KS3 and KS4 Intervention Table

Whole School Intervention Table/Filling in the gaps
Date: December 2013 - On going
Academy lead: Christopher Hayward
Overview- Based on the recommendation of Jonathan Newport (Capita
Consultant) and John Dunford (PP Champion), the Pupil Premium (PP) Coordinator created a whole school intervention table for all PP students. Within
this table is every intervention that the school currently runs/ or has run for PP
students and the start and end date of each intervention. This was created so
that interventions could be evaluated and monitored. Also, it meant that all
staff could see every intervention that was taking place and adapt their
teaching accordingly.
- It has allowed staff to become more aware of PP and allow them to join
in/ recommend students for extra interventions.
- It has also allowed the PP co-ordinator to evaluate interventions and
their success.