EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY (L567), Fall 2015 Instructor: Curt Lively, JH 117B; Phone 5-1842; email (clively@indiana.edu). Tue/Th 9:30-10:45 Course web site: http://www.indiana.edu/~curtweb/Teaching/L567.html References: Evolutionary Genetics, by J. Maynard Smith (QH371.M327) Introduction to Evolutionary Ecology, by A. Cockburn (QH313.C74) The Evolution of Life Histories, by S. Stearns (QH371.S72) The Darwinian Revolution, by M. Ruse (QH361.R87, undergrad library) Evolution and the Theory of Games, by J. Maynard Smith (QH366.2) Principles of Population Genetics (3rd edition), by D.L Hartl & A.G. Clark (QH 455.H36) Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology, by M. Bulmer Quantitative Genetics, by M. Lynch and B. Walsh Introduction to Quantitative Genetics, by D.S. Falconer and T.F.C. Mackay. The Origins of Theoretical Population Genetics, by W. B. Provine Evolutionary Theory: mathematical and conceptual foundations, by Sean H. Rice DATE Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. TOPIC (lecture number on web) 25 29 01 03 08 10 15 17 22 24 29 01 06 08 13 15 20 22 27 29 03 05 10 12 17 19 24 26 01 03 08 10 Introduction, and some history (1) Population genetics I: Basic population genetics (2) Population genetics II (3) Quantitative genetics I (4) Quantitative genetics II (5) Phenotypic models I (6) Phenotypic models II (7) Logic of animal conflict, RockPaperScissors and class discussion (8) Sex-ratio evolution (9) Local mate competition (diminishing returns I) (10) Life-history evolution: the size-number compromise (diminishing returns II) (11) Evolution of virulence (diminishing returns III) (11.5) Mutation-selection balance, Muller’s ratchet (12) Genetic diversity and sex: the ecological hypotheses (13-14) FIRST EXAM Recombination (Burt&Bell paper). Pluralism in models of sex/rec (13-14) Epistasis and linkage disequilibrium. Runaway sexual selection (14-15) Sexual selection (cont.). Meiotic drive meets sexual selection and sex ratio (16-17) Sexual antagonism, chase-away selection, parent-parent conflict (16-17) (Read Zeh&Zeh?) Social evolution: Tit for tat, kin selection (18-19) Inbreeding and sickle cell anemia revisited (20) Group selection, population structure, Ne, and shifting balance (21-22) Local adaptation, and the ecology of speciation, part 1 (23) Ecology of speciation, part 2 (24) Macroevolution (25) Eco-evolutionary feedbacks and the Fundamental Theorem (26) Thanksgiving break Thanksgiving break Review for second exam SECOND EXAM Guest lecture on reproductive isolation by Prof. L. Delph Synthesis of theory? The evolution of phenotypic plasticity? Material for 1st exam. Material for 2nd exam