COVL CRITERIA - Content, Organization, Vocabulary, and Language

Content (Information conveyed)
1. minimal information
2. information lacks substance (superficial)
3. inappropriate or irrelevant information or not enough information to evaluate
4. limited information; ideas present but not developed
5. lack of supporting detail or evidence
6. adequate information; some development of ideas
7. some ideas lack supporting detail or evidence
8. very complete information no more can be said, thorough, relevant, on target
Español 202 B&C Sp.2003
1. series of separate sentences with no transitions
2. disconnected ideas
3. no apparent order to the content or not enough to evaluate
4. limited order to the content
5. lacks logical sequencing of ideas
6. ineffective ordering very choppy, disjointed
7. an apparent order to the content is intended
8. somewhat choppy
9. loosely organized but main points do stand out although sequencing of ideas
not complete
10. logically and effectively ordered from introduction to conclusion; main
points and details are connected; fluent
Name: ________________
1. inadequate
2. repetitive
3. incorrect use or non-use of words studied
4. literal translations and abundance of invented words
5. erroneous word use or choice leads to confused or obscured meaning
6. some literal translations and invented words
7. limited use of words studied adequate but not impressive
8. some erroneous word usage or choice, but meaning is not confused or obscured
9. some use of words studied
10. broad impressive, precise and effective word use/choice
11. extensive use of words studied
1. abundance of errors of presented grammar, frequent errors in subject/verb agreement, non-Spanish sentence
2. erroneous use of language makes the work mostly incomprehensible
3. no evidence of having edited the work for language or not enough to
4. frequent errors in the use and form of the grammar presented
5. some errors in subject/verb agreement
6. some errors in adjective/noun agreement
7. erroneous use of language often impeded comprehensibility
8. work was poorly edited for language
9. occasional errors in use and form of the grammar presented
10. occasional errors in subject/verb or adjective/noun agreement
11. erroneous use of language does not impede comprehensibility
12. some editing for language evident but not complete
13. no errors in the grammar in lesson
14. very few errors in subject/verb or noun/adjective agreement
15. work was well edited for language
además - besides, in addition to
pero - but
al contrario - to the contrary
por ejemplo - for example
después - after [that]
por eso - therefore
en primer lugar - in the first
por fin - finally
por lo general - in general
entonces - then
por lo tanto - consequently
finalmente - finally
por otra parte - on the other hand
luego - then, later
por otro lado - on the other hand
mientras - while
por supuesto - of course
por una parte - on one hand
primero - first
segundo - second
sin embargo - however
también - also, too
tercero - third
todavía - still
ya - already