14th Annual National Miniature Exhibition



14th Annual National Miniature Exhibition

The Renaissance Art Gallery , a non-profit artist cooperative in Huntington, West Virginia, is pleased to announce plans for its 14th Annual National Miniature Exhibition, November 1-December 7, 2014.

Number Of Works : Each submission will consist of

1 to 3 works. Multiple submissions are allowed, but each batch of three will require an additional entry fee.

Eligibility : The exhibition is open to all adult residents of North America only and are18 years or older.

Work: Original works in any traditional media, prints from original plates, or sculptures will be accepted, provided they have not been exhibited at any previous Renaissance Art Gallery show.

Photography or reproductions are not accepted .

Artwork must be the original and cannot be copied from work copyrighted by another artist. No derivative works can be submitted !

Size : Two-dimensional work image area no larger then 25 sq. inches (156 sq cm.) or 5x5” (12.7 x 12.7 cm) any shape will be acceptable as long as it does not exceed 25 sq inches. All work is to be measured in inches. Outside dimensions of frames are not to be larger then 56 sq inches (360 sq. cm) or 7”x8”.

Three-dimensional work is limited to 8 inches

(20cm) in any direction, including the base or pedestal. All three-dimensional work must stand on its own or have provided support.

Framing : All work must be ready for display, using proper framing. Wood or metal frames only (no plastic). Proper framing (with wires and screw eyes) is required. Exception: one-piece molded fine-art miniature frames with metal hinging ring are acceptable. No saw-toothed hangers. Matted works should be covered with glass or Plexi-glass. Backs of framed works should be neatly covered, and any easel backs must be removed. Stretched canvas need not be covered.

Works not meeting criteria may be hung at the discretion of the hanging committee, if space allows, but will not be juried for any award.

Additional Information: This prospectus can be copied for sharing with any interested individuals.

Questions should be directed to the gallery either by phone: 304-525-3235 during gallery hours or by email gallerywv@yahoo.com

for more information, see the Renaissance Art Gallery’s website at www.orgsites.com/wv/renaissance

Deadlines and Dates : Artwork(s), entry forms and fee must be included with each entry. Handdelivered work will be received by the gallery

October 17, 18, and 19, 2014 during normal gallery hours, 12:00-4:00 pm. Fri & Sat and 1:00-4:00 pm

Sunday. Shipped work should be postmarked no later than October 15, 2014. Return shipping must accompany artwork.

Opening reception will be Sunday November 2,

2014. 2-4 pm At the Renaissance Art Gallery.

Exhibition will run through December 7, 2014. Pick up for work will be December 12, 13 & 14, during gallery hours 12-4:00 pm Fri & Sat. and 1-4 pm

Sunday. All shipped work will be returned during this week.

Fees : (Non-Refundable) Delivered and retrieved by the artist: $20.00

(US) per submission. Shipped work: $30.00

(US) per submission. All shipped work must have return postage prepaid. Insurance is the responsibility of the artist. Make check payable to

Renaissance Art Gallery. A single submission allows for 3 works. Additional works will be considered an additional submission and will require a separate entry fee.

Shipped Artwork : Entry form, check, return label and return shipping with artwork are to be sent to:

The Renaissance Art Gallery c /o Fern Christian

5481 James River Road

Huntington, WV 25704


The Renaissance Art Gallery

900 8 th Street Suite #20

Huntington, WV 25701




Packaging must include a sturdy corrugated box, and artwork must be protected with bubble wrap or rigid foam sheet. Do not use packing peanuts or work crates . Exhibition tags (provided at end of prospectus) should be attached to the back of framed work in the upper right corner and on the bottom of three-dimensional work. Please include a selfaddressed return label. Shipped work is to be postmarked by October 15, 2014 . Return label and return shipping must accompany artwork.

Awards and Prizes : The number of entries determines the amount of the awards. All awards will be announced at a public reception November 2.


Rights, Responsibilities and Liability : The

Renaissance Gallery retains the right to determine the suitability of work submitted for exhibition.

All reasonable care will be exercised in handling the submitted artwork. The Renaissance Gallery will not be responsible for loss or damage to any submitted artwork. Sending artwork to this exhibit implies the sender agrees with the conditions set forth herein.

Submission of entry implies:

Submitted work is completely original and does not infringe on any copyright.

Derivative works based on published photographs are not acceptable. Artist assumes all responsibility for originality of work. No photography will be accepted into this show.

Permission is given to The Renaissance

Gallery to reproduce work for future publicity.

Work is consigned for the duration of the exhibit unless a special arrangement is made prior to the exhibit.

The artist commits to donate 20% of each sale to The Renaissance Gallery, all donations being tax deductible.

Work left over 60 days will be considered a donation to the Renaissance Art Gallery to be handled at the gallery’s discretion.

14th Annual National Miniature Exhibition

Name _____________________________________________(






Zip/ Postal Code___________________ Country__________________________

Telephone (_____)______________e-mail _______________________________


[Titles not to exceed 35 characters including spaces.] Top row remains on form, Cut and attach bottom tags to artwork

Submission A




Affix to back of artwork


Title (A)



Submission B





Affix to back of artwork

Title (B)



Submission C




Affix to back of artwork





The Renaissance Art Gallery

900 8 th Street Suite #20

Huntington, WV 25701

