DNA REPLICATION SONG Lyrics: De/ oxy/ ribo/ nucle/ ic acid is made from two Strands, a double helix So then, the strands come apart, Nitrogen bases, they start to unzip By DNA helicase H2 bonds Between adenine and thymine H2 bonds Between cytosine and guanine H2 bonds The ladder structure is strongest in Phosphodiester links D-N / A Pol-ym / er-ase Builds the new strand From the / 5" to 3" Direction H2 bonds Between adenine and thymine H2 bonds Between cytosine and guanine H2 bonds The ladder structure is strongest in Phosphodiester links Now I can see that its replicating In a way thats quite interesting (YEAH!) No matter the distance, the leading strand Is followed by the lagging one Finally...the ligase Seals up all the breaks A new....a new....a new....DNNNNNNNNNNA! And it starts again!! Oh, how I love bi-olo-gy (yeah yeah yeah) It's better than chemistry And next time I have to go pee (I know) what's happening inside of me