d. Responsibility for notifying the YJC office of discrepancies in scores or points for their horse, as well as obtaining offcialshow records to document any adjustment thereto, rests entirely with the Owner or Agent of the horse involved. Each YJC League Final will take place over a minimum of three (3) days, and consist of 3 different rounds for each age group, as follows: LEAGUE FINALS Round One: Starting order shall be randomly drawn. No ranking will be made for this round and all horses will carry their faults forward to Round 2. Time will not be a factor, except to determine faults for exceeding the time allowed. Time will not carry forward to Round 2. Five-Year-Olds: a minimum of 8 numbered fences (with one or two double combinations), set at Level 5 with a speed of speed of 350 m/m, and scored under Table II (without a jump-off) or Table V, but with times recorded, Six-Year-Olds: a minimum of 10 numbered fences (with 2 doubles or one double and one triple combination), set at Level 6, with a speed of 350 m/m and scored under Table II.1, without a jump-off but with times recorded. Seven / Eight-Year-Olds: a minimum of 12 numbered fences (with one double and one triple combination), set at Level 7 with a speed of 350 m.m and scored under Table II.1, without a jump-off but with times recorded. No ranking will be made for this round and all horses will carry their faults forward to Round 2. Time will not be a factor, except to determine faults for exceeding the time allowed. Time will not carry forward to Round 2. LEAGUE FINALS Round Two: Horses to compete over a minimum of 10 numbered fences scored as for Round One. Starting order will be reverse order of Round One. Speed of 350 m/min. Five Year Olds: Following the completion of Round 2 the Five-Year-Olds will be ranked according to the lowest TOTAL of jumping and time faults (from Rounds One and Two combined). Any ties resulting from equal fault scores will be classified with the horse holding the lowest TOTAL faults. Six Year Olds: A jump-off may be held amongst horses tied with the lowest TOTAL fault score (from Rounds One and Two combined), to determine a classification for this round. Following the completion of Round Two Six-YearOlds not participating in any jump-off following Round Two will be ranked according to total faults from Rounds 1 and 2, with ties broken on the basis of time from Round Two. Seven/Eight Year Olds: A jump-off may be held amongst horses tied with the lowest TOTAL fault score (from Rounds One and Two combined), to determine a classification for this round. Following the completion of Round Two Seven/Eight-YearOlds not participating in any jump-off following Round Two will be ranked according to total faults from Rounds 1 and 2, with ties broken on the basis of total time taken in Round Two. LEAGUE FINALS Round Three: open to the 15 highest ranked horses following Round Two with the lowest TOTAL fault score from the initial course of Rounds One and Two (see above). Starting order to be reverse order of ranking after Round 2. Round 3 must be held in the Main Jumper Ring on either Saturday or Sunday. The course shall include 10 to 12 numbered fences (including a water jump of a minimum of 9’ and with a rail for Six-Year-Olds and without a rail for Seven/Eight Year Olds). Total Score – Each YJC LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIPS will be determined on the basis of lowest TOTAL fault score (jumping and time faults from the Rounds One, Two, and Three combined; not including any Jump-Off held following Rounds Two or Three.) In cases of a tie existing for Champion, a timed jump-off will be held amongst tied horses to determine the result. Ties for places other than first will be broken as follows: Five-Year-Olds on the basis of TOTAL of their differential from time on course to Optimum Time for Rounds One, Two, and Three combined. Six-Year-Olds on the basis of the TOTAL of times on course recorded for Rounds One, Two, and Three. Seven/Eight-Year-Olds on the basis of the TOTAL of times on course recorded for Rounds One, Two, and Three. 2005 YOUNG JUMPER CHAMPIONSHIPS EASTERN LEAGUE FINALS 5, 6 and 7/8 year olds August 28 - September 4, 2005 Hampton Classic, Bridgehampton, NY 2005 YOUNG JUMPER CHAMPIONSHIPS WESTERN LEAGUE FINALS 5, 6 and 7/8 year olds August 28 - September 4, 2005 Showpark All Seasons, Del Mar, CA 2005 YOUNG JUMPER CHAMPIONSHIP INVITATIONAL Invitations will be issued to the top ten placing horses in each of the League Finals, plus an additional ten representing the top ranked individuals in each age group. 5, 6, and 7/8 year olds November 29 - December 4, 2005 National Horse Show, Wellington, FL