U2274 2007 Fall 社會心理學 社會學系 二年級 必修 上學期 三學分 星期三 2:10-5pm 社 1F02 教室 楊榮宗 社 6F13 Subject: emotion, emotional labor, cheer, emotional management Reading: Berns, N. 2005 Shaping the selves of young salespeople through emotion management. Journal of contemporary ethnography 34(6): 679-706. Kotchemidova, C. 2005 From good cheer to ‘drive-by smiling’: a social history of cheerfulness. Journal of social history 39(1): 4-37. Greer, K. 2002 Walking an emotional tightrope: managing emotions in a women’s prison. Symbolic interaction 25(1): 117-139. Mears, A. 2005 Not just a paper doll: how models manage bodily capital and why they perform emotional labor. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 34(3): 317-343. Grading: mid term exam. 50% final exam. 50%