HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Agenda Item No. HIGHWAYS AND WASTE MANAGEMENT CABINET PANEL THURSDAY, 18 SEPTEMBER 2014 AT 2.00PM 7 EAST WEST RAIL IN HERTFORDSHIRE Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment Author: Liz Drake,Strategic Rail Officer(Tel: 01992 588637) Executive Member: Terry Douris, Highways & Waste Management 1. Purpose of report 1.1 To provide an update for the Panel on the development of the central section of East West Rail (EWR) between Bedford and Cambridge. 1.2 To seek the Panels’ endorsement to a proposal to engage with County Councillors, district councils and the Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to establish whether there is support for a link between Bedford and Cambridge passing through Hertfordshire, with a view to bringing responses back to Panel to form an agreed Hertfordshire County Council position. 2. Summary 2.1 The East West Rail Consortium is a group of local authorities and other interested parties that has for many years worked together to achieve rail links between Oxford and Cambridge. The section west of Bedford is to be implemented in Network Rail Control Period 5 ( CP5 2014 – 2019) but the more challenging Central section, to the east of Bedford linking the Midland and East Coast main lines, is still at an early stage. 2.2 Development of the Central section has started to move relatively quickly after a period of years when progress was slow and challenging. Further to the recent completion of a study to identify the key links (conditional outputs) in the area, momentum is building to progress the Central section from Bedford to Cambridge. 2.3 A preferred route has not yet been identified but several options have been developed in the past that included routes through Hertfordshire. 2.4 Progression of the East West Rail link eastwards to Cambridge would support the objectives of the Council’s Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP 3), the existing Rail Strategy and Hertfordshire’s Sustainable Community Strategy and could create a valuable link between Luton and 1 Stevenage. However there could be potential environmental impacts and possible effects on existing rail services, depending on where the route is located. 3 Recommendation 3.1 That the Panel notes the update on the development of the central section of the East West Rail link between Bedford and Cambridge and endorses the proposal that the County Council seeks the views of elected members of the County Council , district and borough councils and the Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partneship to inform future County Council input into the development process. 4 Background 4.1. The Departement for Transport (DfT) has earmarked CP5 funding for Network Rail to develop the case for a central section route. This work started with a Network Rail facilitated workshop for stakeholders, including the County Council, on the 22nd August where potential route options were discussed. Options identified will undergo further analysis by Network Rail and it is expected that a preferred route and service pattern will be identified by early 2015. 4.2. The aim is to include the case for a scheme to Government in 2015/16 to secure the inclusion of the scheme, subject to funding availability, in the 2019-2024 (CP6) investment plans for the rail industry. 4.3. It has been made clear by stakeholders that a robust case is fully developed and that scheme development processes should not be circumvented in order to achieve short deadlines. 4.4. The current adopted 2011 County Council Rail Strategy, a daughter document to LTP 3, supports an EWR central section link in principle and a paper on the routing of EWR was presented to Panel in March 2009, where it was established that: ‘The County Council supported the principle of a link between the East Coast and Midland main lines and with it the wider connections on the Oxford to Cambridge corridor.’ 4.5. 4.6. Of the routes tabled in 2009, the one preferred by the County Council was ‘Option 1c’, proposed between Bedford and Cambridge via Luton, Stevenage and Hitchin, which would include the construction of a new railway (see maps in Appendix 1 for route options considered). At this point in time it is not clear if the current work would result in the same route or a newly identified route being developed. In order to ensure Hertfordshire’s interests are fully taken into consideration in current work by Network Rail it would therefore be timely to revisit the County Council’s 2009 position on a central section 2 link for EWR and if such a link should pass through the County (see attached map for the area where a route could go). 4.7. It is therefore proposed that County Councillors, districts and the Hertfordshire LEP are consulted by the County Council for their views to inform a future Panel and to establish an agreed County Council position on a EWR central link. 4.8. This consultation would in the first instance look to establish if there is support for the route to come into Hertfordshire. Subject to route options being identified by Network Rail (and agreement locally that the line should go through the County), views would then be sought on a preferred alignment. 5. Financial implications 5.1 The County Council resumed its membership of the EWR Consortium in 2013, with an annual subscription of £3000. There are currently no further expected financial implications. However local authority stakeholders for the western section of EWR between Oxford and Bedford have provided substantial funds, £45 million in total, to support the realisation of the scheme. 3 Appendix 1 East West Rail Central Section 2009 Options Option 1A Option 1B 4 Option 1C Option 2A 5 Option 2B 6