Data Review Meeting Agenda and Tools

Data Review Meeting
Purpose: Data review meetings are designed to discuss students currently in interventions and whether to continue,
modify, change, or discontinue an intervention. Note: Parents should be notified when their child is participating in an
Who: Grade level teams meet with the building principal, Title One Coordinator, Special Education, and any other
specialists determined by the individual building
Estimated Time: Meetings are 1 to 2 hours in length as determined by the individually building. They are scheduled
approximately every six weeks. Note: Sufficient instructional time should have occurred to determine effectiveness of
intervention (generally 20 – 30 days)
Planning for Students in an Intervention: The team focuses on groups of students whose data indicates they are
performing below benchmark and have been screened and placed into a targeted reading, writing, math, or behavior
interventions. These students are listed on the EBIS Group Intervention and Planning form. Using the district’s decision
rules, the team focuses on time, design, and delivery of instruction and determines if:
1) The group intervention has been successful and the intervention needs to be de-intensified or discontinued
2) The intervention appears to be working for the student and should be continued as it is necessary for continued
3) The group intervention is not working for the student and should be revised or refined
4) The group intervention is highly unlikely to be successful for the student and therefore a more individualized
approach is needed. If after at least two substantial changes have occurred in a student’s intervention, it’s been
well documented on the Student Intervention Profile, and/or the student appears to be meeting the context of
dual discrepancy for reading or continues to lack progress in math, an individual intensive intervention and
planning meeting should be scheduled. Note: Parents are invited to the individual planning meeting. Other
needed documentation includes a Developmental History and an Individual Problem Solving Action Plan
Meeting Outcomes: These may include
 Students are placed in interventions that target their deficit skills
 Parents are notified that their child has been placed in an intervention
 Communication has occurred with all appropriate staff that the students has been placed in an intervention or that
the intervention has been changed
 A timeline for implementation of all placements/changes is developed
Notes from these meetings should be recorded on the EBIS Group Intervention and Planning Form and/or the Student
Intervention Profile.
Set meeting norms
Review Decision Rules
Students in intervention
A. Reading (20 minutes)
B. Math (10 minutes)
C. Writing (10 minutes)
D. Behavior/Attendance (10 minutes)
Review decisions and responsibility assignments
Data Review Meetings
Making Decisions
Academic areas (Reading, Math, Writing):
Refer to district decision rule when discussing the following
1. Are intervention groups making adequate progress with additional Tier 2/Tier 3 support?
a. Examine student progress monitoring graphs for intervention groups
i. Are most students in an intervention group making adequate progress? If majority of students in
the group are not making progress:
1. Has fidelity of implementation been examined?
2. If fidelity is good, does the intervention need to be modified?
2. Are there individual students in intervention groups not making adequate progress? If so, what changes will be
a. Examine existing data and determine if additional data is needed including: Progress monitoring data,
diagnostic data, daily lesson data, in program assessments, observational data, staff input, etc.
b. If a change is needed, consider the following:
i. Does the student need a different, more appropriately matched intervention?
ii. Does the student need a more intensive intervention with the same instructional focus?
iii. Can you modify the current intervention to accommodate the student? Consider adjusting group
size, amount of intervention time, frequency of intervention, or other available variables
3. If a student is making better than adequate progress (based on data decision rules), can the intervention be deintensified or discontinued?
a. If de-intensifying an intervention, determine which alterable variable to adjust
b. If discontinuing an intervention, create a progress monitoring plan to determine ongoing need
Who are the students with one (1) or more Office Discipline Referrals in the past month? Review progress
monitoring data and adjust interventions as necessary.
Who are the students with needs for counseling services or who have been making frequent health room visits
in the past month?
Any other children about which teachers are concerned?
Assign the designing and implementation of the appropriate behavior intervention with appropriate
Who are the students with five (4) or more tardies and/or absences in the past month? Review Progress
Monitoring data and implement interventions as needed.
Assign the design and implementation of the appropriate attendance intervention with appropriate
EBIS Group Intervention and Planning Form
Grade Level: ______________________________________ Date:_____________________ Team: ________________________________
Reading (list students by intervention group)
Student List
Progress Data Notes
Progress Data Notes
Progress Data Notes
Progress Data Notes
Math (list students by intervention groups)
Student List
Writing (list students in intervention)
Student List
Behavior (list student in intervention)
Student List
Options for Change in Intervention
Options for Students
 Increase motivation
o Add incentives
o Change incentives
o Adjust behavior plan
o Increase success level
o Vary schedule of easy/hard tasks/skills
Options for Instruction (Practices)
 Skill grouping – Differentiated instruction
 Increase pace of instruction
 Increase opportunities to respond
 Employ standard cueing correction procedures
 Increase engagement
o Number of responses per session
o Teach, review and post standards of
 Pre-teach con concepts outside the group
 Build/activate prior knowledge
 Increase regular attendance
Options for Instruction (Logistics)
 Ensure student skill level matches instruction
o Skill grouping
o Differentiated instruction
 Increase types of cueing approaches
o Visual
o Auditory
o Tactile
Options for Curriculum/Program
 Preteach components of the core program
 Check fidelity of implementation of program
o Provide additional training
o Add a coaching component
 Reduce size of instructional group
 Add additional instructional time
o Double dosing
o Different materials
 Change instructor
 Change seating within group
 Provide instruction in small units throughout the
 Change physical environment
 Use extensions of the core program
 Move to a more structured intervention program
 Change the core program
Under district decision rules, a substantial change is
identified as one of the following:
Time (increased by at least 15 minutes/day)
Group size (reduced by at least 3)
Program change (should match deficit skill(s))
Increased Intensity
Frequency: number of times a day
For a student who is at high risk, one and/or all three of
these options should be done in the movement toward
SPED referral.