WHERE IN THE WORLD? MYSTERY COUNTRY PRESENTATION LINEAR MODEL For Building Bridges with Technology Project Boise State University, April 2002 Submitted by Jeri Kleppin Weiser Middle School, Weiser, Idaho Lesson Number 2 Social Studies: 7-8th grade Adaptable for other grades, across the curriculum Curriculum Objectives addressed: 1. Working in small groups of varying interests and/or computer skills 2. Collecting data for presentation 3. Understanding the spatial organizations of peoples, places, and environments. 4. Understanding the human and physical characteristics of places and regions. Technology Objectives addressed: 1. Using the internet for information and graphics 2. Observing and creating PowerPoint presentations 3. Activity Description Students were presented with a challenge to work in a small group to create a 7-slide PowerPoint presentation about a country of the Eastern Hemisphere, our course of study for the year. This challenge and the expectations were outlined in a PowerPoint presentation to them along with a student sample of such a product. Small groups were assembled based upon a simple Interest Inventory each student completed. Each group contained divergent personalities, learning styles, interests, and approaches to tasks. Each group contained an “expert” on PowerPoint. These individuals were trained on this presentation software by myself and a student skilled in PowerPoint in two 45 minute sessions in the computer lab. Each group assembled and followed directions for the group project on a teacher-produced handout. They chose the country they wanted to present, obtained teacher permission, and assigned individual tasks within the group. These groups reassembled at the beginning of each project day to share information, cross-reference tasks, and decide where to go from where they were with a deadline in mind. Monitoring Student Progress Teacher observation and student group checklists. Template Student viewed the original student sample, one created by myself, and others’ work-in-progress at various times. Time dedicated to the Project Teacher time involved included training sessions, class time, and lesson preparation totaling 15 hours. Five class periods of 45 minutes each were used. These were not successive class periods. Final product presentation Student groups set up their presentations on classroom computers. All groups then gathered at individual monitors to observe their classmates work. As they did this they completed evaluation forms. All presentations were also shared via the multimedia on a large screen in class. Audience These presentations will be used by my students, as well as other social studies students at Weiser Middle School. They will be utilized this year for end-of-the-year review for a final exam. They could be used in future years as introductions and reviews for individual units of study and/or end of the year study as well.