ICSP404 Regional Studies: Latin America / López / 2010. Latin America Questionnaire Send the answers to: miguel.lopez@jyu.fi under the subject: Latin America Questionnaire. The deadline is March 12, 2010. 1) Traslate into English: Are utzijoxik wa‘e k‘a katz‘ininoq, k‘a kachamamoq, katz‘inonik, k‘a kasilanik, k‘a kalolinik, katolona puch upa kaj 2) From where is the text you just translated? What is Chilam Balam? 3) What is the legend of ”La Llorona” about? 4) What do the works by the Mexicans David Alfaro Siqueiros, José Clemente Orozco and Jorge González Camarena have in common? 5) Who wrote: “Cuando despertó, el dinosaurio todavía estaba allí.” ("When [s]he awoke, the dinosaur was still there.")? And, why is this so famous? 6) Have a look at this incredible (crazy!) list of skin colours (http://www.zonalatina.com/Zldata55.htm). I think I am a 27. And you? 7) Go to: http://ourlatinamerica.blogspot.com. What is written about the Falklands? What are the headlines of Feb. 17, 2010? 8) Who was Andrés Bello? 9) Go to: http://www.mapsack.com/theme/coral_reef. According to this list, which are the top 2 coral reefs in Latin America? 10) Which Latin American countries are in the top 10 banana exporters? 11) What is “bitter water”? What is the etymology of “avocado” and “guacamole”? 12) Read page 24 of this document: http://www.finnwatch.org/pdf/costarica.pdf Tell me in a few words what it is about. 13) After the members of the Sulzberger family, who is the biggest shareholder of the New York Times Company? 14) What is the violent period that began with the death of Jorge E. Gaitán? 15) On January 25, 1999 an earthquake killed many people in a Colombian city. What is the name of the city and what is its situation nowadays? 16) Look in the Wikipedia for the Helms-Burton Act. What was the reaction of the EU, Mexico and Canada? 17) Visit these pages: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124078829185157449.html http://www.aei.org/article/6632 http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Eduardo_Galeano/Open_Veins_Latin_Am erica.html http://reason.com/archives/2000/08/01/banana-republics-with-nuts http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/55981/kenneth-maxwell/guide-to-theperfect-latin-american-idiot And now the question...What is the name of the famous writer who is the father of one of the authors of the book that is not written by the Marxist Eduardo Galeano? Also name two work of this famous writer. 18) Here you can find that the USA supported three different Somozas as dictator of Nicaragua: http://faculty.chass.ncsu.edu/griffin/ps543/Timeline%20of%20USLatin%20American%20Relations%20since%201823.htm What is the name of these Somozas? 19) Who was the last president of the political party COPEI? 20) What is the name of the famous leader of the most important Maoist guerrilla of Latin America? 21) Who founded the APRA? Why does APRA have a relevance beyond its national borders? 22) Who were the “descamisados”? Who was the idol of these “descamisados”? 23) Look at this list: http://www.dictatorofthemonth.com/English/English_welcome.htm What is the name of the Latin American dictator that helped many Nazi criminals? What was the work that the father of this dictator did in his home country? 24) Copy-paste this: “Bains, Alexander; Babel, Leo; Brooking, William”. What is the name of the place where these fellows rest? 25) There are an estimated 60 billion barrels of oil in an archipelago situated in the South Atlantic Ocean. What is the name of the capital of this archipelago? What happened there in 1982? 26) Why was Chico Mendes assassinated? 27) Read on the Internet about Joaquín José da Silva Xavier. What is the meaning of his nickname? 28) Read: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/16/world/16chinaloan.html What is the opinion of the economist Dante Sica? 29) Read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_Latin_American What is the name of the Japanese Peruvian who was President of his country? Who is Keiko? 30) What is the name of the tango that people listen the day that was the most famous tango singer was put to rest in La Chacarita? 31) If you did not know... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yo_soy_Betty,_la_fea Betty is Betty in Colombia or in the United States but, what about in India, Serbia, Belgium, Greece and Germany? Another question: What is the relation between Dove (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dove_(brand)) and Betty (Wudi) in China? 32) In your opinion, what are the top 3 cities to live in Latin America? 33) In Ushuaia, you can take a tourist train. What the name of this train in Spanish and in English? Why? 34) What is the relation between Fitzcarraldo, Enrico Caruso and Manaus? 35) What is the name of the Brazilian music group that played with Paul Simon in New York’s Central Park about 20 years ago? Look in YouTube for a video of the group. What kind of music do they play? 36) What can you buy in a market in Tarabuco that looks like the helmets worn by the Spanish conquistadores? 37) Write a typical recipe for cuy (guinea pigs). Read this: http://cavyhistory.tripod.com/ 38) In question 31 we named Betty, the ugly. Where can we find Remedios, the beauty? Which of these three senses would you relate to Remedios: hearing, smell or taste? Why? 39) Name the two most famous soccer teams from Argentina. Why do they have English names? Now watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiYYSradplU&feature=related Who scored the second goal? 40) Read this article about the Amazon: http://www.i-sis.org.uk/LOG6.php Please, send me some others links about this matter. What do you think about it?